
Guest Post with Author Joan Swan and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Joan Swan. Joan is currently on tour promoting the release of her debut Fever and has stopped by with some of the characters from Fever to chat. But before we speak to everyone lets get to know Joan a little bit.

Joan Swan is a triple RWA® Golden Heart finalist and writes sexy romantic suspense with a paranormal twist. Her debut novel with Kensington Brava, FEVER, releases February 28, 2012. Her second novel, BLAZE, follows in October, 2012.

In her day job, she works as a sonographer for one of the top ten medical facilities in the nation and lives on the California central coast in beautiful wine country with her husband and two daughters.

Places to find Joan:
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I sat down with my hero and heroine of FEVER, Teague and Alyssa, for an interview and dragged the heroine’s brother, Mitch, along because he has been such a favorite for readers. Though, true to form, Mitch, who was actually named and given many of his maddening characteristics by my critique partner, Elisabeth Naughton, behaved like the rogue he is and I had to act as wicked author to keep him from snapping the leash.

When will this boy learn?

Joan: “Mitch, can you come over here and sit down?”

Mitch: Peering out the window. “Where is that lousy firebug of yours, Lys?”

Alyssa: Crosses arms. Rolls eyes.

Mitch: “Shouldn’t surprise me the pyro can’t even tell time.” Looks over his shoulder at me. “Do we have to do this today? I’ve got a hot date.”

Joan: “What else is new? And I could change that with a few taps on the keyboard, boy wonder. Lose the attitude.”

Mitch: Turns from the window, hands on hips. “Resorting to threats now?”

Joan: “How the hell else can I keep you in line? Besides, this isn’t my idea. God only knows how or why, but you’ve become somewhat of a favorite to the readers.”

Snort from Alyssa. Mitch shoots her a glare.

Joan: “Hence, the necessary interview.”

Mitch: “Great, fine.” Pulls up a chair, sits next to Alyssa. Plants elbows on knees and clasps his hands, green eyes direct. “Let’s do this.”

Joan: I grin. Tap my pencil on the legal pad. “See, thing is, handsome…you’re not all that interesting without the team.”

Shock transforms Mitch’s face. Alyssa burst out laughing as Mitch slaps a hand to his heart and falls back in his chair. Alyssa and I high-five.

Door opens. Teague walks in.

Mitch: “What did I do to deserve this?”

Teague: “You were born, Foster.” Walks over to Alyssa and gives her a long kiss.

Mitch: Turns his head and dramatically covers his eyes. “Ah, the burn! The burn!”

Teague: To Alyssa as if Mitch doesn’t exist. “Hey, gorgeous.”

Alyssa: “Hey, yourself, handsome.”

Mitch: Gaze still averted, arms crossed. “Gag me.”

Teague: Without looking away from Alyssa. “That can be accomplished. Joan, can you write a toilet plunger into my hand? I promise not to complain next time you want me to do something out of character.”

Joan: “I’m annoyed.” Clenching my teeth even though my characters are being their cute-as-hell selves. “Fair warning.”

All eyes turn toward me. Teague slides into a chair.

Mitch: “Just what is your problem Miss Be-Positive-Its-Good-For-The-Karma?”

Joan: “Don’t push it Mister. I’m less than ten days away from release, trying to juggle eighty-four things at once and look one tenth as good as Alyssa does on her worst day doing it! And remember, I didn’t actually develop you, so killing you wouldn’t really be like killing my own child.”

Mitch: A brave lift of his chin. “Elisabeth would never speak to you again.”

Joan: “She’d get over it.” Shrug. “She’s a very understanding critique partner that way.”

Mitch: Shakes his head. “She’d save me like you saved that psycho warrior guy.”

Alyssa: “Gryphon. And he’s not a warrior, he’s a guardian. And he’s not psycho, he’s…well…sort of possessed.”

Teague: Pulls on Alyssa’s hand, frowning. “How do you know so much about this Gryphon guy?”

