
Feature: My Wicked Gladiators by Lauren Hawkeye

Alba has spent her entire life pleasing others.

As an upper-class plebeian woman in Ancient Rome, that is her place in life. But when her husband Lucius, the owner of aprestigious gladiatorial school, uses her body as a bargaining tool to increase his fortunes, she is faced with doing as he demands, or finding herself on the street.

Forced to lay with masked gladiators chosen by Lucius, Alba is surprised to discover pleasure in being powerless. Only in the forbidden arms of Caius and Marcus does she find comfort, however temporary it may be.

But with Lucius’ demands looming and the threat of death for her gladiators ever-present, will Alba’s fleeting pleasures be enough? Or will Alba finally grab hold of her happily ever after, no matter the consequences?

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Lauren Hawkeye is a writer, theatre enthusiast, knitting aficionado and animal lover who lives in the shadows of the great Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada.

She’s older than she looks—really—and younger than she feels—most of the time—and she loves to explore the journeys that take women through life in her stories.

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The_Book_Queen said...

This was an interesting historical erotica--I actually really enjoyed it, but wish it had been done another way so that Marcus and Caius had more depth to them (if that makes sense? lol).

Love the cover on this one--sexy hot! :)

TBQ's Book Palace

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