
Interview with Author Anna Campbell and Giveaway

Hi everyone. Today I'm happy to welcome to the blog the lovely Anna Campbell! Anna is super funny, sweet and writes some of best historicals around. Seriously, if you haven't read one of her books you are definitely missing out! Anna was kind enough to allow me to ask her a few questions and I would love to share them with you all. Enjoy =)

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I’m an Aussie and I live on Queensland’s beautiful Sunshine Coast. I write full-time these days although I’ve had a whole stack of different jobs in my time. Great training for a writer – I’ve definitely seen my share of human nature!

Did you always want to be a writer?
I’ve been madly in love with books since I was a toddler and my parents read to me – especially fairystories which really are romances, aren’t they? I wrote an essay when I was in grade three claiming I was going to be the next Enid Blyton and not long after that I started my first novel, a ripsnorter about horse-napping. So the bug definitely bit early!

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Definitely a pantser. I wish I was a plotter but if I tell myself the story first, I can’t generate interest in writing it. Someone described this process beautifully in a workshop I ran a few months ago – I’m my own first reader. I write to find out what happens!

Why historicals? What about this era draws you in?
I’ve always loved history – something about the romantic, dramatic, larger-than-life quality of the past appeals to me. And let’s face it, there’s the dresses!

Where do your ideas come from?
Everywhere. Things I see. Things I experience. My friends. My family. TV. Movies. Other books. Historical research.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
This is MIDNIGHT’S WILD PASSION, the book I’m giving away today. Antonia Smith protects her cousin against the rakish Marquess of Ranelaw - but who will protect Antonia from the irresistible rogue's wiles?

Out of any of your books, which one would you like to be a character in? And why?
Ooh, great question. Actually I’d like to be in my latest book MIDNIGHT’S WILD PASSION. The characters get to dress up and go to parties and have fun – and I’d love to waltz in Ranelaw’s arms!

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I read pretty widely in the romance genre. My favorite is a really great historical because those stories sweep you away into another world. At the moment, I’m on a bit of a mystery kick. It’s nice to play outside the romance genre occasionally.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
Oh, one favorite? Too hard! Let’s say A COUNTESS BELOW STAIRS by Eva Ibbotson. It’s a really sweet romance but it’s beautifully done and it’s a failsafe comfort read. Anna (hmm, great name!), a countess fleeing the Russian Revolution, becomes a chambermaid in a big English country house and discovers love and adventure. It’s gorgeous and SOOOO romantic.

Have you ever fallen for another author's hero? If so, who and why?
I fall for other authors’ heroes all the time! If I don’t fall for the hero in a romance, it’s not working for me.

Belle of the Ball, Wallflower, or Widow?
Suspect I’d be the eccentric aunty who wears a garish purple turban with lots of feathers and who sits gossiping in the corner with the chaperones – the one who makes totally inappropriate remarks and drinks too much sherry and cows my niece’s beaux into shocked silence.

Describe the characteristics that make up your perfect hero.
A hero needs character – although good looks are a nice addition. A hero needs courage and intelligence and humor and kindness and generosity and honor. By the way, I’m perfectly willing to go on the journey with him as he discovers these qualities. He doesn’t necessarily need to have them at the start of the book but he’d darn well better have them at the end when he and the heroine wander off into the sunset together.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
I always have an awful time with action scenes. The book I’ve just handed in (title to be confirmed, out late 2012) has a big fight scene where the hero and his nemesis come to fisticuffs. Took forever to get that right. I’m a lover not a fighter ;-)

If you could have dinner with any three book characters, who would you choose and why?
Snicker. I think I might pick some favorite heroes for this. Although all that alpha male vibe in one room might be a bit much. I hope they don’t come to blows over the crème brulee. Mr. Darcy, Damerel from VENETIA by Georgette Heyer, Prince Andrei from WAR AND PEACE.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Because I’m on a mystery kick, I thought I’d stick to current mystery favorites. I’ve been lucky enough to have dinner with a lot of great romance authors and they’re a hoot! Anyway, here’s my list for the murder dinner – Nevada Barr, Jacqueline Winspear, Carola Dunn.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Read (d’uh!). Swim. Walk. See my friends. Travel. Eat out. Drink wine, hic!

Favorite movie?
Last of the Mohicans

Favorite song?
Loch Lomond

Favorite color?

