
Sealed With a Kiss: Jenn LeBlanc and Giveaway

Jenn is a novelist and photographer born, raised and living in the lee of the great Rocky Mountains. Her illustrated Novel THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE was originally released in February of 2011 to rave reviews and snarky comments. She recently revised the entire novel, turning it into a six-part serial with all new material and the never before released story of Perry, The Rake.

Places to find Jenn:
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I’m not sure what to say but what I already said because I’m not sure you’ll start here or there!! ;) So here we go again...feel free to skip my maundering and get to the love if you like.

I have to say my holidays have changed over the years, of course as a kid it was Christmas, and then when I first had my girls it was Easter because it’s spring and the egg hunt and pretty dresses and the rest.

But these days my favorite holiday is Valentine’s Day because I just love LOVE. And it isn’t just a couples day, it’s a day to celebrate everyone you love, we’re taught that in elementary school when we make little fancy bags and boxes and are told by our teachers to bring Valentines for everyone in the class, even the boys that pull your pigtails on the playground.

Well, the tables are turned as you grow up and while nobody is pulling my pigtails, I do still love sharing Valentines with everyone. So here is my Valentine for all of you. A very special one, from Perry to his lady love. I can’t tell you her name, it has been a closely guarded secret, but TODAY that secret is out in SUBMISSION: The Rake And The Recluse: Part Five!!!

I’m very excited because this has been a long road to SUBMISSION. I won’t talk about it too much, but my novel THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE came out last February, and now it has been completely re edited, with all new content and images (it is illustrated) and the final chapters including Perry’s Story.

You will find links and fun stuff...later, let’s get to the letter!!

My dearest, my sweet, my wife,

You know how you tempt me with your formality.

Your endearing letter has moved me to respond. I loved every word, and you have no idea how it excites me to learn you wish to polish me, until I shine. I quite look forward to that.

I feel so blessed every day to wake up with you in my arms. That you have changed my life would be an understatement. Today, of all days, let us celebrate who we are together, and never leave the comfort of each other’s arms.

Today I will worship your body and your soul with all that I am and all that you have helped me to become. A man most deserving of the woman you have always been.

I cannot begin to express in words what it is you have done to me, to find you hiding in my carriage, to have you demand I teach you what it meant to be loved, to have your sweet and pure innocence wash over me like warm satin water, cleansing the deepest parts of my soul, to have simply HAVE you.

I am quite sincerely the luckiest man on earth.

My sweet you have learned every lesson presented you with enthusiasm and passion, you have outdone yourself on many occasions and even, at times, outdone me. This is something I never would have conceived of. In two short weeks you had me, you simply had me.

Whatever it is in you that draws me, that holds me, that takes me away, I wish for it to never fade. You have taken what was my life and turned me inside out. You have seen the worst of me and not turned away, you have seen the best of me and not turned away.

The way I fill you, the way you slide against me, the inherent quality to your movement; that took no lessons, but is simply you. You have turned this on me, taken my lessons and thrown them back at me perforce. I am lost within you...within you...within you. And would never choose to be without.

Your body is on my mind and my heart is in your hands. The way your mind wraps around my senses and pulls tight, stroking ever so gently with your words until I cannot possibly hold on for more. You undo me with a look, a simply touch, the pink of your tongue.

Though I have professed many, there are no words for what you truly mean to me, and so I intend to show you, as often as possible. In as many ways as I am able, I will endeavor to to speak to the very heart of you. I told you once that when I set my mind to something there would be no doubt of when it happened. So let me set my mind to this, a task I fear (with the greatest of hope) will be never ending. It is time we discussed these talents you would prefer I not be without.

Put down this letter, and come join me in the bath.
I want to put my mouth on you.

Ever yours,

Check out the Perry and Perry's Lady love story in SUBMISSION: The Rake And The Recluse: Part Five


FREEDOM: The Rake And The Recluse: Part One

Part one brings Francine to the world of the Duke of Roxleigh, clashing worlds in first installment of the completely revised novel, with all new material.

Available now from these ebook retailers:

FOUND: The Rake And The Recluse: Part Two

Part two finds Francine in the world of the Duke of Roxleigh. The clashing of worlds in first installment of the completely revised novel continues as Francine finds her footing, discovers secrets about her elusive host, and learns more about herself than she ever thought possible.

Available now from these ebook retailers:

TAKEN: The Rake And The Recluse: Part Three

Part THREE brings Francine and Gideon closer than they ever imagined possible, until the unimaginable tears them apart. What will Gideon do if he loses her, this time, forever?

Available now from these ebook retailers:

RUINATION: The Rake And The Recluse: Part Four

Part FOUR is full of revelations, celebrations, protestations and one surprise that will have you holding your breath for the final chapters. What has Perry done?

Available now at these ebook retailers:

SUBMISSION: The Rake And The Recluse: Part Five

Perry leaves Roxleigh House without a backward glance only to be tossed headlong into one of the most difficult trials of his life. How will he protect the very thing he is dedicated to pursuing? How will a man dedicated to the pursuit of pleasure survive a woman who refuses to relent, when he knows he cannot have her.

