
Jennifer Estep Giveaway

So I came to the conclusion that I had to be honest with myself and stop hoarding books that I'm not going to read. Believe me, I would love to read both of these books but with all of the other books that I've had sitting around and now all of the review books I have, I know I won't be able to get to these books for quite awhile. So I figured I'd have a giveaway. So here's what's up for grabs:

Touch of Frost *signed by author*
Spider's Revenge *ARC copy*

So make sure to fill out the Rafflecopter form

Good Luck! =)


Anna @ Literary Exploration said...

I REALLY want Touch of Frost! Awesome giveaway!!

Frances said...

Awesome giveaway - these book are epic!

Book Crook Liza said...

Both of these books look great! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

engelsigh said...

Great giveaway! I have been dying to read A Touch of Frost, since I read the short story ebook leading up the series.

Barbara E. said...

I'd love to win a copy of Spider's Revenge, I'm dying to find out what happens to Gin next. I have Touch of Frost, so please don't enter me for that awesome book.

Sebella Blue said...

This is a great idea and generous as well. Thank you for the giveaway.

Penny said...

Great giveaway! Love this series! Thanks!

Ceridwen83 said...

Very nice of you to giveaway these great books. Thank you so much for the opportunity! said...

So excited about these giveaways, they look incredible.

Steph from said...

If I were to win I would only need the Spyder's Revenge as I have Touch of Frost, so you could draw another name. <a href="”)> Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust</a>

Vanessa N. said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Both boks look cool.

Amanda said...

I would love to win these books!! I love Jennifer Estep. A signed copy and an ARC seems almost too good to be true... :)


PoisonRose79 said...

Great giveaway, I have her on my TBR pile, but haven't had a chance yet. Great looking blog too!


athlios said...

I love Jennifer Estep's books. I've read all of her Elemental Assassin books and am really looking forward to Spider's Revenge.

The Romanceaholic said...

Great giveaway! I love Jennifer Estep and am foaming at the mouth for the ARC XD

kristina shields said...

GREAT giveaway! i have been wanting to read this book for forever!

Kara said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

Amanda said...

I LOVE Jennifer Estep so I would be soo excited to win these books. Thanks for sharing. :)


kissablysweet1 said...

Both books would be great to read! They sound really good! Thanks for the giveaway, even though it's not easy..*smile*

macladie25 at Yahoo dot com

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