
Feature and Giveaway: Sea Swept Seduction Series by Tracy Sumner

She is his greatest temptation.
He is her forbidden desire.
A battle of wills leads to love.

Spirited Savannah Conner is passionately committed to stamping out social injustice. Yet when she arrives in the seaside town of Pilot Isle, North Carolina, ready to take up a new cause, she quickly finds herself on the outs with the town constable. Zachariah Garrett is the most arrogant, infuriating, maddeningly attractive man it’s ever been her misfortune to meet. And suddenly, Savannah is fighting a whole new battle – this one against her own yearning for a man who is impossible to resist.

Ever since his wife’s death two years ago, Zachariah Garrett has dedicated his life to keeping the peace. So when he sees the pretty newcomer atop a wobbly wooden crate stirring up the crowd, he doesn’t hesitate to haul her off to jail. But Savannah Connor isn’t any ordinary law-breaker. She’s a beguiling beauty with the power to awaken emotions he thought he’s never feel again, and the tenderness to help him forget his fears…and risk his heart once more.

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He left all he loved behind...

Will he be able to return and win her heart?

Elle Beaumont has learned life's lessons the hard way--by foolishly exposing her youthful heart to love, only to have it broken when her true love fled Pilot Island, North Carolina. Now Noah Garrett is back, rekindling dreams she'd given up for lost, and turning her world upside down. Elle's girlish yearning for him has become something more powerful than she'd ever imagined.

A man dedicated to science and rational judgment, Noah rejects all notions of romance...until the girl who used to cling to him like a shadow begins haunting his every thought. But even as he struggles to resist Elle's sensuous beauty and the wildfire attraction erupting between them, Noah cannot deny that their passion is as irresistible and endless as the tides of love.
Places to Purchase:
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Coming soon: Tides of Desire
Book 3 in Sea Swept Seduction series

Tracy's story telling career began when she picked up a copy of LaVyrle Spencer’s Vows on a college beach trip. A journalism degree and a thousand romance novels later, she decided to try her hand at writing a southern version of the perfect love story. With a great deal of luck and more than a bit of perseverance, she sold her first novel to Kensington Publishing.

When not writing sensual stories featuring complex characters and lush settings, Tracy can be found reading romance, snowboarding, watching college football and figuring out how she can get to 100 countries before she kicks (which is a more difficult endeavor than it used to be with her four-year-old son in tow). After stops in France, Switzerland and Taiwan, she now lives in the south. However, after spending a few years in “the city”, she considers herself a New Yorker at heart.

Tracy has been awarded the National Reader’s Choice, the Write Touch and the Beacon – with finalist nominations in the HOLT Medallion, Heart of Romance, Rising Stars and Reader’s Choice. Her books have been translated into German, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish. She loves hearing from readers about why she tends to pit her hero and heroine against each other and that great novel she simply must order in five seconds on her Kindle.

Places to find Tracy:

Want to win some goodies from Tracy? Check out what's up for grabs. 

Up for grabs:
  • 1 lucky commenter from the ENTIRE tour will win a KINDLE.

To Enter:
  • Please leave a meaningful comment for Tracy. 
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. 
  • Giveaway ends June 8th.
  • Good Luck =)


*yadkny* said...

I love the sound of these stories... can't wait to read them!

Mary Preston said...

This promises to be a wonderful series. Good luck with the 100 countries.


Beebs said...

I have Tides of love in my Kindle TBR list, I just haven't had time to read it yet. I have read To Seduce a Rogue and To Desire a Scoundrel and I really enjoyed both.

Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting Tracy today.

Joanne said...

This series sounds amazing. I love stories where the characters get a second chance at loves. The Garretts sound yummy. Can't wait to read these books.


Connie said...

Hi, Tracy! I so enjoyed reading about your Tides of Love trilogy. It's great to "return" to a new book and continue reading about a family you have already gotten to know. I'm glad you had the opportunity to visit Europe. I lived in Paris for six years and was able to travel to so many fabulous places. What a wonderful experience as I'm sure you will agree. I'm so looking forward to reading Tides of Love and wish you continued successes. All the best!

MomJane said...

You sound as though you really enjoy writing. I know your stories sound like the kind I would enjoy reading. Thank you.

Tracy Sumner said...


I lived in Paris for one summer as well. On Rue de Seine! I loved it. I hope you love the books. Tides of Love and Noah Garrett--is my favorite hero that I've written. Though seems Tides of Passion is the most popular with readers. :)


Tracy Sumner said...