Available now at these ebook retailers:

RETRIBUTION: The Rake And The Recluse: Part Six

Perry must find the woman who has managed to capture his heart, then he must find a way to keep her. Someone else is on the hunt, someone from her past who doesn’t appreciate that she still lives and breaths.

Coming February 28, 2012


Jenn will be giving away an eBook copy of The Rake and The Recluse: Redux to 1 lucky person. ALSO, anyone that leaves a comment with an email address with have a chance to be entered in the grand prize #WICKEDblog tour, which will be given away on March 1, 2012. DON'T forget to include your email address in your comment or you CAN'T BE ENTERED into the grand prize drawing. So make sure to fill out the Rafflecopter form and to leave an email address with your comment for your chance to win. 

Rules can be found HERE. A full list of all the posts in the tour can be found HERE.

Don't forget to head over to Not Another Romance Blog to check out the love letter from Perry's Lady to Perry.

**Don't forget to enter the Big Grand Prize Giveaway. Enter here.**

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Landra said...

Oh Perry! That was probably the sweetest, and the most sensual love letter I've ever read! Absolutely all manly, smexy Perry and I love it!!!! Too many exclamation points are needed to profess my excitment for this absolute rake.

Joanne said...

That was the sweetest letter I have ever read. Boy, he sure is in love. Lucky girl. Can't wait to read this.


SharonD said...

Happy Valentines Day!!! Oh ... how I've loved reading all these letters for the Sealed with a Kiss event.

May said...

That's really loving! :) What a love letter...

maybe31 at

Jenn LeBlanc said...

Isn't he just? I heart me some Perry. Hard. And even as he is sweet and tender he is still ever the Rake. That last line? *swoooons*

Thank you for stopping by Landra! See you on twitter :)

Jenn said...

Thank you Joanne! He does melt the heart doesn't he? :)

Jenn said...

Sharon haven't they been wonderful? It was such a great idea. I loved it too :)

Jenn said...

May wasn't this a great series! I had so much fun with this. :)

Unknown said...

Phew, loved it! Happy Valentines Day!

tigger_time2 at yahoo dot com

LadyRed said...

WOW! Where can I find a man like that? Do you give lessons LOL?! JK, my hubby is quite the charmer himself, however he is not that loquacious! Happy Valentine's Day!

LadyRed said...

And since I totally forgot this

Jenn LeBlanc said...

Thank you Lisa!! I hope you are enjoying the books :)


Jenn said...

He had you so worked up you forgot your email!! LO!L It happens. I should know. He has me pacing around my computer all the time thinking "Did he really just SAY that?"


Good luck in the giveaway!


Jenn said...

If you guys would like more Perry get on over to Romancing Rakes because those ladies INTERVIEWED HIM!!!


bn100 said...

Very beautiful letter.

Jenn said...

Perry says thank you. He also shakes his head at me because I shared it with the world.


Tin Ong said...

This letter was just ... wow.

And the photo of Lord and Lady Perry was just ... wow.

Jenn said...

:) Well, thank you Tin! Wow definitely works for me :)


(and Perry says you're welcome)

*yadkny* said...

Congrats Jenn on what is sure to be a wonderful story!

Jenn said...

Thank you Yadira!! I hope you enjoy my guys :)


Jen B. said...

I love this letter! And what a closing line! Just plain wow!!!

Jenn said...

Thanks Jen! Perry is pretty..uh...randy.

Di said...

I hope this story comes out in print cause I don't have an eReader.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Mary Preston said...

Such an incredibly beautiful letter thank you.


Lexi said...

I have to fan myself, now THAT is a love letter! Well done Jenn!

Jenn said...

You are so very welcome. Perry tends to melt the knees. :)


Jenn said...

Why Thank you Miss Lexi!! Tee hee... I'll let Perry know it continues to please. :)


June M. said...

That was a great love letter! I love their letters to each other and can't wait to read the ending of this series. I was lucky enough to win a copy previously so there is no need to enter now.
Hope you had a wonderful V'day!

June M. said...

forgot: manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Jenn said...

But you are entered for the GRAND prize! :)

Thank you June.


Filia Oktarina said...

I've loved reading all these letters for the Sealed with a Kiss event. He does melt my heart. Can't wait to read this book. This book will on my wish list;)
Thank you for giveaway.

filiafantasy at gmail dot com

Jenn said...

Oh thank you Filia I hope you enjoy it! This was a great event I completely agree. Rita and Dani did an awesome job and it was fun for the writers and the readers as well!


Tina B said...

His letter is extremely sweet yet very sensual in parts. His words just made me melt. Loved it!

Jenn said...

Thank you Tina! I'm so glad you liked it. :)

Mary @SweepingMe said...

Thank you so much for your giveaways!!!

Jenn said...

Speaking only for myself, YOU'RE WELCOME!! But I would also like to thank these lovely bloggesses for arranging such fabulous, fun, events. Such great ideas they have :)

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