Alyssa: Laughs. “Hel-lo. I live in her head.”

Teague: “So do I.”

Alyssa: Looks at me. Shakes her head. Pats Teague’s hand. “Never mind, babe.”

Mitch: “Doesn’t matter. I believe in Elisabeth.”

Alyssa: Cringes. “Have you seen what she does to her characters?”

Teague: “Shhh, babe.” Nods at Mitch. “I’m with you, dude. Elisabeth sounds like a much safer bet for you.”

Alyssa: Grins at her brother. “I feel a turning point coming on, and since Teague and I already have our HEA and you’re the only other one in the room…”

Joan: “Since you brought it up, Lys…” I look at Alyssa. “Never too soon to plan. Who should be his heroine?”

Mitch: Sits forward in his chair, alarm in his eyes. “Why the hell are you asking her?”

Joan: “Because we all know you’ll lie.”

Mitch: Glares at Alyssa. “Don’t you dare.”

Alyssa: Threads her fingers through Teague’s. The teasing humor turns soft. “You really never should have left her in the first place. I told you that then.”

Joan: Raises brows in interest. “And who’s that?”

Mitch: “No one.” Growls through his teeth, “And I didn’t leave her.”

Alyssa: Tosses a thoughtful look at Teague. “He sounds just like—“

Teague: “Luke. Don’t even try that bullshit, Foster. Ransom sucks at denial, too.”

Joan: “I see.” I throw a wave at Teague and Alyssa. “You two can go.”

Mitch: Starts to push from the chair. “Finall—“

Joan: “Not you.”

Mitch: Scowls. “You said I wasn’t interesting without them.”

Joan: “Changed my mind.”

Teague: Winces, tugging Alyssa toward the door. “I hate it when she does that.”

Alyssa: “Teague, I think he’s giving me the death stare.”

Teague: “Don’t look, babe. Just don’t look.”

Mitch: “You are so going to pay for this.”

Alyssa: “I already do. That’s why I told her.” Blows him a kiss on the way out the door. “You’ll thank me. She writes great HEAs.”

Teague: Winks as he closes the door behind him, whispering, “But she writes even better sex.”

When Dr. Alyssa Foster is taken hostage by a prison inmate, she knows she's in deep trouble. Not just because Teague Creek is desperate for freedom, but because the moment his fingers brush against her skin, Alyssa feels a razor-sharp pang of need...

A man with a life sentence has nothing to lose. At least Teague doesn't, until his escape plan develops a fatal flaw: Alyssa. On the run from both the law and deadly undercover operatives, he can only give her lies, but every heated kiss tells him the fire between them could be just as devastating as the flames that changed him forever...

Places to Purchase:


Joan will be giving away a copy of Fever to 1 lucky person (US and Canada Shipping Only) so make sure to leave a comment and to fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win.

All comments are eligible for the tour Grand Prize of either a Nook Color or Kindle Fire. Click here to enter. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Barbara E. said...

I enjoyed the post and I'm looking forward to reading Fever. It sounds like a great story.

Joanne said...

Great character interview. I can't wait to read Fever and find out what happens between Teague and Alyssa, but I'm more interested in Mitch. Will his book be next? Does he get his HEA? Thanks for the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

Very entertaining! I can't wait for Mitch's story.

theangrypollo{ AT }yahoo{DOT }com

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Barbara, Good luck!

erin said...

Thanks for the awesome "interview" and giveaway! Love the cover :) This post really really makes me want to read it!!!

Congrats on the release!

Joan Swan said...

Hi Joanne,

Oh, Mitch will get...his. He's my hell raiser throughout the series and his book will come last, so, yeah, we'll have a bit of payback to be served before he finds an HEA *bwahahahahaha*

Joan Swan said...

Me either! :) He's a fun one.

Joan Swan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joan Swan said...

Thanks Erin! Good luck in the giveaway!

becky jean said...

