
Behind the Blogger: Christine from Romantic Crush Junkies

Welcome to Behind the Blogger. Behind the Blogger is a feature where I interview and get to know fellow bloggers from different blogs in the blogosphere.

This week I would like to welcome the lovely Christine from Romantic Crush Junkies, Over the Edge Reviews, Rock’n the Muses Reviews, Saucy & Sinful Reviews. Jeez, I don't know how she finds the time. =) So please give Christine a warm welcome.

Dear Reader, I am really excited and over the moon floored to be sharing about my review blog Romantic Crush Junkies Reviews along with my other review blogs. I am a writer that has the most difficult time on the questionnaire ABOUT ME part, but I will do my best, so grab a cup of joe and find a comfy chair and tuck in to learn more about me—Christine-- and my blogs.

1. Why did you become a blogger?
Great question!! Hmmm, I had been playing with the idea for four years. Checking out review sites and seeing if I had anything to offer than the same old thing I was seeing on line. What I found is that there is a load of review sites and blogs out there and I was scared out of my mind when I jumped in. When I began two and a half years ago I was clue less. Now it is the love of my life–besides my daughters and would not change a thing.

2. Can you tell me a little bit about your blog?
Sure. I actually have four review blogs.

Over the Edge Reviews
Rock’n the Muses Reviews
Romantic Crush Junkies Reviews
Saucy & Sinful Reviews

I know what your thinking and I completely agree. What in the world would posses you to have four blogs? Well, I am a glutton for punishment. No, seriously I have this little problem when it comes to books. I am a true book addict; junkie of the written word that I felt every book needed its very own place. I started with one and through the years they kept growing. Now I am on to the next big thing and on January 1, 2012 Romantic Crush Junkie’s eZine goes live with its official site. I cannot wait for readers to get a look at this beautiful site.

3. What is your favorite book(s)? Why?
That is a loaded question. That is like asking which out of my four daughters is my favorite. I know it is cliché but I really love reading. If I had to chose than Alexandria Hawkins, Cara Elliott, Gaelen Foley, Lauren Dane, Shana Galen, Sylvia Day and Lydia Dare are some of my go-to-authors at present. But there is always tomorrow with exciting and ground breaking titles and author enough to pump authors of the top ten lists.

4. Is there a scene from a book that just stands out to you? What is it?
There are so many…you really want me to choose. I cannot give you my favorite scene that stands out but the book that has me reading it for the third time is Regency historical romance author Cara Elliott’s TOO WICKED TO WED November 2011 release by Forever an imprint of Grand Central Publishing. I’m telling you readers this book is to die for read and should be on every ones to-rush to the bookstore and rip it off the shelf pile.

Here is the book blurb:

Outspoken and independent, Lady Alexa Hendrie is happiest in the quiet of the country, where she is free to run her family’s estate as she chooses. But when her brother’s recklessness forces her to London, a chance encounter with the ton’s most wicked rake—and his searing kiss—awaken a longing for adventure.

A man of many secrets, Connor Linsley, the Earl of Killingworth, uses his rakehell reputation to hide the fact that poverty has forced him to work for a living. As the owner of a gambling den and brothel, Connor has no time for glittering ballrooms or innocent young ladies. But after a daring masquerade by Alexa leads to her winning half of his business, he is forced to take a risky gamble . . .
Will the cards fall in theor favor?

Alexa and Connor begin to play a dangerous game of intrigue, deception, and desire. Consumed by a passion beyond their wildest imaginings, they must risk all they hold dear for a chance at love. But can they escape the danger that pursues them? Or will their own fiery attraction be their ultimate undoing?

If you are looking for pure romance I say go no further. =)

5. Who are some of your go-to authors?
I mentioned them earlier up above but they are so good I do not mind repeating myself. Alexandria Hawkins, Gaelen Foley, Cara Elliott, Lauren Dane, Shana Galen, Sylvia Day, Lydia Dare and oh I forgot all about Thea Harrison. I absolutely worship her Elders Race series

6. What are some of your favorite genres?
Hmmm…contemporary, historical, paranormal, mystery, suspense, young adult, erotic, fantasy, thriller, that pretty much covers it. =) As you can see I like pretty much every thing. =)

7. When reviewing, do you stick to the books that you normal like to read, or are you more open?
Since I review everything I like this is pretty easy for me. My mission as a reviewer, blogger owner of a review site is to give a well written and thoroughly engrossing review that will send readers to their book store and grab a book or two. I also never write a review that shreds a writer to bits. I believe if a writer sits at their desk day in and day out and has the merit to get it publish, than whom am I to rip it apart? My motto is you can always find something good to write about even if it is a difficult book to read.

8. What are some of your favorite tropes? What about those tropes pulls you in?
Okay, I first nice word. I actually had to look up the meaning. Duh, V8 moment here. =)

My favorite would have to be the second chance at love. I am a sucker for a second chance at anything. Give me a hero and heroine who split only to be brought back by forces beyond their control and the author will have a devoted fan for life.

9. What was the last book that blew your mind?
The last book that blew my mind was SEVEN YEARS TO SIN by Sylvia Day. I do not want to give anything away but the prose was so unique and inviting and nothing at all what I thought it would be. Plus, she had that whole second chance at love thing going on that drew me in.

10. Do you have any advice for other aspiring bloggers?
Hmmm. To al the aspiring bloggers I am taking a page from the Nike Company and say…JUST DO IT! Do not let anything stop you. If you feel like jumping on the band wagon then jump! If you feel like jumping in with both feet in and jump! In everything there will be hard times where you feel, why in the world am I putting myself through this. When that happens…Stop…and listen for a heart beat. Do not give yourself time to back out because in the end you will find your bliss. Hey just look at me. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever envision chatting with readers about my blogs, my website or my words. So jump in with both feets, arms, body and give it all you’ve got and do not give up!!

11. When you aren't blogging, what do you like to do in your spare time?
Spare time…what is that? I find that even when I have spare time from my blogs that I am writing, reading, reviewing and interviewing. I love what I do so much that it is a major part of my life. But to seem a bit normal I love to spend loads of time with my girls. Two are in college and the last two are in high school. Every one is leading different lives and schedule so it is really great when we sit down and watch a movie together. Or bake together…I am a huge baker and love this time of year because I have all these wonderful aromas pilfering through my home. Danielle I have loved visiting you and your blog. These questions ROCK and were loads of fun to answer.

Thanks so much for stopping by Christine. I seriously don't know how you do it all, and I applaud you. =)


Melanie said...

Hello Chicks!

How cool to find all this about you!
I honestly can say that I couldn't handle all of that at the same time! YOU ROCK! More power to you! It will be so much fun working with you on eZine, and I'm so happy to be there :)

Keep up the great work, Chick:)

Dani, this was such a fun interview! Thanks :)

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