
Romance Book Casting Call with Bella Andre and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the Casting Call Bella Andre. Bella was one of the very first authors I read when I jumped from YA to adult romance. I love her books. She just has a way with creating sexy heroes that I just want to gobble up.

Welcome to the Casting Call Bella Andre!

Bella Andre has always been a writer. Songs came first, and then non-fiction books, but as soon as she started writing her first romance novel, she knew she'd found her perfect career. Known for "sensual, empowered stories enveloped in heady romance" (Publisher's Weekly) about sizzling alpha heroes and the strong women they'll love forever, many of her 20+ titles have appeared on Top 50 bestseller lists, including THE LOOK OF LOVE (Sullivans #1), FROM THIS MOMENT ON (Sullivans #2), GAME FOR LOVE, ECSTASY, CANDY STORE and LOVE ME.

Her books have been Cosmopolitan Magazine Red Hot Reads twice (GAME FOR ANYTHING and WILD HEAT) and have been translated into German, Thai, Japanese and Ukrainian. NEVER TOO HOT won the Award of Excellence in 2011. The Washington Post has called her, “One of the top digital writers in America."

If not behind her computer, you can find her reading her favorite authors, hiking, knitting, or laughing. Married with two children, Bella splits her time between the Northern California wine country and a 100 year old log cabin in the Adirondacks.

Places to find Bella:

I would love to see The Sullivans on the big screen! With a family of six, sexy brothers and two spunky sisters, Hollywood would have to pull out the big guns.

The first Sullivans book, The Look of Love, features jetsetting photographer Chase Sullivan and his resilient heroine Chloe.

Chase is exceptionally good looking, but as a photographer, he’s also really good at putting models at ease and being one of the girls and as a middle brother in a big family he can give as good as he gets in a friendly family scuffle. Ben Affleck would be perfect for this combination.

Chloe starts off the book in a bad place – she’s been through a bad breakup and is emotionally fragile, but there’s an undeniable strength of character to her. She’s also beautiful in a natural, girl-next door way. I think Mandy Moore would bring a complicated character like Chloe to life.

The second Sullivans book, From This Moment On, stars Sullivans family patriarch and winery owner Marcus Sullivan and his pop-star heroine Nicola.

Marcus is the de facto father of the family took on the burden of raising the kids when their dad died.He also owns a business with a sophisticated clientele. I picture him as a little more sauve and put-together than the other Sullivans (although he certainly lets loose in From This Moment On.) He’s also someone you would instantly trust like Nicola does during their story. Hugh Jackman is my top pick for Marcus.

Nicola is a pop star with a sex-kitten image that has nothing to do with who she really is as a person. She’s younger than the rest of The Sullivans, but has an independence and really knows her own mind. Would Kristen Stewart be perfect?

Stop by Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance to see how I cast my current book Can't Help Falling in Love.

Meet the Sullivans in this fun new contemporary romance series! With THE LOOK OF LOVE, bestselling author Bella Andre introduces you to Chase, the first Sullivan badboy, who’s about to unexpectedly find love just around the bendin the road…

Chloe Peterson is having a bad night. A really bad night. The large bruise on her cheek can attest to that. And when her car skids off the side of a wet country road straight into a ditch, she’s convinced even the gorgeous guy who rescues her in the middle of the rain storm must be too good to be true. Or is he?

As a successful photographer who frequently travels around the world, Chase Sullivan has his pick of beautiful women, and whenever he’s home in San Francisco, one of his seven siblings is usually up for causing a little fun trouble. Chase thinks his life is great just as it is—until the night he finds Chloe and her totaled car on the side of the road in Napa Valley. Not only has Chase never met anyone so lovely, both inside and out, but he quickly realizes Chloe has much bigger problems than her damaged car. Soon, Chase is willing to move mountains to love—and protect—her, but will Chloe let him?

Chloe vows never to make the mistake of trusting a man again. Only, with every loving look Chase gives her—and every sinfully sweet caress—as the attraction between them sparks and sizzles, she can’t help but wonder if she’s met the only exception. And although Chase didn’t realize his life was going to change forever in an instant, amazingly, he isn’t the least bit interested in fighting that change. Instead, he’s gearing up for a different fight altogether…for Chloe’s heart.

Places to Purchase:

With FROM THIS MOMENT ON, bestselling author Bella Andre introduces you to Marcus, the second Sullivan bad boy, whose life will never be the same from the moment he meets Nicola….

