
12 Historical Days of Christmas Winners

Congratulations to all of the following winners:

Day 12
Sara Lindsey-Kati R
Sherry Thomas-Joanne B

Day 11
Anna Campbell-Na
Theresa Romain-June M

Day 10
Robyn DeHart-Stella E and Winnie P
Ashley March-Shukra D

Day 9
Christie Kelley-Chelsea B
Maya Rodale-Sue P

Day 8
Monica Burns-Phyllis N
Grace Burrowes-Phyllis N, Larisa L, June M, Melanie F, Shukra D, The_Book_Queen, Johanna J and Maureen C

Day 7
Eileen Dreyer-Shukra D
Shana Galen-Jeanne S

Day 6
Lecia Cornwall-Heather F and June M
Vicky Dreiling-Katie L, Shelley B and Winnie P

Day 5
Miranda Neville-Kelly M
Karen Hawkins-Chelsea B

Day 4
Kieran Kramer-Diane S
Jenn LeBlanc-Lisa W

Day 3 
Caroline Linden-Gisele A
Isobel Carr-The_Book_Queen

Day 2
Erica Ridley-Maria P
Gayle Callen-Maria D

Day 1
Maggie Robinson Giveaway-The_Book_Queen
Stefanie Sloane-Eli Y

Grand Prize Winner
Barbara E

All winners have been contacted via email. Thank you to all that participated. 

On behalf of Rita and myself, we would like to thank ALL of the authors that were gracious enough to not only write super awesome stories but donate books and goodies for our Xmas event. We had a blast and we could not have done it without all of you. So THANK YOU!!


Aurian said...

congrats to all the winners!

Unknown said...

It was so much fun, I can't wait for the next time! :-D Congrats to the winners!

Melanie said...


Is that Melanie F as in Melanie (me) Friedman?! And if you say NO, I'll be crushed :(

If I did win, I so, so so want the VIRTUOSO!!! I have the ARC with the 'other' cover but would LOVE to have the signed copy of the brand spanking new one :)

BTW, you had a great contest and although I didn't make every one of those posts, I thoroughly enjoyed those that I did! Congrats to all the winners :)

Melanie F

Barbara E. said...

I'm hoping that Barbara E. is me, woohoo! But I haven't received an email yet. :(

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

catslady said...

Congrats to all the winners and thanks for the win!

Eli Yanti said...

congrats all winners

Thank you ;)

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