
Sealed With a Kiss: Caroline Linden and Giveaway

Caroline Linden knew from an early age she was a reader, but not a writer. Despite an addiction to Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew, she studied physics and dreamed of being an astronaut. She earned a math degree from Harvard College and then wrote software for a financial services firm, all the while reading everything in sight, but especially romance. Only after she had children, and found herself with only picture books to read, did she begin to make up a story of her own. To her immense surprise, it turned out to be an entire novel--and it was much more fun than writing computer code. Seven years, eight books, two Red Sox championships, and on dog later, she has never been happier with her decision. She lives with her family in New England.

Place to find Caroline:

Darling Edward-

I am writing this to you on the morning after our wedding, when we have been man and wife a full day. You have only gone so far away as Holborn, but already I miss you. I feel as giddy as a girl and can only claim an excess of joy as justification. It is still incredible to me that we can be so happy together—and after the way we met! You are too good for me, to overlook my fit of temper then—but perhaps I should have known from that moment, when you proved yourself understanding and patient and so very, very good to me, that I would lose my heart to you.

My darling, my dearest, I want to make you happy, so happy you will ever overlook my faults. You fill my heart til I think it shall burst. Yesterday I pledged my love and fidelity; but I should never need the ring on my finger to remind me. I am yours for eternity.

There is a carriage below—I hope it is yours, bringing you home to me again. Oh Edward, sometimes it amazes me how desperately I long for you when we are apart. It is as if I am no longer complete on my own.

I will leave this in your dressing room for a surprise, and so that you may see how deeply your wife loves you on this first day of our life together, and for evermore.

Yours always,

Check out Francesca and Edward's love story in ONE NIGHT IN LONDON

A bargain that was all business . . . and pure passion.

Neither wealth nor beauty will help Lady Francesca Gordon win custody of her young niece Georgina, saving the girl from a cruel stepmother; she needs London’s top solicitor for that. But when Edward de Lacey, son of the powerful Duke of Durham, hires away the one man who can do the job, Francesca decides Edward himself must champion her case . . . if only she can melt the dashing lord’s stony heart.

Edward has reason to be guarded, though. London’s tabloids have just exposed a secret that could ruin his entire family. When Francesca offers a unique chance to undo the damage, Edward is forced to agree to a partnership . . . and now, each moment together feeds the flames of his scandalous longing for the passionate widow. But when Georgina disappears, fate will test them both . . . and leave their love hanging in the balance.
Places to Purchase:

Check out Caroline's newest release out February 28, 2012

Gerard de Lacey is determined to find the man who tried to blackmail his late father, both to stop the blackmail and to discover—and dispose of—any evidence the villain has about his father’s clandestine first marriage. If that proof is made public, it could prove Gerard and his brothers illegitimate, and strip them of their inheritance. And just in case, Gerard intends to find himself a wealthy bride. One way or another, he’s not going to be left destitute. But he’s not expecting a rich widow to find him and ask him to marry her. Katherine Howe’s first marriage was one of dreary duty, arranged by her wealthy father to a penniless lord. Now that she’s being pressured to marry her late husband’s heir, she’s desperately in search of a better option. Gerard de Lacey, with his sinful good looks, charming manner, and looming scandal fits her needs perfectly. The fact that she’s nursed a secret affection for him for years only makes it better—and worse. Because Gerard will marry her, for her fortune—but will he love her for herself, as she loves him?

Places to Pre-Order:


Caroline will be giving away a copy of One Night in London to 1 lucky person (International Shipping Available). Make sure to leave a comment and to fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win.

Don't forget to head over to Not Another Romance Blog to check out Edward's letter to Francesca.

**Don't forget to enter the Big Grand Prize Giveaway. Enter here.**

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Beebs said...

That is such a sweet letter, story sounds fab too.

Joanne said...

You can tell by her letter, that Francesca really loves Edward. This sounds like another fine story. Can't wait to read it.


Eli Yanti said...

so touching ;)

May said...

I borrowed One night in London from my friend's bookshelf and really enjoyed it. REally looking forward to the next book in the series....

*yadkny* said...

A very eloquent letter! Would love to read this story!

erin said...

Thanks for the fantastic letter! So romantic! I haven't read this author yet but I really want to :)

Eli Yanti said...

so touching ;)

jenni said...

These letters are really such fun. I'm enjoying this two-blog conversation!

Filia Oktarina said...

That is such a sweet letter, so romantic.

SharonD said...

What a lovely letter.

Unknown said...

Lovely, romantic letter!

Jen B. said...

I love this letter. How lovely that she loves Edward so much...

Kim said...

Thanks for posting the letter.

Na said...

Aww, this letter is so full of love and good tidings. Wishing Edward and Francessa tons of happiness.

Gail Nichols said...

I love that letter. it is so romantic.

Caroline Linden said...

Thank you, everyone! I hope you all have as happy and loverly a Valentine's Day as Edward and Francesca would have.

Tin Ong said...

Edward and Francesca's letters are wonderful!

(My husband and I also wrote letters to each other on our wedding day -- and my sister had to courier the letters between our rooms.)

Kitchen Witch of the West said...

Letters, even emails, between couples are so intimate. Really hope to win this, and cannot wait for the rest of the trilogy!
Thank you!

mrsshukra said...

Sweet, sweet letter!!!

TxDee said...

I thought Edward's letter was lovely; Francesca's is even better. I hope to win this book and I know even if I don't, I will be looking for my own copy.

Mary Preston said...

Thank you for the lovely letter.


krazymama_98 said...

Awww, so sweet. But of course, there must be tragedy waiting in that carriage below. Making us scatter to find the book to find out!! I never read excerpts.....look what happens when I do!! LOL
lisakhutson (at) [cox] {dot}

Barbara E. said...

Francesca's letter was very sweet and I can't wait to read One Night in London to see how they got to that point.

Betty Hamilton said...

This sounds like a great read! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!!

bettysunflower at

June M. said...

This sounds like a good story. I love the blurb to the book and the letter showing that they end up falling deeply in love. I wonder what happens to her little niece? Very interested in reading this story.

Di said...

I love it when the heroine has a cause, and the welfare of a child is a wonderful cause.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

LadyRed said...

Beautiful letter! Both books sound marvelous!

bn100 said...

What a very sweet letter.

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

Awwwww!! That's so sweet.. I'd really love to read One Night in London! Thanks for the giveaway!:)

Lexi said...

Oh so sweet, the day after their wedding is a perfect time to write a letter.

JessS said...

Great letter. I would love to read this!

Tina B said...

This letter was one of the sweetest things I have read in a while. I can just imagine what their story will hold.

Mary @SweepingMe said...

Love the letter. Thanks for the great giveaway!


Betty Hamilton said...

Very nice!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter the contest.

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