
Romance Book Casting Call with Virna DePaul and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the Casting Call Virna DePaul. Virna is definitely no stranger to RFTC and I love having her stop by. She is one of my favorite people and her books are definitely worth picking up. She has a way with creating super hot heroes and kickass heroines. Love it!

Virna DePaul is a former prosecutor and now national bestselling author of the Para-Ops Novels. She also writes contemporary romantic suspense for Harlequin Romantic Suspense (It Started That Night, May 2012) and HQN (Shades Of Desire, June 2012).

Places to find Virna:
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In trying to cast my hero and heroine from Shades Of Desire, no actors or actresses immediately came to mind. Natalie, a famous photographer who goes blind, has tawny hair and light eyes, yet lightly tan skin. The closest I came to finding a match for her was an admittedly paler woman, Rachel McAdams. But I do love how Rachel embodies both sex appeal and strength. As for Liam “Mac” McKenzie, the homicide detective willing to go to any lengths to protect Natalie, I picture someone broad and tough, enticing yet with a rough edge, like Josh Holloway.


Natalie Jones is the lucky survivor of an elusive killer who preys on young women and then disappears from view. And since her harrowing ordeal, the once gutsy photojournalist has remained isolated in her home, paralyzed by fear and her failing vision.

Special Agent Liam "Mac" McKenzie has scars of his own. But despite his efforts to ignore the attraction that simmers between him and Natalie, he needs her help to catch a predator. Soon, they will forge a tentative alliance-charged with desire. Through a soft-focus lens, Natalie dares to envision a future with Mac beyond the investigation...never guessing that the clues hidden within her photographs are drawing them into an explosive confrontation with a madman.

Places to Pre-Order:

Check out Virna's Para-Ops series:
Click on cover for more info.

Want to win some goodies from Virna? 2 winners (US shipping ONLY) will win some goodies from Virna.

Up for grabs:
Chosen by Sin
Shades of Desire (will receive when it releases or have the option to get an e-ARC or bag of swag)

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What do you think of Virna's picks? Who would you cast in the roles?
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Please answer the question below or leave a meaningful comment. 
Good Luck =)

**Don't forget to stop by Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance and check out who Virna chose to cast for her book Chosen by Sin.

A huge thank you to Virna for stopping by the blog and sharing her casting picks as well as providing the book giveaways and including a copy of Chosen by Blood for the grand prize box. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


*yadkny* said...

Not bad picks at all, Virna! Rachel McAdams is my fav actress.

Virna DePaul said...

Awesome, yadkny! I love her, too (obviously... :P)

Thank you for having me here today, Danielle! This is such a fun event you and K have put together! :)

Joanne said...

I really like Rachel McAdams. Both of your picks are great.

Joanne B

miki said...

Great cast, i didn't know these actors thought

all the best and Happy easter

May said...

Rachel McAdams is one of my favorite actresses! Terrific cast!

erin said...

OOOH... I like her "casting". They's sooo pretty... but I think that I'm like the only person who doesn't know these actors cuz I've never seen any shows/movies with them in it :)

I'm sooo looking forward to Shades of Desire. I have and love the Para Ops Series and I can't wait to see this new series!

catslady said...

I don't know them but I like the looks of them!

Patricia said...

I like Ravel McAdams ans she's perfect. I am not sure who the male actor is,but he is hot. Seems like a good choice.

Virna DePaul said...

Thanks for commenting, Joanne!

Virna DePaul said...

Hi Miki! Thanks for stopping by!

Barbara E. said...

Although I have the first two books on my TBR pile, I haven't had a chance to read them yet, so I'd have to go with Virna's choices. I'm sure she had the best idea of who would portray her characters the best. I love Josh Holloway, and Rachel McAdams, so I think they're good choices.

April Alvey said...

Awesome picks I love them my email is

Sophia Rose said...

I like Josh Holloway so I would agree to him in anything. I am not familiar with Rachel, but she does look sweet. Look forward to reading this book.

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

bas1chs said...

*Swoon* Josh Holloway. Yum!

bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

Savannah said...

Both are great picks :) I'm not familiar with Josh but he looks to fit the description of Mac.

bn100 said...

I agree with the casting choices.

donnas said...

Very good picks I think Josh Holloway would be great.

wyndwhisper said...

Hi Virna,
thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway, i am a huge fan of your books and would be thrilled to win any of them.

your choices are pretty good, and i am sure the list is perfect the way it is.

However, if i had been choosing, i would have chosen Hugh Jackman(just because he is drool worthy). For the heroine, with the qualities you listed, i immeadiately thought of Jessica Biel. She is young but also very beautiful and talented.

tammy ramey

Harlie Williams said...

Perfect casting. I could stare at Josh all day long.


Unknown said...

Totally agree with the casting choices!

elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Phoenix Carvelli said...

The casting looks great given the information above. This series is on my TBR List! So many great little time for me! :)
Thank you for the excerpts and giveaway!

PhoenixCarvelli at gmail dot com

Carol L. said...

Once again I'm going to agree with the Author. Both these pics wold be perfect. That's the problem, once I see the faces and if I like them I can't picture anyone else. :)
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

Once again I'm going to agree with the Author. Both these pics wold be perfect. That's the problem, once I see the faces and if I like them I can't picture anyone else. :)
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Lexi said...

Sometimes what you picture in your head just doesn't translate over into real life. Happens quite often for me, so well done finding actors/actress that match your descriptions!

Krista said...

I totally have a girl crush on Rachel McAdams so I totally agree.

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