
Interview with Author Juliana Stone and Giveaway

Hi everyone! So today I'm super happy to welcome the wonderful Juliana Stone to the blog. Juliana writes super hot paranormals about all things that go bump in the night. Her Jaguar Warriors series can't be missed and you can see my review for her latest His Darkest Salvation here. Anywho, Juliana was kind enough to let me ask her some questions and I would love to share them with you all. =)

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Hey Danielle, thanks for having me and sure I’ll share a wee bit! I am married with kids, have a gorgeous golden retriever and an orange tabby that I adore! I love baseball and hockey, 80’s music. I have the best girlfriends in the world, hate the snow and Fall is my favorite time of the year!

Did you always want to be a writer?
I’ve always loved to read and when I was a teenager toyed around with writing. One of the first things I bought with my own money was a typewriter. I think I dreamed of becoming a write but did I ever think it would happen? No. Music was also a huge part of my life and for a lot of my younger years I spent on the road singing and performing. It wasn’t until later, when I was settled that I decided to give it a shot and actually write something!

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I’m a pantser all the way! As I have more books to write I do have to try and become a little more organized but I can’t plot ahead. I’ve tried and nothing turns out the way I’d originally plotted anyway! I get an opening scene in my head and write. I let the characters dictate to me and so far this works!

Why paranormal? What about paranormals draws you in?
I’ve always read a lot. For a long time I was into mystery and horror and then one day I picked up Dark Prince by Christine Feehan and was hooked. I devoured all the books in her Carpathian series and immediately found a host of other paranormal authors to love—Sherilyn Kennyon, Keri Arthur and Maggie Shayne. I love the world building, I love the tortured heros and I especially love the alpha males and kick ass women that they love. I guess I love writing paranormals because the only limitation is your mind.

Where do your ideas come from?
Hmmm. That’s a hard one. I think most authors draw from their everyday life in some way. They might not realize it but how can it not bleed into their work? I think that my books are an extension of my fantasies, my wants and needs. I’m lucky because I can create characters that I’d love to hang with…or cuddle with…or whatever with!

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
Julian Castille has a week to make things right or he’ll spend eternity cursed and without a soul. Will the one woman who holds his heart be enough to make it happen?

Out of any of your books, which one would you like to be a characterin? And why?
Oh, my new series, League of Guardians, takes place after the events that occur in HIS DARKEST SALVATION. It’s a bigger, bolder world and I’d love to be one of the League members. Guess this harkens back to my love of X-Men and the Superheros.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I love all kinds of books and since I’ve had my kindle I’ve read way more than I have time for, LOL. Lately I’ve been on a contemporary kick, but I also have a lot of YA, paranormal romance and some historicals in my TBR pile!

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
All of the Fever books by Karen Marie Moning. Oh MY GOD! Love them. I also read a contemporary by Susan Elisabeth Phillips, Dream a Little Dream, one of the best books I’ve ever read. The hero is so tortured and yummy and well, it’s a book that will make you cry and laugh…and cry some more.

Have you ever fallen for another author's hero? If so, who and why?
Jericho from the Fever series. Total alpha male with such a tortured past. He’s an asshole but sexy and redeemable.

Human, Vampires, Demons, or Shifters, which are your favorite and why?
I can’t pick. Really, I can’t…I love them all which is why I have all sorts of creatures in my books. Diversity is key in the world I’ve created and I think it makes it that more interesting.

What are you favorite kinds of heroines to write about?
Because my men are usually so alpha I need heroines who are able to handle them. Keep up physically and mentally without sacrificing their femininity. So those are the kinds I try to write. They’re not perfect, they give them men hell and don’t’ take their crap.

Describe the characteristics that make up your perfect hero.
Loyalty, arrogance (cause I like a dash of attitude) strength (not just physical but emotional as well) charismatic, fierce.

If you could have dinner with any three book characters, who would you choose and why?
Oh, good question. I’d invite Barons from the Fever series, Jacques from Feehans Carpathian series and Acheron. Why not surround myself with a group of yummy men?

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Anne Rice, Susan Elisabeth Phillips and Christine Feehan (who I’ve already had the pleasure of dining with but I’d love to do it again!)

What do you like to do in your free time?
I read, play sports and hang with my friends and family.

Favorite movie?
Pride and Prejudice, the Kiera Knightly version. I crushed huge on Mathew Macfadyen who played Mr. Darcy and have seen this version at least 10 times.

Favorite song?
Time of Your Life by Greenday.

Favorite color?
Any shade of green except olive.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I’m currently working on the second book in my new paranormal romance series, League of Guardians, King of the Damned. Can’t wait for the series to start! Wrong Side of Hell is the first novella and it will release on March 6th, 2012 with Wicked Road to Hell, (Declan’s book) coming out in May. So much fun! I can also now officially announce that I’ve sold a contemporary romance trilogy! The Bad Boys of Crystal Lake will be published in 2013, with the first book out in March! So lots happening! Visit my website for all the latest info!

