
Guest Post with Author Chris Karlsen and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Chris Karlson. Chris is currently on tour celebrating the release of her book Journey In Time and has stopped by today to chat. But before we chat lets get to know a little about Chris.

Chris Karlsen is a retired police detective who spent twenty-five years in law enforcement with two different agencies. Her father was a history professor and her mother an avid reader. She grew up with a love of history and books.

She has always loved traveling and has traveled extensively throughout Europe, the Near East (especially Turkey and the Greek Islands), the Caribbean, and North Africa.

Born and raised in Chicago, Chris has also lived in Paris, Los Angeles, and currently resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and four rescue dogs.

Places to find Chris:
| Site | Facebook

Transporting a reader

One of the best compliments a writer can get from a reader is: “I felt so close to the characters, I could hear their voices in my head,” or “I didn’t want the story to end.” When you’ve touched someone in that way with your words, you feel on top of the world. It makes all the rejection letters you received, all the hours spent struggling through a scene and the days where you can’t seem to string two sentences together worthwhile.

As story tellers, we strive to take the reader on a journey with us, to let us transport them to a different world. For me, my first novel, “Heroes Live Forever,” was a love story involving a mortal and a ghost. Does the reader have to believe in ghosts when they open the book to the first page? No. But as a writer, I would ask to let me weave this romance in a way that while you read those three-hundred plus pages, you start to believe. You want to believe.

In “Heroes Live Forever,” there’s a scene that made me choke up a little when I wrote it. A long, well-established author friend read the scene. This was before I belonged to a critique group and I needed feedback. My friend smiled at me when she finished and said, “You made me cry and I never cry reading books.” That made my day. Later, I joined a critique group who read the entire manuscript. They loved the humorous scenes and character’s lines. And every smiley emoticon they added gave me another shot of encouragement.


A man stood a few feet away. At least what was visible looked like a man. He appeared to be a knight, similar to the one in her favorite painting, except semi-transparent. He wore mail and a dark blue surcoat with a leopard embroidered on it in bronze silk. Tall, with shoulder length hair, in the soft lamplight, his eyes were as black as his hair.


In the sequel, “Journey in Time,” the hero and heroine are caught in a time portal while horseback riding and sent back to the 14th century. Does the reader need to believe in time-travel? Again, no. Is time-travel possible? Well, no one has done it yet—that we know of. But who’s to say it isn’t going to be possible someday?

Even if the reader doesn’t truly believe in time-travel, most have fun speculating whether they’d like to go back in time or forward in time. I get to elaborate on what might happen if they found themselves in England in the year 1355. I like to recreate the world through the senses. What the characters see, hear, smell, touch and taste becomes this different world for the reader. How the characters react makes you want to turn the page. Through the written word, I can put the question in the reader’s mind: What would I do?

It’s great to take a question you’ve given the reader and then keep throwing in twists and turns. It’s not simply a matter of what would I do without: running water, electricity, modern medicine, the list goes on and on. The medieval period, as times are now, was fraught with dangers, made far worse through superstition and political intrigue. To be fair to the time and place, memorable characters and beautiful settings can color those twists and turns.


“Alex, what is going on?” she asked in a frenzied whisper.

“Shh.” After they mounted, Alex sidled over, so close their boots touched. “We’re riding into a very perilous situation. I’ll explain everything when we’re alone. Your life, my life,” he stressed, “depends on you being quiet until then.”

Confused, it took Shakira a few seconds before she nodded yes.

“Remember what I told you,” he warned and trotted ahead to chat with a knight he called Simon.

There’s a scene in “Journey in Time,” where Shakira is fighting off an attacker. A reviewer for Romance Radio Network, Desmond Haas, told me when he got to that scene he didn’t want to read more (it’s a fairly graphic scene) “but couldn’t stop reading.” What wonderful words to hear for an author. I was able to transport at least one person that day to a world I created. As a story teller, what more can I ask?

London attorney, Shakira Constantine finally agrees to spend the day with her handsome client, Alex Lancaster. While riding in the countryside, the couple finds themselves caught in a time warp and transported back to the 14th century- and an England preparing for war. Everyone believes Alex is the Baron Guy Guisard, a baron who died in the upcoming battle.

If they can't find a way to return to the 21st Century, Alex will have to sail with the army to certain death. Shakira will be left alone to survive in the alien and terrifying medieval world.
Places to Purchase:


Chris will be giving away 10 eBook sets of Journey in Time and Heroes Live Forever tour wide. Click here for your chance to win. 

Good Luck =)


Lynn Worton said...

Thank you for the fantastic opportunity to win this giveaway! Lynn Worton

Chris Karlsen said...

Hi Lynn,
Thank you for joining me today. I wish you the best of luck. I love to hear readers thoughts about my books. You can contact me through my website: or email:
Have a wonderful day,

Jenny Zimmerman said...

Thank you for the awesome giveaway!!

Jenny Zimmerman said...

Thank you for the awesome giveaway!!

erin said...

This book sounds awesome! Thanks for the giveaway! going to add to my wishlist :)

Chris Karlsen said...

Hi Jenny,

Thank you for visiting with me. I hope you enjoyed the post and wish you all the best on the giveaway.
Trailers for my books can be seen on my website: and you can contact me at
Have a great day,

Chris Karlsen said...

Hi Erin,

I hope you liked the article. I write character driven stories so I like to go deep into their emotions and thoughts. I strive to transport the reader into the moment, the time and place with the characters. Good luck with the giveaway. Trailers for the books are on my website: and you can contact me at:
Have a good evening,

Chris Karlsen said...

I'd like to thank Ramblings from this chick for inviting me to post an article and connect with the followers here. I look forward to your thoughts and comments in the future on my website. Future releases are also listed there.

wyndwhisper said...

thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i love the cover of the book and it sounds wonderful. they are both going to the top of my TBR right now. :D

tammy ramey

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