
Review: Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning

Oh my smutty goodness did I love this book. It was super hot and had a great love story. This book was more than just some great smut scenes. It had a great love story and greatly developed characters.Myrna Evans is a woman who knows what she wants and a boyfriend is definitely not it. She likes to take care of herself without having to depend on others and is focused on her career as a Professor of Human Sexuallity. She isn't looking to settle down with anyone, she just wants to experience some great casual sex.

Brian "Master" Sinclair is a guitar god who everyone knows is a one woman guy who just happens to wear his heart on his sleeve. He just wants to find someone to love him as Brian and not "Master Sinclair" and who will be faithful. He's had his heart broken many times in the past and is tired of faithless women.

While Myrna is at a conference looking for a distaraction from the boredom she stumbles across a drunken Brian trying to make his way back to his bandmates who are busy getting drunk at the hotel bar. Myrna, who happens to be a big fan of the band Sinners decides that this is her chance to meet her favorite band helps Brian get to the table. Brian is instantly attracted to Myrna, but is getting over a bad breakup and is completely wasted when he is introduced to her. Myrna is also attracted to Brian and wants to get to know him better. The only problem for her is that she has a rule about sleeping with men she's just met. So she just spends the night taking care of a drunken Brian. The next morning neither can hold off their mutual attraction anymore and they sleep together. All of sudden while they are having sex Brian has an amazing guitar riff pop into his head and not wanting to lose it decides to write it down. The only problem is he nor Myrna can find any paper anywhere. Not wanting to lose the amazing riff Brian uses Myrna's body as a score sheet. This continues to happen all weekend everytime they have sex. Brian, who hasn't been able to write anything in months is suddenly coming up with amazing riffs and it's all because of Myrna. After spending an incredieble two days with Brian, Myrna leaves and goes back to her ordinary life and Brian continues to tour with his band.

A month later after being miserable from not talking or seeing eachother, Brian convinces Myrna to fly out and spend the weekend with him. Myrna is a little hesitant at first because she just wants a fling but she cannot forget about the amazing few days they had spent together a month before. Plus, they have amazing sex together. While watching the Sinners perform Myrna starts talking to some of the fan who claim to be in love with some of the band members. Myrna just can't get over how someone could love someone that they have never met. Deciding that it would make an interesting case study Myrna begins studying the fan of the Sinners. This allows her to remain with the band and go on tour with them. Thus making both her and Brian happy.

When Brian and Myrna are together they are in a world of their own. They just can't keep their hands off of eachother and are constantly going at it. Brian has some seriously strong feelings for Myrna but because she doesn't want anything serious spends most of the time trying to keep them in check and not let her know. He's afraid if he's real with her it will push her away. Myrna is still recovering from a previously disasterous marriage. Because of this she doesn't want anything serious with Brian. She get's frustrated anytime Brian  shows his feelings towards her. Everytime she begins to think she may have some feelings for Brian she pushes them away.

I think Olivia Cunning created a great story and I was rooting for Brian and Myrna the whole time. I think it was great to see Myrna overcome her past and be able to love Brian. Brian is a great hero and I too fell in love with him. He's just a big teddybear that wants the love of a great woman. I also loved meeting all of the bandmates. They are all hilarious and I found myself laughing out loud quite a few times. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book. I love this band and can't wait for more. Plus, the smut scenes in this book were great.



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