
Guest Post with Author Lizbeth Selvig and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Lizbeth Selvig. Lizbeth is currently on tour promoting the release of her debut The Rancher and the Rockstar and has stopped by to chat. But before we chat lets get to know Lizbeth a little.

Growing up in Minneapolis, Minnesota with three brothers and no sisters definitely shaped my personality. Even though my girl friends were great, I was much prouder of the fact that I was the only female allowed into the neighborhood Boys Only club. Girlie stuff (with exception of the occasional Barbie play date) was simply a waste of time. Baseball, climbing trees, begging my parents for a horse, and avoiding wearing dresses at all costs were much more fun--and seemed much more fair. After all, girls simply didn't have any fun in life.

Imagine my surprise when, after years of my tolerant mother putting up with me wanting to BE a guy, like one of the Beatles or the Monkees, I looked up at a picture of Paul McCartney on my wall one day--and fell in love. Like a doggone proper girl.

Making up stories was second nature to me. As far back as I can remember I told myself tales when I went to bed. As I got older and competent enough, I started writing them down. When most girls were reading themselves to sleep, I was writing until the wee hours.

After the momentous epiphany over the poster from Tiger Beat Magazine, all my written tales were romances. At first, they were romances about Davy Jones and Bobby Sherman and Paul. Then I discovered my own characters, and writing became more than a bedtime activity, it became a passion.

It took lots of years, fantastic adventures, the raising of two children, and a real-life love affair that is still going on, to get my stories ready-for-prime time. Suffice it to say--girls, I've learned, have ALL the fun. And my love affair with romance novels has never died.

Places to find Lizbeth:

Hi Dani, thank you so much for inviting me to visit on Ramblings from this Chick. You have such a bright, friendly blog site, and I love how many different genres you read and talk about. I’m very happy to be here.

Today I’d like to share my ideas about what makes a great romance hero. But since it’s pretty boring to read a lengthy description, I thought I’d create you all a list. I’ve aimed it at all the potential heroes out there, so feel free to pass it to any potential candidates!

Here, then, are Liz Selvig’s:
Top 10 Ways You Know You Could Be My Next Romance Hero

Number 10. Have great hands. This is purely subjective, of course, but if you use your hands and fingers like fine sculpting tools—for touch, for work, for lovemaking—I’ll find them sexy, no matter their shape or size.

Number 9. Be able to laugh at yourself. If you start out a little too serious, that’s fine—it will be a joy and a turn-on for me to watch you learn to let yourself go. Just be sure you allow your friends, and especially your heroine, to teach you about the silliness of life.

Number 8. Recognize when you have something to learn about yourself – You might not know at the start that you have wounds or even flaws. But when they’re pointed out to you, or something you experience shows you, don’t fight it. Explore your weaknesses and let them become your strengths. That’s super attractive!

Number 7. Be a little geeky– It doesn’t matter what you do for a living, but I must admit if there’s a pocket protector over those abs, or a pair of glasses on your nose when you look up from your book—it doesn’t hurt a thing! Remember: geekiness can come in many forms—a small fear, a bit of esoteric knowledge, a funky hobby, or loving your mom. Just don’t be afraid to show that inner unusual trait that makes you wonderfully different from that hero in the next book.

Number 6. Enjoy a unique woman and be willing to learn from her – Don’t judge a girl by a first impression. A waitress could be the girl who has just what you need. That quiet little mouse might just surprise you. A kick-ass girl might be just what the scientist in you craves. Celebrate someone you think you could never fall for. This is one corollary of the old Julia Roberts line in Pretty Woman. What does the princess do when she’s rescued by the prince? She rescues him right back. Let that unexpected princess rescue you!

Number 5. Go a little soft around animals – Any man is sexier when he lets an animal melt his heart. Even if you don’t love them to start with, you shouldn’t be able to resist a furry head or a pair of begging eyes.