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
It’s all a bit under wraps still – if I tell you too much, I’ll have to kill you. But I’ve just finished the first book in what will be my first series. It’s a gothic Beauty and the Beast story and I’m madly in love with the hero who’s scarred on the outside but pure gold inside. Sigh. The book should be out late in 2012.

Danielle, those were great questions. Can I steal your Twitter idea? Describe your favorite romance novel as a Twitter post of 140 characters or less. So looking forward to hearing everyone’s choices. One commenter will win a signed copy of MIDNIGHT’S WILD PASSION (open internationally) so get tweeting, people!

London's most notorious seducer, Nicholas Challoner lives solely for revenge…

The dashing, licentious Marquess of Ranelaw can never forgive Godfrey Demarest for ruining his sister - now the time has come to repay the villain in the same coin. But one formidably intriguing impediment stands in the way of Nicholas's vengeance: Miss Antonia Smith, companion to his foe's unsuspecting daughter.

Having herself been deceived and disgraced by a rogue - banished by her privileged family as a result and forced to live a lie - Antonia vows to protect her charge from the same cruel fate. She recognizes Ranelaw for the shameless blackguard he is, and will devote every ounce of her intelligence and resolve to thwarting him.

Yet Antonia has always had a fatal weakness for rakes…

Check out an excerpt here
Places to purchase:
| Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | The Book Depository |

For readers in Australia and New Zealand, HarperCollins have released three of my books, CLAIMING THE COURTESAN, TEMPT THE DEVIL and MY RECKLESS SURRENDER as an e-bundle called THE COURTESAN COLLECTION at a bargain price. It’s out 13th December and you can get it from all local e-book retailers. | Amazon |

**Author Info**

ANNA CAMPBELL has written six multi award-winning historical romances for Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in eleven languages. Always a voracious reader, Anna decided when she was a child that she wanted to be a writer. Once she discovered the wonderful world of romance novels, she knew exactly what she wanted to write. Anna has won numerous awards for her Regency-set romances including Romantic Times Reviewers Choice, the Booksellers Best, the Golden Quill (twice), the Heart of Excellence, the Aspen Gold and the Australian Romance Readers Association's favorite historical romance (three times). Her books have twice been nominated for Romance Writers of America's prestigious RITA Award and twice for Australia's Romantic Book of the Year.
Places to find Anna:


Anna has been kind enough to offer up a signed copy of Midnight's Wild Passion to 1 lucky winner. Just make sure to answer Anna's question and fill out the Rafflecopter form. 


Unknown said...

fave romance novel is mine til midnight by lisa kleypas. i love her style of writing and have all her historical books.

thanks for the giveaway. historical romances are my first love for books :)

Gail said...

I love "Captive of Sin" by Anna Campbell Gideon is a flawed hero and I think they make the best romantic heroes.I'm sure Charis does too.

Ana Torres said...

Anna Campbell does write the best historical romances out there. I have read so many books of hers, would love to read more. Happy holidays.
Ana Torres

Ana Torres said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anna Campbell said...

Alice, can't get much better than a Lisa K book. I agree with you about historicals being the bee's knees! Thanks for playing.

Anna Campbell said...

Ah, Gail, your answer is music to my ears ;-) Thanks for picking Gid and Charis. I think you're right about her agreeing with you!

Anna Campbell said...

Ooh, Ana, what a lovely thing to say. Thank you! Good luck in the draw!

Unknown said...

Castles by Julie Garwood- A Princess is left with a large sum of money and and an absentee warden. When she stays with his son, she'll find more than love.

Anna Campbell said...

Rie, Julie Garwood writes such classic romance, doesn't she? Thanks for the Twitter follow!

Rita said...

I <3 YOU ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is all! :)

Great interview Dani :)

Anna Campbell said...

Awww, Rita, aren't you a sweetie? Thank you! Looking forward to the clash of the titans that is your end of year bash with Dani.

Beebs said...

Very hard to pick just one.

Lord of Scoundrels, Autocratic Clodpole meets Spinster Termagent and loses the heart he didn't know he had.

Filia Oktarina said...

My favorite historical romance novel is Love Letters from A Duke by Elizabeth Boyle. This story in fun, make me laugh and want read again. Especially when Felicity has mistaken Thatcher..... for her new footman!! LOL!!!

Thanks for giveaway.

filiafantasy (at)gmail(dot)com

Anna Campbell said...

Beebs, that's one of my all-time fave historical romances too. Dane is the most wonderful hero! Have you read Mr. Impossible, I think it might even edge out Lord of Scoundrels in my personal pantheon.

Anna Campbell said...