Thank you for the wonderful contest! Congrats on the new book - it looks delish!

*yadkny* said...

I just LOVE character interviews! Fever is definitely on my wishlist!!! Good luck on your tour, Joan!

Megan G. said...

Very cute interview. Looking forward to reading Fever! Thanks for the giveaway!

Megan G.

SharonD said...

Nice character chat :P Fever sounds great and is definitely on the to be read list

Michelle Bledsoe said...

I have heard great things about your book Joan from blogs I follow. I am really looking forward to reading FEVER. Thank you for the fun interview with your characters. I look forward to getting to know them. And yes I am a big fan of Elisabeth's too...LOL

koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

booklover0226 said...

I love character inteviews and this one was fun read. I look forward in reading Fever.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

becky jean said...

Just realized I forgot to leave my email - rjs4444us at yahoo dot com

Thanks for the post - this book really looks steamy and I can't wait to read it! Who is next in the series?

becky jean said...

Just realized I forgot to leave my email so I reposted it here and below in another comment - rjs4444us at yahoo dot com

Sorry for the mishap - I am sort of new to entering contests like this

Thanks for the post - this book really looks steamy and I can't wait to read it! Who is next in the series?

becky jean said...

eeck, gads! I really do stink at entering these contests, and I have never dealt with rafflecopter before.

Anyways - I entered a previous contest and left a post with a diff email then the one I used in rafflecopter. Is that okay, or should I re-enter rafflecopter with the email that I posted my comment with? Will the rafflecopter entry that doesn't link up to a comment be deleted?

Sorry - this was an accident!

Betty Hamilton said...

Joan is a 'new to me' author. I would love to win this book so that I could become familiar with her writing style. It sounds like a great read.
bettysunflower at hotmail dot com

Natasha said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Victoria said...

Thanks for the character interview - I love them :). Is it March yet ;)?


The_Book_Queen said...

Ooh, I loved this post so much! LOL. Mitch does indeed sound like a (pain-in-the-butt) hoot. :) LOL.

I look forward to reading this book--and the rest of the series you have planned as well!

TBQ's Book Palace

Diane said...

Your hero does sound like he is a character indeed! I love those strong take action types.

dsadler53 at yahoo dot ca

bn100 said...

Great interview! Sounds like a very good book.

Susan T. said...

Great interview, I can't wait to read it. Oh by the way, hot cover.

ParaJunkee said...

This was a great interview and book sounds great Joan!

kiki w said...

Sound like a great book. Love it when I find new authors.


Sophia Rose said...

That was so fun reading the by play in the character interview. This sounds like a great read and beginning to an awesome series.
Sounds like Mitch's been ratted out and set up for his own story.

Book Savvy Babe said...

Love the character interviews, very fun way to meet the characters :) I can't wait to read Fever! Book Savvy Babe

Joan Swan said...

Hi Becky Jean! No problem! Thanks for coming by!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks! I love them too. Never done them before but fell in love with them when I started!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Megan!

Joan Swan said...

Great! Thanks Sharon!

Joan Swan said...

Hi Michelle! So glad you've heard good things! And I'm an Elisabeth fan too...(depending on the day...LOL) :)

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Tracey!

Joan Swan said...

LOL, no problem!

Joan Swan said...

Always fun to find new readers! Thanks Betty - good luck!!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks for coming by Natasha!

Joan Swan said...

LOL, just a few days Victoria!!

Joan Swan said...

Awesome, TBQ! Thanks for coming by! Hope you love the rest of Fever just as much.

Joan Swan said...

Thanks bn100!

Joan Swan said...

Me too, Diane! So many layers and so much fun!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Para! Enjoy following you on Twitter!

Joan Swan said...

LOL, they did a nice job on the cover! Thanks Susan!

Joan Swan said...

Hi Kiki! I love to find new readers, too :).

Joan Swan said...