Number 4. Be good with kids – Yeah, a man with a baby is a little bit cliché, but there’s a reason for that! Men with babies are sexy. But you know what’s even hotter? A guy who can relate to kids when they’re at tougher ages—say eleven, or fifteen, or nearly adults. If you aren’t too busy in your life talk to a child or teen, it shows you have more capacity for caring than most.

Number 3. Be a bit of a bad boy – This is not a prerequisite for being my kind of hero. But bad boys are my one exception to the “I like beta heroes better than alpha heroes” criterion. Rebels who are wounded and misunderstood, who need saving on some level, are the dark chocolate of romance heroes. But—a rebel needs to be angry not mean, tender beneath his toughness and willing to accept the heart of gold that lies beneath his brash exterior. And if you’re a bad boy type, you have to let that one special heroine not only save you, but change your life.

Number 2. Be more beta than alpha i.e., protective but not domineering –True alpha males are perfect for some women, but I’m looking for a man who will throw himself in front of a truck (or a runaway carriage) for his lady, but never dominate her. If you’re my perfect hero, you want to end up as a full partner in a relationship, and you’re looking for a heroine who’ll compliment you, not simply be strong enough to stand you! The brawniest, toughest of men don’t have to go all alpha on the world – a fireman, a soldier, an athlete, or a mountain man can be sensitive. He can be tough without posturing and firm without being arrogant.

And the Number 1 way to know you could be my next romance hero: Make your heroine laugh! This is number one because it doesn’t matter to me if you’re slaying vampires, dazzling the ton, living on Planet Vega 57, or breaking horses in Montana – if you’re not going to laugh at some point, then what is the point? By words, or by actions, or simply by who you are—be funny for your girl, at least sometimes. She and I will both have to wear bibs to protect us from our drool!

That’s the list. And just to be clear—a great hero doesn’t have to have all these traits. Any of these, alone or in combination, will melt my heart. My hero, Gray, in The Rancher and the Rock Star” is a perfect example. He may have been a bad boy rocker early in his career, but he’s moved past that stage. He isn’t really a geek, except that he played the clarinet in band as a kid. But perfect, deft hands? Learning something important about himself? An animal lover? Dealing with kids? Letting the princess rescue him and definitely rescuing the princess? Oh yeah to all of that! I hope you take a chance on him and read his story.

Being a romance hero is difficult these days – there are so many of them out there competing for our hearts. What do you think? Do any of my top tens match with yours – as readers or writers? Do you have different standards for men who make your knees weak? Let me know—I’d love to hear.

I’ll be giving away a copy (e-format or paperback) plus a couple of other goodies to one commenter today. Leave me a question or comment by March 2 and be in the running! Thanks so much for joining me.

There comes a time in every independent woman's life when she has to step aside and let a White Knight do his job.

Abby Stadler has fought to carve out a quiet, independent life for herself and her fifteen-year-old daughter, Kim. She may need a White Knight, but she doesn't want one. Especially when he shows up in the form of a superstar with a missing son and vindictive paparazzi on his tail.

To the world, Gray Covey is a rock god. To his teenage son, Dawson, he's simply an absent father. When Gray is forced to track a runaway Dawson to Abby's struggling horse farm in small town Minnesota, he finds far more than a widow and a ranch with a silly name.

Faced with one teen who despises him, one teen who worships him, and a woman who flips his heart on its axis, Gray must learn not just how to be a father, but how to be real superstar.
Places to Purchase:


Alright guys, Lizbeth Selvig will be giving out lots of goodies today for The Rancher and the Rockstar  tour. So make sure to leave a comment along with your email address for your chance to win some goodies. 

Up for grabs:
  • 1 copy (eBook or print) of The Rancher and the Rockstar + some goodies to 1 lucky person who comments on this post.
  • 1 lucky commenter from the ENTIRE tour will win a $25 Amazon gift certificate.

So make sure you leave your email address along with your comment and follow along on the tour to increase your chances of winning. Giveaway is open until March 2nd.

Good Luck =)


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting Lizbeth today.

MomJane said...