Oh, Filia, that's such a fun romance. I agree with you - all the shenanigans and mayhem! Thanks for swinging by.

Unknown said...

Gah, gothic Beauty and the Beast?!? Can.Not.Wait! :) :)
My fave is Nine Rules to was really my first hr and I have not looked back :)

Anna Campbell said...

Lisa, that's a great book to start with. Love Nine Rules. And I think I liked Ten Things even better. Thanks for swinging by.

Barbara E. said...

I love A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James. A lovely take on the Cinderella fairy tale, there were great characters who deserved their HEA.

Mary Preston said...

I don't twitter, but I love Anna.


Na said...

Blue-Eyed Devil by Lisa Kleypas: A strong heroine, a worthy hero, and a second chance for love.

Beebs said...

Anna I adored Rupert too and have a real soft spot for Darius but Dain is still in the lead for me.

Unknown said...

My Fav romance novels are The Bridgertons Series by Julia Quinn. I love JQ sense of humor and love the heroines, smart and strong.

Thank u for the giveaway^^

Pam said...

Hundreds of Years to Reform a Rake because it had a unique mix of ghosts, romance, magic, time travel and mystery in it. It was great.

Aurian said...

What a great interview, I enjoyed reading it. Thank you both.

Anna Campbell said...

Barbara, that's on my TBR pile. I've heard wonderful things about it! Thanks for swinging by!

Anna Campbell said...

Mary, I'll forgive you for not twittering, then ;-) Thank you! x

Anna Campbell said...

Na, I've heard really great things about Lisa's contemps too. I love her historicals. Must check out Blue-Eyed Devil.

Anna Campbell said...

Beebs, I think there's just a real sweetness about Rupert that has appealed to me over the years. Not to say that I'd kick Dain out of bed for eating crackers either ;-)

Anna Campbell said...

Amel, the Bridgertons are classics, aren't they? I think you've got plenty of company when you pick those are your faves.

Anna Campbell said...

Vanilla, I haven't heard of that one. I should check it out. Just the title alone has me intrigued!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks for swinging by and saying you enjoyed our interview, Aurian. I thought Danielle asked some really interesting questions.

Aurian said...

And I completely forgot to answer the question:

kickass heroine, alpha hero, equal partners, lots of witty banter or sarcasm, great chemistry, lots of plot and action, and a great lovestory.

Anna Campbell said...

Works for me, Aurian! ;-)

JessS said...

I choose Persuasion by Jane Austen. And I've never done a Twitter post before so here goes:

Anne rejects love, he comes back yrs later, rich, looking for wife, thinks she doesn't like him.

Anna Campbell said...

Jess, I LOVE Persuasion. In some moods, it's actually my favorite JA. Love your tweet - bravo!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna!My favourite romance is the duke and I by Julia Quinn . I love how the heroine willingly accept the hero's disability in speech 'his stutter'. I love the imperfect hero that meet with imperfect heroine and together they make each other perfect:)
Aretha zhen.

Anna Campbell said...

Hiya Aretha! Thanks for swinging by. I remember loving The Duke and I - quite a while since I read it! I think that nonconditional love is essential for a really satisfying romance. Gives you a big sigh at the end.

kissablysweet1 said...

Always fun to learn more about you Anna! Thank you for sharing your time with us and allowing us to know you better.

Maggie May said...

Love your sense of humor. Can't wait to read another Anna Campbell romance...this one sounds delicious.

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Mel, thanks for swinging by. And thanks for all the RTs!!!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, thanks, Maggie! Glad the interview made you smile. Good luck in the draw!

JenniferK said...

Too Hot to Touch by Louisa Edwards. Hot steamy romance with a sexy chef.

Anna, I adore your books and looking forward to reading this one as well. Thank you so much for the interview.


Anna Campbell said...

Jennifer, I've heard lots about Louisa Edwards. Must check her out - I love a good contemporary. And thank you so much for saying how much you love the books. Love to hear that! ;-)

Anonymous said...

My favorite romance book is Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison.

Anna Campbell said...

I've heard a lot about Thea H recently. I must check her out. Thanks for the recommendation!

Katie @ Pink Elephants Over the Miles said...

I've never used twitter. I love any Beauty and the Beast style book though!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Katie! Great to see you. There's a couple of things I love about Beauty and the Beast. She's a really proactive heroine (let's face it - someone like Sleeping Beauty basically snoozes her way through the story). And I love the theme of transformation through love. Sigh.

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