
ARC Review: Learning Curves by Elyse Mady

I honestly don't know how I finished this book or even why. This book had me so frustrated that I put it down a numerous amount of times. I kept picking it up hoping that it would get better. Sadly, I was wrong. This book was just all over the place. I also had a lot of trouble connecting to the characters.

The character Leanne was just all over the place. When we are first introduced to her she seems very timid and worries about hurting others feelings and she also has a very low self esteem. She has been told consistently by her mother that she needs to me more like her mother's Goddaughter Gillian who is actually a vapid whore. When Leanne meets Brandon, she is very timid at first but somehow after only a few minutes she becomes this brazen vixen. Then, after their sexual encounter she goes back to being timid again. It was like this throughout the book. One moment she is timid and innocent and the next a cursing sexually aggressive woman. It was very annoying.

As for Brandon's character I felt like I couldn't get a good read on him either. In the beginning of the book he is very much aware of his sexual persona and is very self-assured male. Then later on, he just seems to fizzle out. I felt he became a slight pushover and was only concerned about Leanne needs and not his own.

Also, some of the plot in this book just seemed a bit contrived and not very realistic. Don't even get me started on the ending. It just felt so fake with everything being wrapped up with a bow. It felt so unrealistic and fake. It just left me with a sour taste in my mouth.

**This was an ARC copy provided by NetGalley**


Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

Thanks for the honest review! The characters don't sound like my cup of tea. Plus the inconsistencies would drive me mad.

RFTC Blog said...

Thanks for taking the time to read my review. Yeah, I kept hoping it would get better because I thought it was an interesting premise.

Unknown said...

This is a well written, honest review.

PS Stop over at my blog and say hi.

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