I really love your comments on some of the requirements for a romantic hero in your stories. I would like some of those in a real life hero.

You must be sad now to have heard about Davy Jones.

GeorgiaMarie said...

I finished my ecopy of The Rancher and The Rock Star last night. Take a bow Lizbeth. Great character developement! By the time I got to the last page, I was sorry to say goodbye to
them. Can't wait for your next book.

Jody Vitek said...

Love the list, Liz! I like to laugh, so he must be able to make me laugh. I mean my heroine. If he could cook up a mean meal and not have the heroine in the kitchen working. It would be nice if he had all of the qualities you list, but then again, nobody is perfect. Great post!

LizbethSelvig said...

I second that! It's great to be here!

LizbethSelvig said...

Good morning MomJane! Sounds like we're on the same wavelength for heroic traits! I'm very lucky to have a real life hero who fits quite a few of those traits--with the exception of being a bad boy. Mine is honest to a fault.

And, yes, I shed a few tears over Davy's death yesterday. He was one of my first crushes-and there's a little hole in my heart to have lost him. Thanks for remembering him with me! I'm glad to see you here with me today!

LizbethSelvig said...

Okay, I've been WONDERING if this is you, Miss Georgia! Now that I see your e-mail I know for sure. I'm thrilled to have you following me on this crazy tour, and so happy you enjoyed the book. Hope you won't mind if I out you as my son's other mom (by marriage)! And a cool lady! Thanks so much for the compliment--it means a lot. See you soon!

LizbethSelvig said...

Good morning dear one! Glad you like the list. Yup, laughing is a must. My DH is good at that. And I know you'll punch me (virtually) for a teensy brag that hubby is a great cook. In fact, he's up to doing about 90% of it around here because it's one of my least fave things. I do have a tough time getting him to hang up his clothes, so yeah, nobody is perfect!
Have a FABULOUS day--and thanks!

Morgan O'Reilly said...

Gray has it all, staring with the hands. A man who can play a piano, guitar and do the mouth thing with brass and woodwinds? Oh yeah. Not to mention he has the strength to do push ups. All the rest falls into place quite well. Both Abby and Gray are very well rounded with characters and it's a delight to read along as they fall in love. I, too, am looking forward to more books :)

Unknown said...

Great top 10! All such good points...I'm still working on trying to have more fun, "silliness" in my life. Makes life much more enjoyable. Loving the book! When is your next one due to be released?

Anonymous said...

Geeky? Oh yeah. Glasses, pocket protectors. Sigh. Clark Kent before the metamorphosis. Beta vs. Alpha. Good points all. And of course heroes needn't have all these qualities to be turn-ons, just enough -- like Gray Covey. Makes one wish to be Abby Statler. Reading the book again now. Loving it again. Write lots more.

Alison Henderson said...

Oh, Liz, you had me right away with #10. Strong, agile hands have always been a weakness of mine. Love the list!

*yadkny* said...

Hi Lizbeth!
I totally agree with your assessment on Alpha men... they can be sensitive too:) My standards are pretty much listed out in your top 10! Great post and I will definitely be picking up a copy of The Rancher and the Rockstar! Good luck on the rest of your tour!!!

Laramie Sasseville said...

Hi, Liz! Great list. I especially like, "you’re looking for a heroine who’ll compliment you, not simply be strong enough to stand you!" LOL

Grace Feuk said...

Didn't mean to be 'anonymous.' Just hit the wrong reference. Some of us are a bit blog-challenged.

erin said...

Thanks for the great post and giveaway! This books sounds fun :)

Filia Oktarina said...

I agree with Top 10 Ways You Know You Could Be My Next Romance Hero your. Especially number #2 #3 #4 and #10. I would like some of those in a real life but then, nobody is perfect. Great post!

filiafantasy at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Fun post, as usual. I ended up having an "anonymous" post yesterday, not sure why. Keep it going. I'm about half-way through now.

Na said...

I'm with number 1. A sense of humor is so important for me in the long run. Make me laugh and everything just gets better. Congratulations on your release.


