
Contest of Epic Proportions

So today I was checking out author Ashley March's website when I came across this amazing contest that she is putting together along with fellow authors Shana Galen, Lila DiPasqua, Vanessa Kelly, and Heather Snow. I mean this contest is EPIC. Epic I tell you. When each of these authors hit a certain amount of likes on their Facebook page they will each be giving away signed books. Now here's the best part. It's not just one signed book that they are giving out, it will be the author's ENTIRE backlist of novels. All signed by the specific author. Feel free to squee now. Here are the authors of the books they will be giving away.

See, I told you it was epic. I would love to have just one book signed by those authors, but their entire backlist, sweet! Each one of these authors backlist is beyond amazing and extensive. The complete, and signed backlist are from authors:

Lisa Kleypas

Julia Quinn

Elizabeth Hoyt

Cynthia Eden

Julie Garwood

During this contest, all of the above authors will be known as "The Amazing Authors".

In order to win any of these awesome books you must follow the author whose books you would like to win and become a follower of the author who is offering the specific backlist that you want.  The only way that the books will be given out is if all of the below authors meet their specific follower total. Once the authors hit their totals they will host a giveaway on each of their Facebook pages.

Ashley March (must reach 2500 total “Likes” in order to give away Lisa Kleypas backlist)

Shana Galen (must reach 2000 total “Likes” in order to give away Julia Quinn backlist)

Lila DiPasqua (must reach 3500 total “Likes” in order to give away Elizabeth Hoyt backlist)

Vanessa Kelly (must reach 2000 total “Likes” in order to give away Cynthia Eden backlist)

Heather Snow (must reach 2500 total “Likes” in order to give away Julie Garwood backlist)

So what are you waiting for? Go and "Like" these authors and tell everyone you know to "Like" them. You won't be sorry. They all are awesome and their books are amazing! =)


Kate Maxwell said...

Thanks for letting us know about this Amazing Offer! They all got one new Like on their page! :)

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