
Guest Post with Author Annie Nicholas and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Annie Nicholas. Annie is currently on tour promoting the release of her newest book in her Vanguard series, Omegas in Love. Annie has stopped by today to share with us who she would cast in the roles of her Vanguard heroes and heroines but first lets get to know Annie a bit.

Annie Nicholas hibernates in the rural, green mountains of Vermont, where she dreams of different worlds, heroes, and heroines. When spring arrives the stories pour from her, in hopes to share them with the masses one day.

Mother, daughter, wife are some of the hats she happily wears while trudging after her cubs through the hills and dales. The four seasons an inspiration and muse.

Places to find Annie:

A looooong time ago on a North bound trip to Canada far, far away my mind began to wander as I drove back to my home town to visit family. I’d grown up on the nerdy side. It doesn’t bother me to admit this. I have embraced my inner geek.

I’d been thinking about werewolves and how they are depicted as alphas in all the books I’d read. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about the alphas too, but, where would I fit in if I was a shifter? This idea intrigued me. They can’t all be beating their chests and tossing women over their shoulders. There has to be a variant, just like in humans. How would a weak human male deal with suddenly being turned into a hot shifter?

Hence, this was how my small pack of omegas were born. I started with one story and it grew into a series. Each novella is about a different member of the pack and how they overcome their individual issues with poor self-esteem.

Casting of the Vanguards heros and heroines:

Book one, The Omegas, stars Daedalus and Sugar, they resemble Vin Diesel and Marilyn Monroe.

Book two, The Alpha, stars Eric and Spice, they could be played by Jake Gyllenhall and Marilyn Monroe. (Sugar and Spice are identical twins. LOL)

Book three, The Beta, stars Robert and Esther, they look like a young George Clooney and a young Sandra Bullock.


Book four, Omegas in Love, stars Tyler and Katrina, who could be Mat Damon with red, curly hair and Lucy Liu.

I love to write about both vampires and werewolves, which is why you will find a mix of creatures in all my books. Writing about the relationships between different species is very exciting and most of my future endeavors will contain a variety of monsters.

Thank you for hosting me at your blog.

Some things are best to forget. But what if the past won't be forgotten?

Born in China of a pure shifter bloodline, Katrina was raised with only one purpose--to breed. Abused by her alpha, she runs away to America as soon as she can. With a new pack and her true mate, she thinks the nightmare is behind her, but when she is abducted on the streets of Chinatown, Katrina must face her past and fight for her freedom.

It took Tyler a year to earn Katrina's love, another to build her confidence and pride, and only a moment to lose her. Broken-hearted, Tyler won't give up his search for Katrina. But he never trained as a warrior like the other shifters. What chance does a real estate agent have in the fight for his mate?

WARNING: Explicit shifter sex, heartbroken torment, and an unstoppable shifter in love.
Places to Purchase:


An antique red archway covered the entrance to the tourist trap to keep evil spirits away and good luck in. Sticking his hand in his jacket pocket, he rubbed the small, velvet jewelry box he’d placed there earlier today.

He could use all the luck he could get—just because Katrina was his mate, didn’t mean she’d agree to get married.

Raised in an all-wolf-shifter community in rural Mongolia, she didn’t think like American shifters. Like him. He took a deep, shaky breath. Marriage was a foreign ritual to her.

He’d chosen this location not just for his superstitions, but for its significance. Katrina worked in the area, a place where the old Asian world met the new, as an interpreter for some of the local companies.

She waited under the arch, facing him, her delicate eyebrows furrowed. An Asian man he didn’t recognize spoke with her.

Facing the stranger’s back, Tyler could only see his short black hair and long fall trench coat.

A sharp stab of jealousy drove him to quicken his pace. He couldn’t help it. As a shifter, possession was nine-tenths of the law, and Katrina belonged to him.

Passing half a dozen souvenir shops offering cheap trinkets, Tyler trotted along Wentworth Avenue. Katrina’s raised voice reached his ears, but he couldn’t understand Mandarin. He growled low in his chest. His mate didn’t yell often.

Three other men broke from the crowd and surrounded the arguing couple.

Tyler’s heart rate took off like a locomotive on a downhill slide. He smelled shifters. Non-Vasi shifters on their territory. Surrounding his mate.


Alright guys, there are lots of goodies up for grabs today. Annie Nicholas will be giving away a set of the first 3 Vanguard series books along with a $10 Gift Card to Amazon or Barnes & Noble to 1 randomly drawn commenter during her tour

Also up for grabs today, 1 lucky commenter will win themselves a copy of any of Annie's backlisted titles. 

So make sure to leave a comment along with your email address to be entered to win one of these great prizes. Also, make sure to follow along with the tour to great increase your chances for winning. 


*yadkny* said...

Great cast choices and excerpt!

Mary Preston said...

What a gorgeous cast you have put together. Marilyn Monroe is breathtaking isn't she?


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting Annie today.

MomJane said...

I loved looking at the choices you made for your characters. What fun you must have had. The story sounds awesome.

Annie Nicholas said...

Thanks for having me here today. I loved casting my characters. LOL

Unknown said...

^Appreciate giveaway! Helps those like me on fixed income/SSI {perm/multi disabled: wheelchair/home-bound} who need & enjoy to read, attain books{etc} can't normally afford <3
^Thx for Visuals/Pix on the Characters! From Excerpt(s) Seems as tho you've given a taken a detour from the oft traveled path of other 'Alpha & Shifter' Dynamics!
^Really look forward to escape by following all their twisting adventures, HOT Romance{etc} & journey thru Magickal Paranormal World created!
^ Email: needz2dream (at) gmail (dot) com
)0( Warmest Blessings )0(
*Paranormal Romance is Magickal*
*Proud Paranormal Romance Addict*

Joanne said...

