
Guest Post with Author Josee Renard and Giveaway

Hi everyone! Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Josee Renard. Josee is celebrating the release of her book For Your Love. So everyone please give Josee a warm welcome.

I’m delighted to be rambling with Danielle – and only partly because rambling is about all I’m capable of today.

I know you all have periods of time – what meteorologists call the perfect storm – when everything seems to happen at once. In the past month, I’ve written the last four stories in the Part Time Lovers serial, written a short story for a Christmas promotion, gone through the editing process on approximately seven stories – Part Time Lovers stories and a couple of others. I’ve written numerous (I can’t actually count how many) blogs. I love doing all of these things and under normal circumstances, I’d simply be grateful that I had the work and enjoy every minute of it.

Now add this in – I’m a freelance paralegal and generally work somewhere around twenty hours a week split between two law firms. Now, due to that rotten perfect storm, I’m up around 60, including full days (which feel like the equivalent of 12 hour days) teaching litigation to junior paralegals.

But having said all that, the reality is that I love my life. Because I’m easily bored, I plan my life so that each day is different, so there’s lots of variety in what I do and who I do it with. It’s sometimes complicated, it’s sometimes exhausting – but all I have to do is think back to the days when I worked nine to five and went home exhausted every night, not because the work was so hard, but because the routine was so debilitating for me.

I love the fact that I see different people and places and do different things every day. I love the fact that I’m not locked into a schedule. I love the fact that I’m busy and fulfilled. I know that my every changing schedule wouldn’t work for everyone, but it does work for me. And I’m grateful that I had to write this blog – which reminded me about why I do what I do.

So what works for you? What doesn’t work for you? Let me know what works for you and you'll be entered to win a copy of my latest Ebook: For Your Love

Mercy’s missing Rafa but the phone sex helps—at least a little—and spending extra hours at Part Time Lovers keeps her mind occupied. She enjoys browsing the posts and finding the right person for each client.

Scott hasn’t had sex since his return from Afghanistan. Gloria loves sex and Scott sounds like he knows how to treat a woman. The sex is mind-blowing but what they find is a whole lot more than they’d counted on.

Places to purchase: | Cobblestone

**Author Info**

Josée Renard writes women's fiction, magic realism, paranormal and erotica. She writes short fiction, poetry and novels. Josée blames her good friend Anna Leigh Keaton for getting her into writing erotica - she loves Anna Leigh's books and wanted to try one herself - now she can't stop. She blames her mother and her two grandmothers for her reading and writing obsession - all of them were avid readers, and they passed the books and the obsession on to her.

She also writes women's fiction as Kate Austin. You can check out her alter ego at

Places to find Josee:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Cobblestone |


As Josee stated above, she will be giving away 1 ebook copy of her book For Your Love. So make sure to answer her question and fill out the Rafflecopter form.


Unknown said...

I agree with you that doing the same thing day after day can be exhausting. That's one of the things I like about my job. Every day is something different & some days the priorities change multiple times. The one constant you can count on is change.

drainbamaged.gyzmo at

Na said...

I think having a positive attitude and choosing to not let yourself be defeated works very well. I don't want bitterness or negativity to cloud my life and that has always worked in making any day a bit brighter.

Aurian said...

I've been working the same job for 21 years now. I like my job, my collegues, my bosses not so much. But the work can sometimes be boring, and sometimes stressing, I never now before I start the day. And at home, there are always new books to discover and enjoy, and blogs to read and get ideas from. So my head keeps busy enough ;)

Sebrina said...

I get bored easy, doing the same thing day in and day out, just doesn't appeal to me. I left the finance world to raise my kids, now I feel like I'm all over the place. *laughs* But that's ok, that's just how I am.
Can't wait to read more about Part Time Lovers.

The ParaNormal Romance Party said...

Positive attitude and I try to speak with someone new! It keeps me on my toes there are so many ways to make each day a positive. I can't be doing one thing the whole time or I tend to space off. So I try to keep things fun and interesting everyday!

the book sounds really interesting thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Thats kind of a hard question for me. I guess reading, thats what works for me. It helps me get thru the days, more so the boring ones.
Thanks for the giveaway!

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