
Guest Post with Author Lauren Hawkeye and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Lauren Hawkeye. Lauren in currently on tour promoting the release of Lead Me On, which by the way is awesome! You can check out my review for it here. So here's Lauren...

Thanks for having me!

I was recently asked if I have been given any good advice since I started writing. Well, I have received a lot of advice in the four years since I first picked up that pen-- some of it good, some not so much. It seems that everyone has an opinion. However, there are two comments that have stuck in my mind, each given by a great woman and a fabulous writer, people that I respect and admire greatly.

The first piece I heard from Eve Silver, who writes amazing young adult and paranormal. Her exact words were "write the book". This may seem like something obvious to any given writer, but it is a mantra that I repeat over and over to myself. If that whole book isn't written, it can't ever sit on a shelf. You can write partials, have first chapter contest wins, have a beautiful synopsis and query, and so on and so forth, BUT if that book isn't finished, how are you ever supposed to sell it?

Makes sense to me.

The second great piece of advice is one that I received from New York Times bestseller Brenda Novak. Her advice was to not be afraid of change. Don't be afraid to change agents, or publishers, or even genres if what you are doing doesn't work for you. I followed this piece of advice when my first agent and I ended our relationship, and it was scary to go from having a New York agent to being unagented. But in the end it was exactly what I had needed to do.

These two pieces of advice are gems that I hope will help all of you writers out there, and will interest readers. Writing is a scary profession, and we all need all the help that we can get-- always?

And now I have a couple of questions for you. Writers-- do have any kind of fear while writing a book? And readers-- can you tell when an author is off her game? Does it come across in the story?

Lead Me On
By Lauren Hawkeye
Publish Date November 1, 2011
ISBN: 978-1-426-88550-1

Linda doesn’t know why she agreed to attend an old friend’s wedding, or the after party where she encounters her old flame, Eric. She’s as attracted to him now as she was in college…and even more aroused when she meets his captivating friend Nate. Unlikely as it seems, Linda can’t deny the two sexy men are interested in her—and that she wants them both, too. She’s determined to follow the night through with them, wherever it may lead… Book three of Lauren Hawkeye’s Erotic Me series.

Places to purchase:

**Author Info**

Lauren Hawkeye is a writer, theatre enthusiast, knitting aficionado and animal lover who lives in the shadows of the great Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada.

She’s older than she looks—really—and younger than she feels—most of the time—and she loves to explore the journeys that take women through life in her stories.

Places to find Lauren:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter |


Two different giveaways up for grabs!

 First: One Lucky commenter will win a ePub copy of Lauren's Lead Me On. Just make sure to leave a comment and fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Second: Lauren is offering a tour wide giveaway.
One winner will be chosen in mid December after all of the tour stops have been completed.  

Up for grabs-
A Prize Basket filled with a bag of Kicking Horse Coffee, Le Chocolatier chocolates, Rocky Mountain Soap Co. items, and several other items. 

So what are you waiting for? Fill out the FORM and good luck. 


Ashlyn_Jai said...

The book sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Chrisbails said...

This book sounds great and would love to win and read this. Lauren is a new author for me, but have heard good things about this book.
I am not a writer, but am a reader. You can tell because the story will seem hurried. I love series of books, but don't like if they but more than one out a year. Unless they do a trilogy and put them out 3 months in a row. You can tell if someone is off because the story just does not have that kick in the middle that makes it fantastic. I have a couple of authors that I love to read, that sometime you can feel there stories are hurried and are not as good as previous books. But they always make it up in the next book.
Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.

June M. said...

This whole series looks great. I love the variety of the books. Thank you so much for the giveaway.

Maria D. said...

Lead Me On sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway.

As for the question for readers as to whether or not I can tell when an author is off their game...yes, I usually can tell when something has gone wrong in the authors life or in their writing of the book by the story's usually missing some of the spark of the authors usual writing

Pam said...

You know, I've only really become obsessed with reading about two years ago so I'm not sure that I've read enough ... though I've read a lot (I have a lot of catching up to do) ... so I can't say that I have been fully aware of an author being off their game. I have read quite a few series of books and found some instances where I thought part of a story could have been better though.


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