
Romance Book Casting Call with Karen Erickson and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the Casting Call Karen Erickson. First let me say that I love Karen's books. They are crazy hot and I love that she doesn't stick to one type of genre. She writes it all and does it so well. I'm so excited to have her here today and I'm anxious to see who's she has brought along with her.

I’ve always loved the written word. From being one of the best readers in my kindergarten class to penning romantic stories that never ended about my favorite band members (Duran Duran!) in high school, I always had a feeling I wanted to write. It just took me a while to seriously pursue it.

With the birth of my third child came a realization – it’s one thing to talk about writing a book, another thing entirely to actually do it. So I decided to go for it and in 2005 I began my pursuit in writing toward publication. After completing a few clunkers that should never see the light of day, my first erotic romance novella was published with Cobblestone Press in 2006. I’ve since been published with a handful of other epublishers including Ellora’s Cave and Samhain Publishing. I have recently sold to Loose Id and Carina Press.

On a personal note I’m a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite with my husband and three children. Oh and the dog, the cats, the rooster and the chickens…
Places to find Karen:

*Big, huge thank you to Kati and Dani for asking me to be a guest at their blogoversary bash!*

When it comes to inspiration for my characters, I’m mostly visual, especially when it comes to my heroes. There’s the occasional story I write that has no inspirational photos to aide me (as in, the dude is all in my head *scary place to be*), but usually I’m guided gently down the writing path by a certain handsome dude who usually haunts our movie or television screens.

So when Kati and Dani asked me, “If Hollywood came knocking on your door and wanted to turn two of your books into movies, who would you cast in the leading roles?” I knew I wouldn’t have a problem answering this question. I mean come on, there is plenty of material out there available to us authorly-types who need inspiration (and I find a lot of it on Pinterest – my newest social media obsession!) to spur us on. Want to see who inspired Alexander Worth, the hero from my recently released book Worth the Scandal?

Model David Gandy, you major hunk of manliness! Good lord, he inspires about 99.9% of the romance writers I know and I’m no exception. I mean, look at him. And if you want more evidence of his gorgeousness, just Google him. The photos are endless.

I don’t care if he can act or not. If Hollywood wanted to make Worth the Scandal into a movie and told me I could have whoever I wanted portraying Alex, without hesitation I’d pick David G. He could just stand there and smile and I’d be pleased. He could stutter over his words and forget his lines and I wouldn’t care. “Take off your shirt, David!” I’d yell, because of course, I’d be allowed on set while they filmed.

I’m shameless.

Want a bonus photo of who’s inspiring me currently? I’m working on Worth the Challenge, the third book in the Worth It series and it’s about Alex’s youngest brother Rhett. Here’s who inspiring Rhett:

His name is Stephen Walker, he’s from South Africa and he’s a model (what’s up with me and models for this series??). Again, I don’t care if he can talk or not. Just stand there and let them splash water on you, honey. Take off the shirt too. This guy is GORGEOUS. Wish there were as many photos of him on the interwebz as there is of Mister Gandy but beggars can’t be choosers…

Let me know what you think about David (and our bonus man, Stephen). Love them? Hate them (oh no way can you hate them!)? Leave a comment and you’ll be entered to win a copy of Worth the Scandal!

Strictly business? Try telling that to her heart…

Alexander Worth, President and CEO of Worth Luxury Goods, is a man never to be crossed. His unwavering sense of responsibility to the family business requires him to always be in complete and utter control. Until it comes to Tessa Crawford.

She’s quietly professional, shy, voluptuous…and she works for him. Which means she is the one woman he must never touch, no matter how hard his gut twists with need for her.

After rising above her disadvantaged childhood, Tessa knows the last thing she should do is risk throwing it all away by falling into bed with her sexy boss. But on an extended European business trip, all self-imposed barriers burn away in the heat of their sizzling chemistry.

Once back home, though, whispers of corporate espionage turn into full-blown scandal—and Tessa finds out the hard way where Alex’s loyalties lie. Determined to soldier on, she picks herself up and carries on with a secret, yet welcomed burden. Never guessing that Alex will make a reappearance in her life, ready to show her once and for all that family does, indeed, come first.

Places to Purchase: 

Check out the other books in the Worth It series coming soon
Click on the covers for more info. 

Want to win some goodies from Karen? 2 winners will win an eBook from Karen.

Up for grabs:
Winner's choice of either Simple Twist of Fate or Lessons in Indiscretion

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What do you think of David and Stephen? Love them or Hate them? 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Please answer the question below or leave a meaningful comment. 
Good Luck =)

**Don't forget to enter the Grand Prize Giveaway**

**Don't forget to stop by Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance and check out who Karen chose to cast there.

A huge thank you to Karen for stopping by the blog and sharing her casting picks as well as providing the book giveaways and including a book for the grand prize box.  
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Joanne said...

Gorgeous, sexy men. I'm right there with you. Great choices.

Joanne B

Savannah said...

I love them :) When I read your books I"ll think of them ;)

Savannah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary D said...

Looks pretty good to me!


May said...

Wow... sexy men... :) Terrific choices!

*yadkny* said...

I definitely like these choices!

Patricia said...

I have no clue who the models ate, but WOW! They could inspire any woman. Nice choices.

erin said...

Love the "casting"!!! This is a new to me author so I'm going to go with her expertise :)

April Alvey said...

I Love Them Its so cool.

Jane said...

I like them both. I've been hearing and seeing a lot of pics of David lately, but this is my first meeting with Stephen.

Sophia Rose said...

David Gandy! Yum! I can definitely go with that choice. Stephen looks nice too. I actually already like Jimmy who is your cover model. Good choices!

catslady said...

Oh, a definite love them!

wyndwhisper said...

do i have to choose? can't i have both? LOL
seriously, how do you choose between gorgeous and gorgeous?

i think for me i'll go with gorgeous(Jimmy)/gorgeous (David).

thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway.

tammy ramey

Kaetrin said...

Both of those men are yummy! Thx for sharing the pics :)

bas1chs said...

Nice choices. I love wet hot guys ;-) I am slightly obsessed with pinterest as well - lots of eye candy!

Phoenix Carvelli said...

Love them!!! Yep, I could look at them all day! Oooo-la-la! Is it warm in here or is it just me?
I would love to win Worth The Scandal.
Thank you for a great blog and giveaway! Happy reading!
PhoenixCarvelli at gmail dot com

Filia Oktarina said...

I have no clue who the models but they are very handsome and sexy. So I definitely like your choices! I love them and want date with them...LOL!! Thanks for sharing pics and giveaway:)

Lexi said...

I didn't know who these two were before your post, but wow am I glad you picked them! Especially David Gandy! He seems to fit right in with the tone of your book =)

Francesca said...

I love Gandy!!! So thanks for picking him. This is the first time (I think) that I've seen Stephen but Im looking him up now!

Thanks for the post

alltherhage AT GMAIL DOT COM

Eli Yanti said...

love the choice =D

sienny said...

well, since you said he's 99.9% fitting, then i'll trust you.

Unknown said...

Wow Karen, you certainly know how to cast gorgeous heroes! ;-D I love your choices David and Stephen look droolworthy, (and that photo of Stephen, mmm *dreamy eyes*). I could also picture Henry Cavill in a suit and sans ;-p lol

Thank you for the generous giveaway! :-)

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Texas Book Lover said...

They are they are total hotties!

bn100 said...

Very nice choices.

Krista said...

Love them!

Di said...

nice choice!

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