Thanks! Glad you've read something of mine already. That is the best news ever.

Tracy Sumner said...

Thanks for hosting me, too! Ramblings from this Chick is a great site. I'm going to make sure all my FB and Twitter peeps know about it!

Juliana's World said...

I've never heard your name before. Your books sound good and tempting. I love the seductive heroine. It is a good story.

Mary D said...

I don't think I have read anything by Tracy before, but this sounds like a book I would love to read. I'll be check her out on B&N. Thanks for the giveaway.

Amy said...

I haven't read any novels by Tracy yet, but from the sounds of it, I'll be wanting to add them to my TBR list. Sounds like the perfect escape from reality! BTW good luck visiting 100 countries witha 4 year old. I'm happy to get out of the house on time ;P
born_2b_alive at hotmail dot com

Tracy Sumner said...

Thanks! Well, as far as the travel goes, it isn't easy, that's for sure. But I'm persistent! And I've been around as a romance writer for a while. Was traditionally published with Kensington and Zebra books -- but now, with the new world of publishing, I'm going it on my own. We shall see. :)

fingershankins said...

This sounds like a great read! I always love to find a new writer and this has caught my eye! Good luck on your journey; you are far braver than I!

great giveaway as well

Harlie Williams said...

I have read Tides of Passion and I was hooked. Congratulations on the third book coming out.


Tracy Sumner said...

Thanks, Harlie, so thrilled you like TOP!

April Alvey said...

Wow What A Series Cant Wait To Read Them.

Catherine Lee said...

Is Pilot Island, NC a real place? I'm in Wilmington, NC and would love to visit Pilot Island if it's a real place!
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Tracy Sumner said...

Yes and no. Pilot Isle is based on Beaufort, NC. :) The second marine laboratory was built there -- as in the book. I only changed the dates by a couple of years to work it in. All else is based on actual research. :)

wyndwhisper said...

Hi Tracy,
thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i love the 2 books i have in this series already. i have tides of Love and Tides of Passion and they are just wonderful. i am so excited about getting the next one that i have already put it at the top of my have to buy next list. LOL!

i love the covers on all of your books and wondered if you design them yourself or if you have alot of input in how they will look? i know some authors have little to no say in how their book will look.

tammy ramey

Lana A said...

Hi Tracy,
good luck with the 100 counries tour, I've gifted a friend a book about 1000 places to visit before one dies, she have a lot ahead of her but it might be easier that countries. :)


anzuazura at yahoo dot de

bn100 said...

All the books sound good. I like books about brothers.


CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

The book sounds great, and I love that cover! I've always loved stories near or about the sea. :D It gives it that magical quality.


Gale Nelson said...

Thankyou for this great giveaway. This book sounds awesome. Gale

April Alvey said...

Love The Book And The Cover Cant Wait To Read Them. What A Great Giveaway.

Yvette said...

I have not read anything by Tracy yet but am definitely looking forward to it!

Allie said...

Thank you for the giveaway. As a fellow mommy and Northerner, do you find writing about the southern romance genre offers you a reprive from the hussle bussle of city life? Kudos for you attempting things with a 4 year old!

Robin said...

These look good, especially Tides of Love!

robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com

Texas Book Lover said...

Your a new author to me and your books sound like those I would get lost in!

I am rarely lucky enough to get out of Texas and have never been out of the country. Good luck with your goal of getting to 100 countries!

Texas Book Lover said...

Firgot email

mmafsmith at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Great post!! This is a new author for me--thanks so much for sharing!!! This series sounds so good--definitely interested!!
Thanks for the chance to win!! Have a great week!! :)

Ashley said...

This series sounds like terrific by-the-beach romance books! Might have to pick these up for my summer vacation :)

It's awesome that Tracy is trying to visit 100 countries! I do quite a bit of travelling myself but I'm definitely not close to 100! :P

ashley at booknook dot me

Evan Blanc said...

Tracy I so excited to read your stories! They seem absolutely amazing!

lavendersbluegreen said...

I just love when these contests happen. You are a new to me author and I get so excited to add a book to my "must read" list! lavendersbluegreen(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

Tracy, Both of these books look great. I'm definitely going to have to check them out.

Cindy McCune said...

I love that these stores are set in the Ocean towns on the East Coast. And though we are on opposite ends of the US, there is nothing as romantic as walking through the surf, holding the hand of the one you love!


ELF said...

Congratulations on your series, it sounds delightful. I am impressed by your travels, I don't think I will ever visit that many countries, no matter how long I live!

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