
ARC Review: Amber's Muse by Lacey Wolfe

Amber is a quiet librarian with a secret, she is working on an erotic novel that she hopes to get published. Her only problem is that she's not exactly thriving in the sex department. She's had boyfriends in the past, but not that wowed her. Because of this, she is struggling with some of her sex scenes in her book. She decides that maybe she could use some help and the only person that comes to mind is her extremely annoying, yet sexy neighbor Jax.

Jax has been harboring a crush on Amber for over a year now and is slowly making his move. His attempts at flirting consist of him turning up at the library at closing time to use the computers and then to chat with Amber while helping her close. He isn't completely sure on Amber's feelings, but he's almost positive she has been also checking him out. Imagine Jax' surprise when Amber propositions him and asks for his help with "research" for her book.

Immediately both Jax and Amber sense a strong bond with one another and are starting to realize that their hookups are starting to feel like so much more. But Amber isn't sure she can be in a relationship with someone who is as laid back as Jax. She wants someone that is responsible and career driven like she is.

I really liked this book. Though it was a short story there didn't feel like anything was missing and the story didn't feel rushed. I will admit that I had some issues with liking Amber and her reasoning for pushing Jax away. I just didn't think her reasoning was all that valid. All in all, I did enjoy this story and I really enjoyed watching Jax and Amber interacting with each other.

**ARC copy provided by Sizzling PR Blog Tours**



Lover Of Romance said...

Great Review!! I really love the sound of this one!! I will have to put it on my piling TBR!!! Thanks For Sharing!

RFTC Blog said...

@Lover-It is definitely worth a pick up. I really liked Jax!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the review! I really like Jax too. :)

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