
150 Follower Giveaway

I am so beyond thankful to have reached 150 followers. As a thank you I'd like to have a giveaway to show my appreciation for everyone. Up for grabs are:

Beyond the Night by Joss Ware (paperback)
My Dangerous Pleasure by Carolyn Jewel (paperback)
Warrior by Zoe Archer (paperback)
2 AAD Swag Bags

This giveaway will run from Sept.04 12:01AM - Sept.10 12:01AM
Open to USA residents only
Must be a Follower
Must leave a comment with an email address
Don't forget to add what prize you would like to win-can be as many that you want
Winners will be emailed within 48 hours

5 Winners-
First Winner-1st item of choice from the lot
Second Winner-Gets to choose from what is left
Third Winner-Gets to choose from what is left
Fourth Winner-Gets to choose from what is left
Fifth Winner-Gets last remaining item


Kati said...

Woot! Congrats!!

kissablysweet1 said...

I'd like to win My Dangerous Pleasure by Carolyn Jewel...or an AAD Swag Bag.

Macladie25 AT Yahoo DOT com

Barbara E. said...

Congrats! I won't be entering because I have all the books listed, but wanted to extend my congratulations on reaching 150 (now 169) followers.

Romancing the Book said...

Congrats on the follower milestone. I know you'll soon be celebrating many more.

Any of the prizes sound awesome, but I'm totally drawn to Warrior by Zoe Archer.

admin.bookblog AT

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 150 followers!! And awesome giveaway! I'd love to read My Dangerous Pleasure.


Johanna R Jochum said...

Awesome! Congrats on your 150 followers! I have not had a chance to read any of these authors so it would be cool to win so I could try em out! Thanks for sharing!!!!


Megan said...

I would love to win any of the prizes! Thank you and congratulations on 150 + followers.

megonski216 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Temara said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!! Congratulations on the 150+ followers. I'd love to read Beyond the Night by. Joss Ware

Book Savvy Babe said...

Congrats on hitting 150 followers! I am a new follower, looking forward to seeing your blog more! Book Savvy Babe

GzNKz4evr said...

I would be happy with any of the prizes. I do not have any of them yet.

New Follower
GFC: GzNKz4evr

Thanks for the giveaway!

Maureen said...

Congratulations on 150! I would love to win Warrior by Zoe Archer.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com

Emily Tardy said...

I would love any of the prises, congrats on the milestone!

Carol L. said...

Congrats on your followers. :)
I'd love My Guilty Pleasures as my first choice and then Warrior by Zoe Archer as a second. Thanks for the opportunity.GFC follower under Lucky47
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Anna @ Literary Exploration said...

Congrats! Awesome giveaway, I'd like to win them all!!

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