Book 3

In a world on the brink of chaos, passion and vengeance collide . . .

After six months in hell, Julian Castille has returned to the world a changed man—no longer the calm, powerful CEO, but a shifter fully embraced by the blood of his clan. Julian has one goal: find the key to the portal that stands between the human realm and unprecedented darkness, in order to win back the pieces of his soul. The last thing he needs is a distraction like the beautiful, enigmatic Jaden DaCosta.

Three years ago, a forbidden night of passion left Jaden forever altered: mated to Julian Castille—bound to a man who despises her. But the temptation to trust this darker, more savage—and more captivating—Julian is overwhelming. And as they fight for their immortal souls, their insatiable desire for each other may prove their fatal undoing . . .

Places to purchase:

Book 2

A solitary hunter with no regard for the human world, Jagger Castille is a shifter living on the edge. A woman who calls him enemy will give him reason to live . . .

Jagger is a creature of the night—Skye Knightly soars in the sun. Natural adversaries, they are now joined in a mission entrusted to Skye's family centuries ago: nothing less than the salvation of the Earth.

Wounded and bitter, Jagger sought escape in the solitude of the jungle, driven by a need to disappear forever . . . until a mysterious shifter who calls to his soul and feeds a yearning long forgotten pulls him from his dark path. A courageous warrior, Skye's passion is equal to Jagger's—but can she trust a man whose secrets are as devastating as her own?

Each is the other's sole hope for survival. But a dark and twisted truth is leading them toward the ultimate sacrifice for a love they may never live to claim.

Places to purchase:

Book 1

Jaxon Castille: jaguar shifter, warrior, assassin. He has long hungered for the chance to make his former lover, Libby Jamieson, pay for her deadly betrayal. After three long years he's finally found her. The hunt is over . . .

But the Libby that he finds is not what he expected. She has no memory of their tumultuous affair, of her treachery, of anything beyond her own name. A shadowy and deadly clan has marked them both for death, and in an instant, he game changes: the hunter has become the hunted.

On the run, with the ghosts of their past between them and a dark, desperate hunger quickly reclaiming their bodies and souls, Libby and Jaxon must discover the truth behind the dark forces working against them. Together, they must grab hold of a destiny that has the power to either heal them or destroy them.

But the truth is far more shattering than anyone could imagine . . .

Places to purchase: 

**Author Info**

Juliana Stone has always believed in the power of a good story. When her first narrative, a futuristic about Santa Claus set in a world that resembled her friend's hamster cage was a hit with her fourth grade teacher, she discovered her calling-writing. Novels, short stories, songs-so long as she was writing she was happy. During a stint on the music end of things, she toured Canada fronting an all female rock band and after meeting her husband fell into married life. Kids, dog and the requisite white picket fence followed and her writing took a bit of a back seat.

But in the fall of 2007 she decided to resurrect her love of writing and inspired by the paranormal works of Christine Feehan, Keri Arthur and Lindsey Sands she set out to write something great. Luckily, a unique world of jaguar shifters was born and the rest is history!
Places to find Juliana:


I will be giving away a copy of His Darkest Salvation and His Darkest Hunger(signed) to 2 lucky winners-US Shipping Only. So make sure to leave a comment and fill out the Rafflecopter form.


Pam said...

I love paranormal romances so I know I would enjoy Juliana's books. :)

Thanks for this opportunity.


Victoria said...

I haven't read you yet but based on the authors we both love I'm sure I'm going to love your work. Thank you.

mnjcarter said...

Your books covers are stunning!!
If I didn't know what these books were about, I'd grab them just for the covers!! These are on my TBR now.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Amy Valentini said...

Wonderful interview! Of course, you can't go wrong - it's Juliana Stone and her incredible stories. Thanks for the giveaway. : )

Aurian said...

Great interview, I enjoyed reading it. Sadly, not entering the contest.

June M. said...

I have not read any of Juliana Stone's books yet but I do love paranormals and would love the chance to read one of these books. Thanks so much for the interview.

bittenbyromance said...

I love Juliana Stone's books!! Great interview ladies. I sent out a tweet for you guys.

Di said...

I haven't read many shifters books - these look like good ones.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Barbara E. said...

I haven't had a chance to read any of this series yet, but I have them on my wish list.
(I accidentally completed one of the Rafflecopter forms that I shouldn't have, sorry.)

Hot Off the Shelves said...

The series has me hooked when I saw jaguar shape shifters in book 1. They sound great!

Megan G. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Books look awesome!

holls said...

Awesome giveaway!! Thanks!

GFC holly wright
Hollybwright atcomcastdotnet

JenniferK said...

I love the covers. I've been wanting to read this series for a while now. Thanks for such a great giveaway.


Barbara said...

Great interview and giveaway! I LOVED the book blurbs too. Paranormal romance is my favorite genre...thanks for introducing me to a new author/series! These sound really, really good! Fab covers too!

Ashlyn_Jai said...

Sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!

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