
Behind the Blogger: Ash from Smash Attack Reads!

Welcome to Behind the Blogger. Behind the Blogger is a feature where I interview and get to know fellow bloggers from different blogs in the blogosphere.

This weeks guest is Ash from Smash Attack Reads! Please give Ash a warm welcome.

1. Why did you become a blogger?
I’ve been blogging a for a very long time. However, book blogging only became part of my life in July 2010. My very good friend, Brooke of Brooke Reviews, started reviewing books about 4 years ago, and she would pass on (and still does) endless amounts of awesome books to read. I’ve always been a reader, but once the whole book blogging thing became a possibility, reading became WAY more important…

2. Can you tell me a little bit about your blog?
You will mainly find paranormal romance, urban fantasy, and YA paranormal/fantasy reviews on my blog, along with a sprinkling of historical romance and horror. Since I’m a one man show and have a very time consuming job, I can only get two reviews up a week, if I’m lucky. I participate in book-related memes, as well as a music-related one, since music is awesome, too!

3. What is your favorite book(s)? Why?
My ultimate favorite book would be Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. It’s a Gothic horror/fantasy that takes place in “London Below.” I think the setting and the villains are what stand out most to me. And it started out as a miniseries by Gaiman in the 80s, and he translated it to a book. It’s a pretty cool read!

4. Is there a scene from a book that just stands out to you? What is it?
Just one??? I will pick the first one that came to mind, which just happens to be the end scene of Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. It was damn near perfect and one of the most poignant endings to any book I’ve come across.

5. Who are some of your go-to authors?

6. What are some of your favorite genres? 
Dystopian and zombie fiction are two of my recent favs, so I’ve been devouring those genres when I can. But I will always love my paranormal/fantasy genres because I need an escape from the harsh reality I deal with daily in my line of work!

7. When reviewing, do you stick to the books that you normal like to read, or are you more open?
I am always open to trying something new, though I don’t stray often unless a book is highly recommended.

8. What are some of your favorite tropes? What about those tropes pulls you in?
I won’t lie. I had to look up that word. I am no literary mastermind and did not take any writing courses in college. However, I love irony, oxymoron's, and hyperbole's. And I don’t know of this counts, but the quickest way to hook me is to bring the snark!

9. What was the last book that blew your mind?
I am LOVING Thea Harrison’s Elder Races series. I really think she is a breath of fresh air in the paranormal romance genre, and I ADORE Tricks!

10. Do you have any advice for other aspiring bloggers?
1) Windows Live Writer is your Savior. 2) Don’t let the blog become a chore! I put review requests on hold (and I’m thinking of not accepting any in 2012) because I’ve accumulated over 300 books that I want to read for ME, and I never have the time. 3) Be professional and honest in your reviews. Always. 4) HAVE FUN!

11. When you aren't blogging, what do you like to do in your spare time? 
I wish I would find the time to scrapbook more, but that has definitely taken a back seat to the blog. I will pick it up again soon, I hope! My job as a child therapist keeps me VERY busy. I work in the field (homes/schools) so that means lots of driving. In Miami, that equates to NO. FUN. However, I love working with kids, especially adolescents. It is never dull. But social work jobs come with tons of paperwork (IE. C Y A), which is time consuming. Other than that, I love snuggling with my overworked student doctor hubby and our 3 furbabies, watching our constantly full DVR or reading. Oh, and I go to author events with my local awesomesauce book blogger buds when I can!


Unknown said...

I understand what you mean about trying to keep up with other hobbies and blogging. Blogging does seem to take over. It was nice getting to know you better!

Happy Reading,
Bona Fide Reflections

DaVinciKittie said...

Same here! Blogging is so time-consuming when you put a lot into it, but OH so worth it! Nice getting to know you! =)

Jennifer Lane said...

Um, I had to look up the word "trope" as well! Learn something everyday. I enjoyed reading the interview, ladies, and hearing about Ash's favorite book!

RFTC Blog said...

I'll be honest, it took me awhile to figure out what the word meant too. I think it's a more popular term with historical romance since that is where I learned it from. LOL. =)

Felicia the Geeky Blogger said...

I *heart* Smash!

I had to look up trope too :)

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