
Authors After Dark

So in four days the BF and I are getting in a car and making the 16 hour drive to Philadelphia for the Authors After Dark conference. I can't even begin to tell you how very excited I am. I started the weekend off a little on the down side since a bunch of my Twitter pals were off to RomCon in Denver. But now that I see how much fun they are having it has just gotten me that much more excited for AAD. AAD will be the first conference that I've ever been to and I'm a little nervous to finally meet some of the people that I've been talking to online for a year now. I know that I'm going to have a ball, I just need to open up and not be so reserved with everyone.

Another thing I'm looking forward to is all the goodies and swag we are going to get. I hear the amount they give out to the attendees is insane. So yay! Who doesn't love free swag? I'm hoping to get a lot so I can give some out here on the blog.

Well I hope the City of Brotherly Love is ready for us all because AAD is going to be a blast. I hope if any of you guys are going you let me know so we can meet up.


Lola X said...

Great Blog! Love it!!!

Lola x

Grace Fonseca said...

I'm going to AAD as well, but I will not arrive till Thursday Morning. So it's going to be a blast. also an old follower.

RFTC Blog said...

@Lola X-Thanks so much!

@Grace-Well I hope we meet up at some point because AAD is so going to rock!

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