
Follow Friday #16

Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop put together by two hosts:  Parajunkee and Alison Can Read as a way to help bloggers become aware of other blogs and bloggers. It's a great way to make new blogger friends.

Q:  If you could have dinner with your favorite book character, who would you eat with and what would you serve?

Okay, so my favorite book character is Zsadist from the BDB but I'll be honest and say I don't know if I would want to have dinner with him alone. Don't get me wrong, I lurve me some Zsadist, but I tend to be on the shy side and he tends to be on the quiet side so I think it would be one really awkward dinner with us both just sitting there eating. So I'm going to go with my second favorite character which happens to be Rhage. I think Rhage would be an awesome dinner companion. He could tell me cheesy jokes. It wouldn't be awkward at all. Now for dinner, I think we would have a little of everything. Cuz I don't know if you've read his book or not, but the man can eat and that is no exaggeration. =) 

Just follow these simple rules to join in on the fun:
  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host {Parajunkee Alison Can Read} and any one else you want to follow on the list.
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers- Reading in the Corner  & In Which Em Reviews Books...
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing on Alison Can Read or  Parajunkee's blog.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers.
Thanks for stopping by. =)


MaryAnn said...

Love those men of Black Dagger Brotherhood. Great answer :)
Old follower :)
MaryAnn @ Chapter by Chapter

Read Phoenix said...

Rhage sure can eat...not so old follower,

Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. Zhadist would be a great guest. I'd spend most of the night wanting to hug him - instinct to comfort damaged souls. I wouldn't mind having Bella there either. Keep things platonic I guess.
My Hop

Jez said...

Really? Than you'll have to order extra food or both of you will be hungry.

Have a great weekend!


Sarah said...

I do love me some Rhage (Hollywood), new follower, here's mine

Obsession with Books said...

Hi & Happy Friday!

A great answer :)

My FF -

Have a nice weekend..

Lover Of Romance said...

Just stopping by for the FF!! I just love your blog!!! I am your newest follower!! I have to say both Rhage and Zsadist are my two favorite hero's in this series. I would just love to sit with either one of them!!! Good choice!!! You can't go wrong with BDB!!

Renee@Addicted To Romance

Hope you have a great weekend!!

Unknown said...

Oh my word Rhage! Whilst I was reading the start of your answer and came to Zsadist I immediately thought I would pick Rhage or even Vishous (save for the weird fetishes)! I adore BDB! I hope Ward will never stop writing this series! I'm stopping by for Follow Friday and am your newest follower!

Sonette @ Bookworm Blog

The Book Heroine said...

New follower!! <3

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Cheers and happy weekend!

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