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe... :) He's going to be an awesome hero!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks so much! I just tried them and fell in love with them!

alicia marie said...

i love character interviews, it makes me feel like i know the characters better : ) fever sounds so good and i can't wait to read it!

gamistress66 said...

loved the interview :) made me even more interested in reading the book after getting a feel for you characters :) congrats on the upcoming release!

Joan Swan said...

Ame, I really enjoy writing them. It's fun to sit in a room with them and see how they act and interact without the plot driving them. :)

Joan Swan said...

Thanks gamistress! Great to know! May have to pull a few other characters out of the woodwork! :)

Kim said...

Congratulations on your debut!! After all your work, it must be a great feeling to finally get the book into readers' hands.

donnas said...

Great post. Congrats on the release! Looking forward to reading it.

JenniferK said...

Great interview. You made me want to go get Elisabeth's series as well. Can't wait to read Fever and good luck this week. It should be exciting to see your book in the stores. :)

Joan Swan said...

It really is Kim! Thanks for coming by.

Joan Swan said...

Thanks so much Donna!!

Joan Swan said...

Hi Jennifer! Elisabeth's series are awesome! You won't be disappointed. Thanks so much, it will be exciting!

Amber Garcia said...

I really cant wait to read this book!! Sounds so exciting!!

Tina B said...

I thoroughly LOVED the interview! The characters are hilarious! I am so glad that Elisabeth developed Mitch. He seems like he is going to be a fun one to read about, as well as Teague and Alyssa! Thanks for the opportunity to get to know your H/H. And THANK YOU, Joan for not killing Gryphon! I love Elisabeth's EG series!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Amber! Good luck in the drawing!

Joan Swan said...

LOLOLOL, you're welcome Tina! Boy, she had her heart set on killing him. Kept telling me there was no way he could live. I kept whining...:) Guess it paid off!

Unknown said...

^Appreciate giveaway! Helps those like me on fixed income/SSI {perm/multi disabled: wheelchair/home-bound} who need & enjoy to read, attain books can't normally afford <3
^Loved the "Interview"...Couldn't stop laughing, when just got better & heavier on sarcastic dialogue, as it continued! Could almost imagine being "there" & trying desperately to keep a straight face, knowing if didn't, would really tick someone off *Heh Heh* ;-D
^Hope win, as really look forward to "meeting" them & getting to know them in depth, while escape into following journey of twisting adventures, scintillating dialogue exchanges & romance!

)0( Warmest Blessings )0(

Na said...

I hope you're enjoying your tour Joan. I am!
Your characters must appreciate this :)

Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) said...

HaHaHa great interview! Congrats on the release tomorrow. I can't wait to read the book.

Pamk said...

great interview. Congrats on the new release.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com

Di said...

How wonderful that the publication is finally here - looking forward to reading it.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Joan Swan said...

Thanks so much Rhannon! Good luck in the drawing!

Joan Swan said...

LOL, I think they enjoy getting out between books :)

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Kristin! Congrats on your win of Fever from another blog...enjoy!!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Pam!!

Joan Swan said...

LOL, I know, right? *heavy, happy sigh*

Thanks for hanging with me on the tour Di!

Savannah said...

I would love to win this!! It sounds amazing!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Savannah! Good luck in the giveaway!

Sebrina said...

*chompin on fingernails* I cannot WAIT to get my hands on this book. Been following (stalking) you forever, trying to wait patiently, and absorbing all info I can. *laughs*
Thank you so much for the chance, much appreciated!
Sebrina_Cassity at yahoo dot com

GzNKz4evr said...

Ha! LURVED this interview! Now that I know you have Mitch's future plans in the works, I can rest easy. His story is what I crave!

Best of luck everyone! Fever is fab! For serious!


Christine A. said...

Great interview. Congrats on the release Joan. I love the cover, very hot and sexy. Do you have any input on the cover? How do you decide the names of the characters in your books? I can't wait to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway.

Andrea said...

Can't wait to read Fever, it looks great. Congratulations!

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