
Coming Soon-Romance Book Casting Call

This past year of blogging among the romance community has been a truly fabulous one and a total learning experience. We have met (in person, on Twitter, Facebook, etc.) many wonderful authors and fellow bloggers along the way. To celebrate, we’ve invited some fantastic authors and bloggers who have impacted each of us in their own way. There are some many more authors and bloggers we would have loved to feature but we don’t have the super organizing skills like Elise Rome with her 31 days of March Madness.

We’ll be featuring authors during the week and fellow bloggers on Saturdays. On Sundays, we’ll announce the winners.

Look at the fantastic authors and bloggers we’re hosting:
Mandi from Smexybooks
Aislynn from Stitch-Read-Cook
Kim from SOS Aloha

There will be books and swag to win plus we are giving away a Kindle ($79) to one lucky US Reader as well as book bundles from each of us.

Tell your friends, neighbors, your mailman/mailwoman, the UPS guy, that hottie that runs shirtless through your neighborhood at 5 on the dot... Post it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest.

Keep up to date with all the fantastic authors and bloggers here as well as entering for the grand prize and book bundles.

We hope you join us to celebrate our first year of blogging!


Melanie said...

Hey cutey pie!

Looking forward to my 'gig' with you :D
I am impressed with all these authors and bloggers you got lined up :) This will be too much fun! Now, let's spread the word!!!


The_Book_Queen said...

Congrats on your first year, I'll definitely be back for this great event! :)

TBQ's Book Palace

RFTC Blog said...

Thanks ladies! I'm really looking forward to it. =) See you there!

Beth said...

Awesome contest. Thank you.

Virna DePaul said...

A wonderful event! Congrats on your first year as a blogger, Danielle! You're a great one, and so is Katie!! :)

Allie said...

really like Rodrigo as the male pick, but not so keen on Eliza. I love her as an actress and she is beyond beautiful. But she is older than that picture now and I think it needs a sexy younger person. Just my opinion. This book looks awesome!

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