For thirty-six years, Marcus Sullivan has been the responsible older brother, stepping in to take care of his seven siblings after their father died when they were children. But when the perfectly ordered future he's planned for himself turns out to be nothing but a lie, Marcus needs one reckless night to shake free from it all.

Nicola Harding is known throughout the world by only one name - Nico - for her catchy, sensual pop songs. Only, what no one knows about the twenty-five year old singer is that her sex-kitten image is totally false. After a terrible betrayal by a man who loved fame far more than he ever loved her, she vows not to let anyone else get close enough to find out who she really is...or hurt her again. Especially not the gorgeous stranger she meets at a nightclub, even though the hunger - and the sinful promises - in his dark eyes make her want to spill all her secrets.

One night is all Nicola and Marcus agree to share with each other. But nothing goes as they plan when instead of simply tangling limbs, they find a deeper connection than either of them could have anticipated. And even though they both try to fight it, growing emotions - and sizzling attraction - keep drawing them closer together.

Close enough for them to wonder if stealing one more secret moment together can ever be enough?

Places to Purchase:

Check out the rest of Bella's Sullivan series:
Click on cover for more info.

Want to win some goodies from Bella? 3 winners will win each win a copy of one of Bella's books.

Up for grabs:
The Look of Love
From This Moment
Can't Help Falling in Love 

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What do you think of Bella's choices? Who would you cast?
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Please answer the question below or leave a meaningful comment. 
Good Luck =)

**Don't forget to enter the Grand Prize Giveaway**

**Don't forget to stop by Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance and check out who Bella chose to cast for her book Can't Help Falling in Love.

A huge thank you to Bella for stopping by the blog and sharing her casting picks as well as providing the book giveaways and including a book for the grand prize box.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


*yadkny* said...

I've not read about Sullivan, but the choices above are good ones regardless:)

LS said...

Would love to win, have not read any yet but now on my tbr list

Gail Nichols said...

I would love to read these books

Joanne said...

I have not read these books yet. but your choices seem to be good. Can't wait to pick up this series.


May said...

I always think Mandy Moore is pretty and girl next door so she seems perfect for the character. Haven't read From this moment on but Kristen Stewart sure sounds terrific...

erin said...

Thanks for the great post and giveaway! I love this "cast" Be, Mandy and Hugh... such pretty people ;) I haven't had the pleasure of reading any of Bella's books, but I would love the chance. Have a great day!

Savannah said...

I don't like Kristen Stewart all that much I don't like her acting she is too mono-toned for me. I like all your other choices though for Chase another good choice would be the guy who plays Alaric on Vampire Diaries! Actually for your Nicola, Nina Dobrev would be a great choice :)

Betty Hamilton said...

I love Bella's choices and would not change any.
bettysunflower at hotmail dot com

The_Book_Queen said...

Great choices for the men--no complaints! :D

I think I'd pick someone else other than Kristen Stewart though, but that's simply because I can't stand her. I think it's from the poor job she did at acting in the Twilight movies. It's just my opinion, obviously, but she bugged the crap out of me. But then again, so did Robert as Edward...But that's a completely different story. LOL.

I look forward to reading your books!


TBQ's Book Palace

Sophia Rose said...

Not having read the books I'll have to take it on faith. They look like they could play the people that were described. I'm a sucker for Hugh Jackman no matter what.

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

April Alvey said...

Try Hugh Jackman thanks for the giveaway

Krista said...

Hugh Jackman? The answer is always yes!

Natasha said...

I love your choices and I would not change them.

bn100 said...

Interesting casting choices. I might pick Amanda Seyfriend as Nicola.

bas1chs said...

I'm not a fan of Kristen Stewart, but I like Mandy Moore as a choice. And who could say no to Hugh Jackman, or Ben Affleck as a hero. Gorgeous!
bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

Lexi said...

Mandy Moore sounds perfect, but me too, not a fan of Kristen Stewart. And of course the choices of men are flawless, how can you go wrong with Hugh and Ben?!

Filia Oktarina said...

I will not complaint about your choice. Great pics!!

Patricia said...

I like Mandy Moore she's the perfect girl next door. I haven't read any of the Sullivan books, but I like Bella's choices for the male leads. If an older actor is needed, how about Liam Needing? I have no reason other than I just think he's hot.

Di said...

Love Ben, Mandy & Hugh! need to read the books to be sure (wink)

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