
Behind the Blogger: Marq from Love To Read For Fun

Welcome to Behind the Blogger. Behind the Blogger is a feature where I interview and get to know fellow bloggers from different blogs in the blogosphere.

This weeks guest is Marq from Love To Read For Fun. I was lucky enough to meet Marq at last years Author's After Dark convention and I think she's awesome and I just love her blog. So without further ado, here's Marq.

1. Why did you become a blogger?
I started my blog November 2009. I was participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and had just thrown in the towel. Writing was hard than I realized but I still wanted to write. Since I'm such an avid reader and I'd just started following book review blogs, I decided that I would start my own book blog. I never thought that anyone would read it or that I would have the amount of followers that I have now. Two years later and I'm still here.

2. Can you tell me a little bit about your blog?
My blog isn't genre specific but I do review mainly romance of all kind. I have two reviewers and just added two more. My blog is my baby and I love it to death but sometimes she is a lot work and high maintenance.

3. What is your favorite book(s)? Why?
That's a tough question. I can't single out a particular book because I've discovered and read so many awesome books since I started my blog. Picking a favorite book is like saying which child is your favorite. You just can't do it. :) I will say that my favorite series are The Fever series by Karen Moning, The Nighthuntress series by Jeaniene Frost, The Demonica Series and Lords of Deliverance series by Larissa Ione.

4. Is there a scene from a book that just stands out to you? What is it?
Oh now you're forcing me to use my noggin. LOL! Anything from the Fever series stands out for me. I love Barrons; he's such an intense alpha hero and he has some of the best lines and scenes in that series. Just seeing a quote from the series makes me want to re-read it all over again.

5. Who are some of your go-to authors?
Karen Moning, Jeaniene Frost, Larissa Ione, Carly Phillips, Thea Harrison, Jill Shalvis (to name a few)

6. What are some of your favorite genres?
Contemporary romance will always be my favorite. I am a sucker for a HEA and contemporary romance guarantees a HEA every single time.

7. When reviewing, do you stick to the books that you normal like to read, or are you more open?
I normally stick to books/genres that I normally read but now I am trying to broaden my reading horizon and read different things.

8. What are some of your favorite tropes? What about those tropes pulls you in?
I am a sucker for the best friends falling in love trope. And I love romances where the heroine is pregnant. I love pregnancy story lines, I don't know why.

9. What was the last book that blew your mind?
Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione. The book had so many twists and turns and surprises. My emotions were all over the place. I loved it!

10. Do you have any advice for other aspiring bloggers?
Don't compare yourself to other blogs. It's not a contest. Be honest. Be real. Be you.

11. When you aren't blogging, what do you like to do in your spare time?
Spare time? What's that? LOL! I'm usually at my son's basketball games, I spend time with my family, I watch a lot of reality tv. I have no social life, obviously.


Aurian said...

Hi Marq, I enjoyed reading this post. Have fun with your blogging!

Felicia the Geeky Blogger said...

Love Marq! She rocks the casbah and keeps me entertained on twitter. She is so right on the not comparing yourself to other bloggers---it gets you no where :)

((((( hugs ))))))) to you both :)

A Buckeye Girl Reads said...

I love Marq's blog! :) Great interview.

Melanie said...

Hey Marq!

So very nice to 'meet' you!
I love your advice, too!
It appears that both of us started our blogs in the same month and year, so happy anniversary :)

I am still finding my legs in the Blogosphere, but I am having so much fun and truly hope it continues to be fun.

Wishing you all the best,

Mary Kirkland said...

Nice interview, enjoyed reading it.

Lexi said...

Nice interview! Marq you run a great blog, hope you continue to enjoy it! Congrats on your blog expanding =)

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