
Romance Book Casting Call with Vicky Dreiling and Giveaway

Today I would love to welcome to the Casting Call Vicky Dreiling. Vicky is amazing and her books rock my socks. She is also the brilliant mastermind behind Man Candy Mondays. Seriously, I <3 Vicky big time and I super happy to have her back on the blog to celebrate with us.

Vicky Dreiling is a confirmed historical romance junkie and Anglophile. Frequent business trips to the UK allowed her to indulge her passion for all things Regency England. Bath, Stonehenge, and Spencer House are among her favorite places. She is, however, truly sorry for accidentally setting off a security alarm in Windsor Castle. That unfortunate incident led her British colleagues to nickname her “Trouble.” When she’s not writing, Vicky enjoys reading, films, concerts, and most of all, long lunches with friends. A native Texan, she holds degrees in English literature and marketing.
Places to find Vicky:
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In my first two books, I had no trouble at all casting the heroes. Henry Cavill made a fantastic hero for Tristin in HOW TO MARRY A DUKE, and a younger Joseph Fiennes as he appeared in Shakespeare in Love made the perfect model for Hawk in HOW TO SEDUCE A SCOUNDREL. But when it came to a casting call for William ‘the devil’ Darcett in my third book HOW TO RAVISH A RAKE, I drew a blank. In my head, I knew exactly how he looked. Dark, rumpled hair, a chiseled jaw, and a devilish expression in his dark eyes—not to mention his “I’m a rake” smile, the one guaranteed to make any woman weak in the knees. The problem? I couldn’t find any actors or models who looked the way I envisioned him in my head.

Then I got the cover for HOW TO RAVISH A RAKE. I was astonished because the models looked exactly like Will and Amy. Here’s the cover so you can see for yourself.

I was thrilled and thought my work was complete, until Kati emailed and reminded me that I’d volunteered to do this blog. Uh-oh, time to surf the net for hot guys. So I surfed, and surfed, and surfed. Then I asked for help on Twitter! Yay, tweeple helped. So here is a photo of Peter Porte (from The Young & Restless) who sort of resembles Will. All he needs is the bad boy smile and the devilish twinkle in his eyes. And some tight breeches! =)


Amy Hardwick has one last Season to shake off her wallflower image and make a love match. If she can’t, she’ll set aside her dreams of romance and return home to a suitor who can provide security—if little else. What she doesn’t count on is the inappropriate—and irresistible—attention lavished on her in a darkened library by rake extraordinaire Will “The Devil” Darcett . . .


When Will is caught in a tryst with the ton’s shyest miss, he knows he must offer for her hand. Yet Amy is not the shrinking violet she seems to be. Passion lies beneath her prim exterior and Will is eager to release it. But winning Amy isn’t simply a matter of seduction; first, Will must convince her that he’s mended his wicked ways . . .

Places to Purchase:
| Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out the other books in Vicky's How To series:
Click on cover for more info.

Want to win some goodies from Vicky? 2 winners (US/Canada Shipping ONLY) will win a copy of one of Vicky's books.

Up for grabs:

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question:  What do you think of Vicky's choice? Who would you cast? 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Please answer the question below or leave a meaningful comment. 

Good Luck =)

**Don't forget to enter the Grand Prize Giveaway**

**Don't forget to stop by Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance to check out who Vicky cast.

A huge thank you to Vicky for stopping by the blog and sharing her casting picks as well as providing the book giveaways and including a book for the grand prize box.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


*yadkny* said...

I can definitely see the devilish twinkle in his eyes:)

Andrea said...

I'm lucky enough to have read How To Ravish a Rake and I agree, he makes a good Will.

Eli Yanti said...

cant wait to read this one :)

SharonD said...

I've read How To Ravish a Rake and I loved it. Never heard of Peter Porte but he is attractive and would make a good Will...with tight breaches of course lol

Joanne said...

I think Peter Porte would make a great Will, but how about Joshua Bowman from Revenge? They could be twins. Can't wait to read How To Ravish A Rake. I'm sure it will be amazing, just like the first two books.

Krista said...

Wow, he does look a lot like the cover model.

erin said...

Awesome casting! I haven't had the chance to read Vicky's books yet, So I defer to her expertise :)

Patricia said...

I haven't read How to Ravish a Rake so I am not sure about the casting choices. Peter fies look like the cover model do I think he is a good choice.

bas1chs said...

Hmm, I don't know Peter but he could be a rake. I own How to Ravish a Rake so he just might be the imagine I have in my head as I read.

Mary D said...

I have never heard of him before, but he looks like a perfect pick to me. I need to get my nose out of my books and start watching some TV. lol

Texas Book Lover said...

Oooh he's dreamy!

Carol L. said...

I haven't heard of Peter Porte either but he definitely makes a fine Will. :) I also like the model on the cover. Wonder who he is. Thanks for the opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

April Alvey said...

Wow Love Your Picks He Is Hot.

Natasha said...

I love your picks! Thanks for the chance to win!

bn100 said...

Very nice casing choice.

Lexi said...

A handsome pick, but I would have to see if he can look a little naughtier/mischevious.

Phoenix Carvelli said...

Oooo... I like! Maybe I do need to watch soaps. Great book cover, too!
PhoenixCarvelli at gmail dot com

Betty Hamilton said...

I absolutely LOVE Vicky's choices. Who better to picture the main characters than the author? I am so looking forward to reading these books! Thank you for such a great give-away!

Betty Hamilton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

All I can say is YUM!! just yummy!!
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

Sophia Rose said...

He looks great. I was thinking of a young Rupert Everett too.

Di said...

I haven't seen Peter before, so I'll go with your choice.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Jen B. said...

I'm not feeling Peter Porte in the role. He is too...something and not enough....something else. As a rake I would expect him to ooze sex appeal without trying and this guy just doesn't (in my opinion). jepebATverizonDOTnet

Patti P said...

I haven't read this and I don't know Peter Porte so I really can't judge very well but he is a cutie.

musicalfrog at

Filia Oktarina said...

I want read this one!! Love your pick:)

Man Candy Fans said...

Best of luck to everyone in the contest!

Vicky Dreiling

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