
Wicked Blog Tour: Guest Post with Jenn LeBlanc and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog the lovely and amazing Jenn LeBlanc. Jenn is the author of the super awesome book The Rake and The Recluse. Jenn has gone and done something super awesome, she has revamped her story and added a lot more story along with tons more pictures. Along with the revamping, she has broken it down into six serials that are to be released every two weeks. Today is the release of her sixth and final installment, Retribution and Jenn's last visit to the blog for her Wicked Blog Tour. So everyone please give a very warm welcome to the super awesome Jenn LeBlanc.

Jenn is a novelist and photographer born, raised and living in the lee of the great Rocky Mountains. Her illustrated Novel THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE was originally released in February of 2011 to rave reviews and snarky comments. She recently revised the entire novel, turning it into a six-part serial with all new material and the never before released story of Perry, The Rake.

Places to find Jenn:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |  Tumblr(NSFW) |

Dani!! Amazing lady! Thank you again for hosting me today for the FINAL release day for THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE. I’m feeling a bit torn today. It’s sad for me, because I have spent the last three years straight with these guys, and I love them so very much.

I’m excited to share them with the world, of course, but for some reason it just feels so final. Their stories are told and I’m handing them off to readers to care for them, love them, take care of them, dream of them. And they are dreamworthy, so very.

Gideon and Perry were born from a dream about a girl, three years ago March. The girl ran, for unknown reasons, she ran. She fell in the path of a powerful and a troubled man, one that ultimately became her salvation, and she his.

The fact is, these books have really been my life. At this point I don’t remember life without knowing Gideon and Perry. “Like a memory of you was born with me.” As it says in the book.

Today I want to detract from the themes I have written for my blogs here on Ramblings. I want to share with you some of my very favorite quotes and images from the book.

Samson’s grace and surefootedness at breakneck paces was the closest Roxleigh had ever come to some semblance of peace in his life. His head was never clearer, his nerves never calmer, and his mind never more unbound than when he rode Samson. He listened to the horse’s steady breathing, the exertion of his exhalations, and the steady beat of his hooves, punctuated by the swift silence of the jumps and the exclamation of the landing—like a staccato symphony.

Francine’s heart skipped a beat as she looked up the staircase that went to the upstairs parlor to find an impeccably dressed, younger version of Roxleigh leaning arrogantly against the balustrade. She waved at him nervously with just the tips of her fingers as she braced herself. This man wasn’t like his brother, she could see that much from the way he carried himself. This man was the quarterback, the prom king, Mr. Popular, the ever-elusive crush who didn’t know you existed, and here he was with her, giving her all of his attention.

His mouth teased at her nipple, gathering the intoxicating threads of energy. She felt his fingers unfurl and shift as his palm flattened against her, and she pushed back. Never in her life had she been closer to another human being. Never in her life had she been so naked, her emotions laid bare. The darkness intensified rather than softened. She felt her entire being on display for him, as though he were reaching in to stroke her very soul.

“I am ruined,” Francine said, standing tall, holding her hands out wide for inspection, tilting her chin up. “From my forehead to my toes, thoroughly ravished. This man,” she said, gesturing at Gideon, “lay me down in your field, and he ruined me. He took my—my maidenhead, and claimed my body as his, and I allowed him...My womb is for his children, my mouth is for his pleasure, my body is for his use alone,” she said proudly.

“I concede.”

Her heart stopped as the words drifted across her shoulder, and she turned slowly toward him, her side coming to rest against his solid chest. He should have moved to give her room. It would have been the proper thing to do. He didn’t. He did what a rake would do: he crowded her infinitely more by flexing the muscles that caged her to the window. “You...what?”

Her breathing caught the rhythm of the notes, her chest rising and falling in deep waves. He saw her knees tighten, her fingers curl into her skirts.

He built the crescendo, drawing the tension as far as he could before letting it drift softly back to earth. He closed his eyes and his body swayed. He felt the strain of the notes, pulled them into his gut then let them spiral through his veins, flowing back out to circle again toward him.

Thank you thank you thank you. A thousand time thank you, for taking my men and making them yours. For giving them a new life beyond me, and beyond my imagination. For caring for my ladies and taking their dreams and making them yours. For making this project live on. Thank You.

I am humbled.


A woman out of time.
A man stifled by propriety.
A nemesis determined to take her away.
A brother to the rescue.

How will a powerful Duke deal with a woman who doesn't know her place? How will a woman used to the 21st century survive in time where she is considered property?

Francine Larrabee woke up on the wrong side of the century. She was fairly certain she went to sleep in her own comfy bed, but she doesn’t quite seem to be there now. Only adding to her problems is that she has no voice, is constantly being glowered at by a large, stunning man who is obsessed with propriety, and she is apparently betrothed to another horrid little man, determined to ruin her, and any other girls that get in his way.
How does she find herself in the past, when she couldn’t even find herself in her present? How does a self sufficient businesswoman survive in a time when women were still considered property for the whole of their lives and what is she going to do with this man who draws her to him so fiercely.


FREEDOM: The Rake And The Recluse: Part One

Part one brings Francine to the world of the Duke of Roxleigh, clashing worlds in first installment of the completely revised novel, with all new material.

Available now from these ebook retailers:

FOUND: The Rake And The Recluse: Part Two

Part two finds Francine in the world of the Duke of Roxleigh. The clashing of worlds in first installment of the completely revised novel continues as Francine finds her footing, discovers secrets about her elusive host, and learns more about herself than she ever thought possible.

