
Interview with Author W. Lynn Chantale

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author W. Lynn Chantale. W. Lynn is currently on tour promoting the release of her books Breaking Delia's Rules and Seducing His Wife. W. Lynn was kind enough to answer some questions for me and I would love to share them with you all.

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Oh, you don’t want to know about me. I’m old and boring according to my 14 y/o son. Apparently playing bass guitar and writing romance novels doesn’t impress a budding rock star. I suppose I’ll have to go back to playing video games and cake decorating.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Yes, but it was not knowing HOW to become a writer.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Definitely a pantser. Every time I try plotting out a novel, it ALWAYS changes and worse the characters NEVER cooperate.

Where do your ideas come from?
My ideas come from just about everywhere. Overheard conversations, what? Like you don’t eavesdrop. :-) Talking with my husband, letting my mind wander, newspaper articles, Facebook posts, Twitter feeds. Any and everything is fair game for an idea.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
For Breaking Delia’s Rules- Five days, three rules, and one sizzling seduction.

For Seducing His Wife- Will a husband’s plan of seduction be enough to heal a wife’s broken heart?

Out of any of your books, which one would you like to be a character in? And why?
For today’s purposes I’d like to be Madeline, from Mistletoe Mambo. She’s a dance instructor, and I’ve always to dance.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I love a good romantic suspense, erotic, mysteries. I’ve even been known to indulge in a children’s book or two.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
You might laugh, but my favorite book is Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. The story of the mom’s love for her son is very touching.

Have you ever fallen for another author's hero? If so, who and why?
Ohmigoodness. Yes I have. AJ Nuest’s Matthias Saunders or Matty from Jezebel’s Wish. He was so patient and caring toward the heroine I just sat there and heaved one of those lovesick sighs. Another sexy hero was McGregor from Gail Koger’s The Nasty Vamp. He’s a vampire, ‘nuff said.

Describe the characteristics that make up your perfect hero.
My perfect hero is sexy, take charge, honest and romantic.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Emotional scenes are hard for me to write. Give me action, dialogue, even a love scene, but when it comes to emotion I’d rather not.

If you could have dinner with any three book characters, who would you choose and why?
Any three book characters hmmm, Eve Dallas, Archie Goodwin, and Nancy Drew. Anybody see a pattern here. I’d have dinner with these individuals because 1) they’re not picky eaters and 2) the conversation would be interesting, and maybe we could solve a mystery or two.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
This is tougher Maya Angelou, Brenda Jackson, and Eric Jerome Dickey. Finding out how they became writers and why would be interesting.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Ha! What free time? When I do escape from my muse I play bass guitar, read a book or two or spend time with my dear hubby.

Favorite movie?
It’s a Wonderful Life

Favorite song?
Always and Forever by Heatwave

Favorite color?
Blue/Midnight Blue and Pink

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
OMG yes! The working title is The Pick-Up Wife a short sensual erotic about a divorced couple given a second chance, as well as an erotic inspired by a contest I held to name my bartender.

Thanks so much for hosting me and allowing me to share with your readers today.

Five days, three rules and one sizzling seduction.

Delia has just three rules for dating. First, a man should never assume he’s the only one. Second, he must stick to his scheduled day and time. Third—and most important—no sex. Enforcing the rules has never been a problem until she meets the hottie from the pool.

Jace has only five days to make every moment count. The more time he spends with Delia, the more he realizes she may be The One. With the clock ticking, he realizes there is only one course of action to take if he wants Delia's heart. Can he convince Delia that rules are meant to be broken?

Places to purchase:

Haunted by nightmares, Sheridan Sinclair just wants to get through one night without reliving the terrible accident that led to her miscarriage. And she longs for the arms of the man who betrayed her. Matthew Sinclair has always loved his wife, but when she refuses to speak to him after her accident, he’s left to wonder what went wrong. When a stolen kiss ignites their forgotten passion, he’ll use their love as a means to get her home and in his bed again. Will a husband’s plan of seduction be enough to heal a wife’s broken heart?
Places to purchase:

**Author Info**

I'm an author of romance novels. One day I aspire to become a bestselling author of romance. Until then, I am a wife and mother of three. I hold a Certificate in Baking and Pastry Arts, an A.A.S in Culinary Arts, and a B. S. in Accounting. The only thing romantic in all those initials is the ability to melt chocolate.

Places to find W. Lynn Chantale:


Lynn Chantale said...

Thanks again for hosting me. I found a book or two while browsing through your site.

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