Great choices you made for your characters. I can't wait to see how Katrina explains to Tyler that she is already mated. This books sounds amazing. Can't wait to read it. Thanks for the blog tour.

Joanne B

Pamela Tyner said...

Excellent choices! I think they fit perfectly.

Tamara Hoffa said...

Sugar and Spice? Too cute, I am looking forward to reading this series

Unknown said...

It's always a pleasure to see who the author could imagine cast as their characters, so thank you for the fun post! :-) I'm intrigued by your series, off to check it out.

Thank you for the great giveaway!

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

erin said...

Thanks for the great post and excerpt! This book sounds fantastic ;)

Betty Hamilton said...

Thesem books sounds great. I love to read "new to me" authors. I have enjoyed many fantastic books that way. Thank you for the great blog. I look forward to reading some of Annie Nicholas work. bettysunflower at hotmail dot com

Savannah said...

This series sounds amazing! I can't wait to read and see what happens! Oh and Vin Diesel yummm ;) Thanks for the chance to win!

April Alvey said...

wow what a great giveaway sounds so wonderful i cant wait to read this book. i love the vanguard series. my email is thanks for the chance to win.

Julianne said...

The casting of the characters of the books was very interesting. What a nice visual. Great interview, loved the excerpt. Thanks for the chance to win.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

wyndwhisper said...

wow, what a great giveaway and the cast is awesome. i love the cover of the book, it's gorgeous and the excerpt was wonderful.
i have not read the books before but they just made the top of my TBBN list. the look like just the kind of books i love to read.

tammy ramey

Annie Nicholas said...

Thanks for all the great comments!

Deb PelletierC said...

Gotta love the cover.Deb P

Shelley B said...

I love shifter books! I like the idea of one true mate. Your dream cast is dead on. Love it!

Catherine Lee said...

Lucy Liu would make a great Katrina...except she might have a hard time in the passive scenes. We know her as a kick-butt actress...we might not believe that she would be an Omega or that she could be a victim.

catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

heather said...

I love it when the authors cast characters, it gives me more to go on when I'm reading and pictureing the characters :) Great choices!

ParanormalRomanceFan said...

Hello Annie,

Thank you Ramblings From This Chick for hosting Annie Nicholas' Release Tour of "Omegas in Love" & for your very different Interview with her, " Casting of the Vanguards heroes and heroines”, that was Great!

Thank you Annie for taking the time to stop by Ramblings From This Chick to spend with Us, sharing about yourself & your FANTASTIC choices of who you would cast in the roles of your Vanguard Heroes and Heroines & your new release, Omegas in Love".

Thank you for the posted excerpt here, but I just had to go to your website & read about the The Vanguards Series, they all sound Fantastic & Great Reads! I HAVE to get these Books;

"The Omegas" The Vanguards Book 1
"The Alpha" The Vanguards Book 2
"The Beta" The Vanguards Book 3
"Omegas In Love" The Vanguards Book 4

Congrats on the release of your current release in the Series, "Omegas In Love" The Vanguards Book 4, I can't wait to read Tyler and Katrina's Story. The Vanguards Series sound just as Great as the Angler Series.

You’re going to think I’m a Stalker Fan LOL because I’ve been Following You & telling you how much I enjoyed reading "BAIT" THE ANGLER BOOK ONE & thought it was an AWESOME Vampire Romance plus a whole lot more!! I felt it took me on an Incredibly Thrilling, Dark Sexy Ride that I didn't want to get off. As I was reading it, I was wondering what I had to do to have Rurik for myself ;) LOL Now I wouldn't be selfish, how about just for a day???? Then Connie could have him back?? LOL I'm sooooo Bad!!! ;) I can't wait to read the rest of THE ANGLER Series as well.

I would appreciate if I could be added to your tour giveaway of a set of the first 3 Vanguard Series Books & a $10 Gift Card to Barnes & Noble. Also, could be entered in your giveaway of a copy of one of the books in your backlist titles. Thank You.

Take care & Wishing You Much Success on your New Release,
PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)

Unknown said...

hy annie..

wow, its a great the cast...i love it..
thanks for the giveaway..success for you ^^

June M. said...

I can't wait to get caught up on this series. Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaways.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Annie Nicholas said...

Renald, you are yesterday's winner! Congrats, I'm sending you a note.

Pommawolf Emeraldwolfeyes said...

Thank you for sharing about your series as I love all things wolf..*S* I have your series on my gotta have list and your characters and stories sounds wonderful. I have always wanted to visit Vermont as it is the far east from Washington state where I grew up, and even farther away from where I now live in the interior of Alaska. Living in Alaska is where my beloved wolves have the biggest area to live wild and free, yet hunted still. I hate this so very much, and fight against it even harder. Thank you for the giveaway, and I wish you continued success and all the best!


Di said...

Those are some really interesting pairings.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I absolutely loved the descriptions for this series. All the books look amazing and have been added to my TBR pile. I don't know why but I find it hard to discover an original Fantasy Romance series and I think this will fit the bill!

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

Wow, I love those pairings! Omegas in Love sounds AMAZING, and I'd love to read it! Thanks for this giveaway!


Sherry said...

I really like your choices for the characters but when I'm reading I always like to imagine what they look like.
sstrode at scrtc dot com

Krysykat said...

The book looks awesome :)


booklover0226 said...

I have read some of Annie's works and really enjoyed them. I look forward in reading more.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

bas1chs said...

Yay! Thanks for stopping by on your tour!

bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

JessS said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I haven't read any of your books but the Omega's In Love series sounds good. I definitely want to read about different monsters falling in love <3


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