
Sealed With a Kiss: Maya Rodale and Giveaway

Maya Rodale began reading romance novels in college at her mother’s insistence and it wasn’t long before she was writing her own. Maya is now the author of multiple Regency historical romances. She lives in New York City with her darling dog and a rogue of her own.

Places to find Maya:
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From the file of love letters that were never sent:
Miss Eliza Fielding to The Duke of Wycliff

From the charred embers of a fireplace in the servant’s quarters...

Your Grace,

Dare I put our intimacy in print and call you Sebastian? Or shall I address you as The Tattooed Duke, as all of London does? Dare I confess that I am the one who have named you thus? So many questions, so many mysteries, so many things I cannot say.

Yet I write this letter anyway and with thoughts of confessing my deception and speaking of the heart wrenching truths that keep us spite of kisses at midnight and late nights on the roof, looking up at the stars from the warmth of your arms.

The marble floor in the foyer needs to be mopped. Yet another edition of The Tattooed Duke must be written from my humble little bedchamber under your roof. I must go...and I will be thinking of you.

Lovingly, longingly, yours,

Check out Eliza and Sebastian's love story in THE TATTOOED DUKE-Coming in March!

Breaking news, scandal fans:

You thought you knew the dangerous Duke of Wycliff, London’s globe-trotting adventure addict. Here’s what you don’t know: he’s penniless. Sebastian Digby’s dukely lifestyle is over forever unless he finds a rich bride. But thanks to The London Weekly, everyone knows better than to tangle with this lothario. Besides (as one writer can testify), it seems that Sebastian has been unable to keep his hands of his own lowly housemaid…

And that’s a problem. A big one. 

Because that housemaid just happens to be me. Eliza Fielding. The same undercover Writing Girl who’s been exposing the Duke’s most intimate secrets to the world. And now I’ve gone and complicated everything by falling love with him. Passion and deception have never been so delicious, but now the truth could destroy everything. This is more than a conflict of interest. It’s a seduction where love itself hangs in the balance.
Places to Pre-Order:


Maya will be giving away a copy of A Tale of Two Lovers to 1 lucky person (US Shipping ONLY). So make sure to leave a comment and to fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win.

Don't forget to head over to Not Another Romance Blog to check out Sebastian's letter to Eliza.

**Don't forget to enter the Big Grand Prize Giveaway. Enter here.**

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Tin Ong said...

"The Tattoed Duke" is a very intriguing title -- and will, most likely be, a very wonderful read.

I'm looking forward to it!

erin said...

Thanks for the lovely letter. I also love the title! Definitely caught my interest :)

Gena Robertson said...

Maya is a new to me author, and The Tattooed Duke sounds like a delightful and delicious read! I have it on my wishlist right now!

I am socially stalking Maya now, lol - must find her other books!

Gena Robertson

Johanna R Jochum said...

OMG! This book looks awesome! I love the cover and title too! This book has been on my wish list since I first heard about a couple months ago!

Myra C said...

Wow! This book sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway.

Joanne said...

Intriguing concert, an undercover reporter posing as a housemaid. Can't wait to see what happens between Eliza ans Sebastian. Thanks for the chance to win A Tale of Two Lovers, another good book.


Shelley B said...

I want this book! It sounds so good. Love with a servant, who's really not, is always interesting. Thanks for the chance!

Landra said...

Can't wait till this one hit's the shelves, or should I say the Kindle's Lol! I've been reading little hints of this book for a while now and am desperate to get my hands on it!

Kim said...

Thanks for the letter. The book sounds interesting.

jenni said...

I've always said that there's nothing quite as intriguing as a well placed tattoo. Look toward to winning this giveaway!!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see how this relationship works out!

SharonD said...

This looks great. Great letters everyday :)

Lexi said...

So she came up with the name the Tattooed Duke. I can't wait to see how he finds her out. She will find out how wicked he really is!!

LadyRed said...

This sounds like such an interesting read! I adored the letter and that Eliza is moonlighting as a housemaid in the duke's residence!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to find out why he's named that and what it all means. Secrets, secrets, secrets. So good!

Sue P.

Di said...

I'd love to find out what happens in Eliza's & Sebastian's story.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

*yadkny* said...

I cant wait to get to know the Tattooed Duke!

mrsshukra said...

Perfect teaser letter!

TxDee said...

I wonder how she became a journalist? I'm intrigued and these teaser letters are great. Thanks for the chance to win.

Julianne said...

I'm adding this book to my list. Fantastic cover!.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Jeanne M said...

I read Maya's first three books and loved them. I read an excerpt from A Tale of Two Lovers and my favorite quote was loved it. I can't believe that I haven't had a chance to pick up a copy yet but they closed our local bookstore last year and I'd love to win a copy.

The Tatooed Duke sounds fascinating and I love the Writing Girls! I loved Eliza's letter and can't wait to find out if actually sends it to Sebastian!

bn100 said...

Very nice letter.

chilosa2004 said...

love the cover

Jane said...

Looks like they had fun on the roof.

Carol L. said...

I love the cover and the title. Very unique. I cannot wait to read The Tattooed Duke. It's o my TRL. Thanks for the chance to win.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

June M. said...

The Tattooed Duke sounds great. I love a juicy secret and this one is definitely one. Can't wait to see what happens when he finds out (and I am sure it comes out).

Diane D - Florida said...

I love the letter and really enjoyed the excerpt. I'd love to win "The Tattooed Duke".

Thank you for this opportunity.

Jen B. said...

I love this letter! She names him the Tattooed Duke!? Awesome!

SusieB said...

Wow the Tattooed Duke sounds scandalous! Definitely going to read that when it comes out!!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Tina B said...

I love the cover. The letter has definitely piqued my interest. Thanks. :)

Mary @SweepingMe said...

Love the sound of The Tattooed Duke sounds awesome! Thanks for the chance.


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