Available now from these ebook retailers:

TAKEN: The Rake And The Recluse: Part Three

Part THREE brings Francine and Gideon closer than they ever imagined possible, until the unimaginable tears them apart. What will Gideon do if he loses her, this time, forever?

Available now from these ebook retailers:

RUINATION: The Rake And The Recluse: Part Four

Part FOUR is full of revelations, celebrations, protestations and one surprise that will have you holding your breath for the final chapters. What has Perry done?

Available now at these ebook retailers:

SUBMISSION: The Rake And The Recluse: Part Five

Perry leaves Roxleigh House without a backward glance only to be tossed headlong into one of the most difficult trials of his life. How will he protect the very thing he is dedicated to pursuing? How will a man dedicated to the pursuit of pleasure survive a woman who refuses to relent, when he knows he cannot have her.

Available now at these ebook retailers:

RETRIBUTION: The Rake And The Recluse: Part Six

Perry must find the woman who has managed to capture his heart, then he must find a way to keep her. Someone else is on the hunt, someone from her past who doesn’t appreciate that she still lives and breaths.

Available now at these ebook retailers:
| Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance |


Thank you for stopping by, 1 lucky commenter will win a full copy of the six-part serial novel as it is released. You will ALSO be entered in the grand prize #WICKEDblog tour, which will be given away on March 1, 2012.

DON'T forget to include your email address in your comment or you CAN'T BE ENTERED into the grand prize drawing.

Rules can be found HERE. A full list of all the posts in the tour can be found HERE.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Luc said...

Hi Jenn,

I love you books very much. Thanks for the chance to win :)

I love it.


Joanne said...

Thanks for the blog tour. I've had fun and learned a lot. Can't wait to read this serial novel to see what happens. Love the illustrations.


Jenn said...

Thank you Luc!! It sounds like I'm leaving my guys in good hands, thank you, J

Jenn said...

Thank you for following along Joanne! It's been a lot of fun, but without you guys, I'm just out here talking to myself! J

Savannah said...

Great post :) Series sounds amazing!

Thanks for the blog tour

Filia Oktarina said...

Great post. I know about this one and i like cover every part. I have ebook part one, and i like this story. I can't wait to read all this serial novel to see what happens. Hope i win this series. thank you for giveaway!!


Jenn said...

Thank you Savannah! I hope you get a chance to enjoy it, good luck in the giveaways!

Jenn said...

THANK you Filia! I love to hear that, of course, good luck in the giveaway! It would great if you won :)


kiki w said...

Love the post and the book cover is Great. Love it when I find new authors. Thanks

Gwen LTP said...

Fun post - always nice to have an illustrated read ;)
Thanks for the giveaway - I haven't read this author (yet) but these books look so good!

Mary Preston said...

Jenn I am loving the series THANK YOU.

wanda f said...

Hi Jenn your series sounds great cant wait to get started reading it.Have a fantastic week

Jenn said...

Thank you Kiki! I hope you enjoy it :)


Jenn said...

Thank you Gwen! Good luck in the giveaway! ( one is FREE on All Romance ebooks)


Jenn said...

THANK YOU!! Oh I'm so glad! Thank you. :)

Jenn said...

Thank you Wanda! Enjoy!!

Na said...

Congrats on the release of Retribution! Such pretty pretty covers and images.


Tina B said...

I could only imagine what it would be like to wake up in another world. Scary to say the least. Congrats on release of THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE! I was wondering what made you decide to revamp the book into 6 individual books? It probably gave you the opportunity to get really in depth with your characters and their world. Also, is the original still available? Thank you.

Jenn said...

Thank you Na! I hope you are enjoying the serial! :)


Jenn said...

I actually wrote the book in six parts to begin with, but hit some snags with the final two books (the original model moved to Korea to teach English to kids) So I had to start over, and I decided to publish Gideons story as a stand alone.

The original is no longer available. But the redux is SO MUCH BETTER. And it is now available as a single book, just like the original was. Though those who own the original can lend it still, so if you find someone who has it, it is lendable through Nook and Kindle.

But the new one has MORE...everything.

Thank you!


Jenn said...

Also Tina, I might mention the FULL NOVEL is now available as one book. It's on Sale right now for $5.99 so if you want it all in one place that might be the way to go :)


Tina B said...

Thank you, Jenn. I would definitely rather read the new version, but was just curious how they compare. Thanks. :)

Jenn said...

Ahhh, Kati over at Romancing Rakes has read both, she loved the original and likes the new even better. I think she talks about the differences in her reviews :)

Himeko said...

I just bought these last night, well the last two because I was anxious to read Perry's story and I cant't put it down.

Christine A. said...

Hi Jenn. I have not had a chance to read your books, but I really love looking at the covers. They are hot and very sexy. Congrats on the release. I will be adding you to my TBR list.

Jenn said...

I hope you love it!!!

Jenn said...

Thank you Christine! The best news a girl could wish for. I hope you love them as well, Jenn

Modokker said...

Love the quotes. I still like Perry's alphabet lesson best of all. Soon as i can i need to reread it all in order one after the other.

Lisa B

Jenn said...

Thank you Lisa, the paint scene is one of the most popular scenes of the whole series :) I'm pretty proud of that one :)


Unknown said...

OMG!! 3 hours left! Hope I still can enter the giveaway.

Hi Jenn, this is an awesome giveaway. The books sounds great, I'd love to read it. And the it :)

Thank u for this giveaway.

Unknown said...

Oh, I forgot to include my email...


Jenn said...

Thank you Amel! I think you made it!! Good luck in the giveaway!

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