
ARC Review: Lead Me On by Lauren Hawkeye

I cannot express how much I am loving these Spice Briefs books by Lauren Hawkeye. Seriously, if you have about twenty minutes to kill I seriously suggest picking up one of these books. So far I've read the first three in the Erotic Me series and they are all awesome! Lead Me One, is book three and it involves a very spicy ménage between Linda, her old college flame Eric and his friend Nick. This story was so hot that I seriously needed a cold shower afterwards. Lauren just has a way of packing so much excitement and tension in all of her shorts. I love them because they leave me satisfied, but I hate them because I just wish there was so much more! I love the common wedding theme that is running through all of the stories. I think it's very creative to see the night through so many different points of view. I am really looking forward to reading Lauren's last book in the Erotic Me series Let Me In. If it's anything like the rest of the series it's going to be one yummy read. 

**ARC copy provided by Bewitching Blog Tours**



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