
ARC Review: IOU Sex by Calista Fox

It's been a year since Fiona came home and caught her fiancé in bed with her younger sister. At the time a broken and distraught Fiona turned to her friend Michael for a shoulder to cry on. That shoulder quickly turned into something more. After three weeks of amazing sex, Fiona decides to end things and be just "friends" with Michael. She's afraid of being hurt again and would rather push someone away rather than face potential pain and humiliation of catching him cheating on her.

Even after the breakup Fiona and Michael continued to become closer in their friendship. When Fiona receives an invitation to her sister and ex-fiancé's engagement party she knows she only wants to take Michael. Taking Michael will prove to everyone that she is over her cheating ex and everything that happened a year ago. When Fiona asks Michael to come with her, he agrees but but only if Fiona agrees to a weekend of sex with him. Michael wants more from Fiona than just friendship and will do anything to make Fiona realize she wants the same things, even if he has to blackmail her into it.

I really enjoyed Michael and liked that he wasn't afraid to let Fiona how he felt towards her. He was ready and willing to take care of her in any way that was needed. He was very dependable. As for Fiona, she was a little annoying to me. Throughout the entire story she kept saying that she wanted to show everyone that she was over everything her ex and sister put her through but it didn't come across that way to me at all. I didn't get a sense that she was over anything. She just kept saying it over and over again as if she had to convince herself that she was. Another issue I had was the chemistry between Fiona and Michael. I didn't really feel any sparks between them and when it came to their smut scenes they seemed a little flat.

All in all, this wasn't a terrible story. I definitely kept turning the page wanting to know how everything was going to pan out between Michael and Fiona.

**This was an ARC copy provided by NetGalley**


Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

I hate to admit it, but I get really disappointed when the smutty scenes fall flat. I don't think I really believe in the relationship when that happens. I know that sounds awful. Great review.

RFTC Blog said...

Thanks for commenting! Yeah, I hate when there is no chemistry or the smut falls flat. I read erotica so I get good smut scenes. Why else would I read it?

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