Ellie said...

Number one is important but seriously I suscribe to all ten(especially the protective and not domineering part*sigh*) Sadly I haven't met anyone who fit this bill in real life. If you see someone like that please do send him to me ;)


LizbethSelvig said...

Excellent point about the hands AND the mouth "thing" - lol. We both have a thing for this don't we? Thanks for being here, dahlink! I'm looking forward to the next book(s) too!

LizbethSelvig said...

Hey Paula! I'm glad you're still liking it! You know, I have no official release date for another yet, but there is now a sequel to TRATRR in the works. It'll go to my agent within the next six weeks and we'll start in on revisions. Hopefully people will tell Avon that they want more and their decision to publish them will come soon!

LizbethSelvig said...

Mama you are always my best cheerleader. I'm so glad you're willing to read this again--means it's got a little staying power :-) And I have to give props to my mom -- she's the one who came up with the final version of the first line in this book! "Nasty" is the magic word!

LizbethSelvig said...

Alison - oh, I know! Hands are "it" for me -- my CPs get tired of all the deft, sinewy, flexions and the strong, agile fingers. Not to mention the embarrassment that causes my dear daughter - lol. Glad to have another "hand girl" in my circle!!

LizbethSelvig said...

Hi yadkny! Another woman with discerning tastes! I know there are more of us lovers of softer alphas out there! Love a guy who can turn his sensitive side on in just the right moment. I'd be thrilled to have you check out the book--and I hope you really enjoy it! Thanks so much for being here today!!

LizbethSelvig said...

:-) Nah, it's the buttons. When they don't do what they're supposed to--I'm lost too.

LizbethSelvig said...

Hi erin!
I hope you totally enjoy the book and good luck with the giveaway--it's my pleasure!

LizbethSelvig said...

Hi Filia
I must say you pick a GREAT subset of the list. That little bad boy element can really do it, can't it? Nope, nobody's perfect, but that's why we read romance. Because a girl can always dream!! Thanks so much for being here and sharing the list today!

LizbethSelvig said...

Hey sis -- glad you stopped by. I don't know why the anonymous thing happens -- like I said to Mom, when the buttons don't work, I'm just at their mercy. But I know who you be and I love having you follow me around. Hugs!

LizbethSelvig said...

Hi Na!
Welcome to this leg of the tour! You've got it--humor is as important as hands to me - lol. There's a reason they say laughter is good medicine. Thanks for all your support--love having you come along for the ride!

LizbethSelvig said...

Hi Ellie,
I promise if I meet the man of your dreams, I'll pack him right off to you! Meanwhile, we dream in our books, right? I noticed from your e-mail that you have a .de extension--are you really in Germany? I lived there two different times and although it's been quite a few years now, I love it and still have friends there. Let me know if I got this right-lol! Thanks for the comment --glad you joined me today!

LizbethSelvig said...

Hi Laramie!
Glad you caught that! I've read enough stories where the guy is so overbearing, the heroine has to be obnoxious just to take him down a notch. That's too much work for me:-) I had to get that little dig in there! Thanks for coming by!

Karen Thomas said...

All perfect aspects of a great man or fictional hero. I would only add (for me) a man who could build me stuff like shelves, or furniture and fix everything around the house, farm, castle etc etc. Someone who JUST knows what to do! I swear if I ever need another man, I'm gonna hang around Home Depot. It's so sexy!

LizbethSelvig said...

Oh my gosh, Karen, that's a perfect addition. I couldn't agree more that a guy who can play handyman (and LIKES it) is super-sexy. I think it goes back to that hands thing again. Wielding a hammer or any tool takes dexterity and dextrous hands well . . . So good to have you here my friend--after all the guy talk we shared through our lives!

Ellie said...

Hallo Lisbeth,
yes I am, from Erfurt actually :)
I like reading English ebooks, just to practice the language, so I always look up, what might be good.

Sophia Rose said...

I was twisted up with warm fuzzies about most of the points on your list. I kept comparing them to the sweet thing I married and apparently he's my ideal romantic hero. :D

In literary form, I'm a bit more versatile with my reading preferences as I can appreciate a gentle beta hero or a rough, tortured take charge alpha. I'm also an 'eyes' and 'voice' worshiper though good hands aren't a bad thing.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing the list and the details of your book. It sounds like an awesome read and I'm grateful for the chance to win it.

Stacy said...

Great list, Liz. Makes me think about what I want in a hero. And what I've GOT in my hero! My #1 is the same as yours - gotta be able to laugh and make ME laugh.

Good luck with the book!

LizbethSelvig said...

Hi Sophia Rose!
Ooh, beautiful eyes are definitely a must too. And a voice? How often do we fall in love with someone on the radio--I do! And that's where accents come in. That's another entire blog post all together!
I'm glad you have such a wonderful hero at home -- mine is close to perfect as well! It was fun to share the list with you--good luck with the giveaway!

kiki w said...

What a cool giveaway. Love all the comments that people have left. To be a hero in my eyes you have to have a good Heart. Looks don't mean anything with out being a good hearted person. Looks come and go but being a good hearted person can last a lifetime.

kiki w said...

For got to leave my email xzjh04(at)gmail(dot)com

Gwen LTP said...

Checking in again :)
Your top 10 sounds perfect! Good with animals, a little geeky, laughs at self, a little bad boy, can learn and grow - sounds perfect! Being a big sports fan myself, I also like an athletic man - but I consider that one to tie in with good with his hands. Good with hands would be coordinated, outdoorsy, in shape, etc.

LizbethSelvig said...

Hi Kiki! You nailed it with the good heart. The best-looking guy in the world is a complete turn-off if he's a jerk. I think I should copy your great line and put it by my computer: "Looks come and go but being a good hearted persons can last a lifetime!" Thanks so much for posting!

LizbethSelvig said...

Hi Gwen! It's so great to have you on the crew that's coming along to all the stops! Sounds like you and i are very simpatico when it comes to heroes! I would agree with outdoorsy too--that is awesomely sexy!

Catherine Lee said...

My hubby works with his hands doing landscaping & yard work so they are STRONG but rough and oh, so torn up. He does rock though on 9, 7, 6, especially 5, 2, and definitely 1. The rest don't matter if you don't have #1!

catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,
Wow, you're getting posts from all over the!
Wouldn't this be a great blog for guys to read?!
It sure says a lot about what girls want in a man....
Hey, just ordered a hardcopy of ROCKER, and hope you'll sign it when we come up to MN this summer.
A big "HI" to your wonderful man, and to Magic and Heidi, too!
Love, Jill

LizbethSelvig said...

Hi Catherine Lee -- hey, nobody said GREAT hands had to be smooth hands! I think your DH sounds perfectly dreamy. He's got some great numbers behind him!! Thanks for coming back today! Hugs!

LizbethSelvig said...

Isn't this fun? I'm having a ball with everyone--and I can't believe how supportive my family is. Thank you so much for all your fun comments. And this one. You BET I'll sign the book, sweet sis of mine -- and I can't wait to see you again. BTW, Heidi says: "Recalculating." LOL!

Mary Preston said...

A fabulous list of ten. I liked #8 in particular. RECOGNIZE WHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF.


Eli Yanti said...

i love Number 3. Be a bit of a bad boy lol

i copy paste the 10 list, love it

Lyra L7 said...

I like number 1 and 9 because life is easier with humour and someone who can say he was wrong. A good heart is also important for me as well. What about his looks? Do you think thats unimportant?


JenM said...

Love that list and it describes my perfect guy to a T. They are hard to find in romance land, but I adore guys who are more on the Beta side. When I think geeky, I think intelligent, and there's nothing sexier than that. The humor is a huge plus also.


Di said...

Totally agree with that list - I've always been attracted to strong hands, Twinkly eyes & a sense of humor - plus the good with kids & animals trait too.
sallans d at yahoo dot ocm

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