
Guest Post with Jessica E. Subject and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog Jessica E. Subject. Jessica is currently on tour promoting the release of her book The Zurian Child and has stopped by the blog to chat. Before I give the floor over to Jessica, let us learn some about her.

Jessica Subject started writing to encourage her daughter to read. Now she writes to keep herself grounded. Although she reads many genres, she enjoys writing Science Fiction Romance the most and believes everyone in the universe deserves a happily ever after. She lives Southwestern Ontario, Canada with her husband and two kids and loves to hear from anyone who has enjoyed her stories.

Places to find Jessica:

Thank you so much, Danielle, for hosting me on Ramblings From This Chick today.

From my reading experience, there are generally two types of second chance at love stories. The first are the extreme, where one of the couple has cheated on the other, or done something illegal. After a period of time, that person realizes their transgressions, how much they’ve lost, and returns to their partner for a second chance at love. While these circumstances can lead to some great stories, The Zurian Child fits into the second category, where a misunderstanding, and/or uncommon circumstances drives a wedge between the couple. In this case, time passes once again, before they reunite.

The circumstances that come between Lindsay and Quinn in The Zurian Child are a little different though.

Here’s an excerpt:

Sitting in his father's high-back leather office chair, Quinn vowed he wouldn't spend the rest of his life working at the Montgomery Building. With the office's restricting walls and problems which had always followed his father home, he refused to spend the rest of his life chained to a desk.

Calling Lindsay would only make matters worse; she wouldn't understand his decisions. Yes, she had lost her parents, too, but her life had not completely changed afterward. She hadn't learned of any alien blood running through her veins. He could no longer give her the normal human life he'd promised her.

Regardless of his ancestry though, he planned to make a difference. He wanted to work in law enforcement, stop senseless murders and ensure people paid for their crimes.

Quinn reached for the phone. Perhaps Lindsay would understand. But she remained close to her older sister. His decision required him to move away, and he couldn't take her from the only family she had left. Instead of phoning Lindsay, he dialed the number for his cousin, Alexis.

But when they are reunited after seven years, Quinn learns that Lindsay has secrets of her own. Winning her back isn’t easy for him, and he has to deal with his best friend’s strange interest in Lindsay as well.

Lindsay Beckett longed to be reunited with her first love, Quinn Montgomery, until she learns the secret that sent him fleeing from her in the first place. He’s an alien, a Hemera, and she’s half-Hemera herself. As if that wasn’t enough to ruin her dreams of a perfect life, when their child is born, they discover she fulfills a prophesy told twenty light years away and many years ago. Lindsay wants to ignore it, until her husband is murdered and suddenly believing becomes a matter of survival.

Lindsay and her young daughter are forced to rely on another Hemera, her husband’s partner and best friend, Bryce Beuermann as more and more of the Hemera are slaughtered. Bryce will do anything to help his best friend’s widow—including suppressing his own deep feelings for her. But he must prove they can trust him, even pretending he doesn’t want her with all his heart.

Places to Purchase:

He and Bryce crept further and further away from the house with their flashlights panning the yard for suspicious objects or activity. Nothing appeared different, so they set to work cleaning up from the barbeque.

Rain started to fall as they folded up the chairs and set them on the deck.

As he reached for another chair, the bushes to his left began to rustle. He focused on Bryce. "What the hell was that?"

Bryce shrugged. "I checked that area. There was nothing there."

He drew his gun and crept over to investigate.

The bush rustled again. A wet, black and white cat leaped out of the bush. It ran through his legs, heckling toward the property next door.

He jumped back and laughed at himself. Harnessing his gun, he said, "I can't believe I was frightened by a cat."

"Quinn, behind you!"

Lightning flashed through the sky.

As he turned around, his eyes watered from the stench of rot. In front of him stood an eight-foot tall creature. Fuzz resembling moss covered a trunk of burnt toast with multiple tentacles curled at the ends like emerging ferns. A black hole oozed the same tarry substance found beside Tabitha's plate. Blood red eyes pierced through his body.

"What the fuck?"

He fumbled to grasp his gun. Before he could draw, a tentacle as hard as a baseball bat, collided with his stomach. Reeling back, he clenched his mid-section and dropped the sidearm. He reached out to claim his gun again, but another tentacle wrapped around his leg. Within seconds he hung upside-down. Blood rushed to his head. His ears rung. He caught sight of Michael and Francis at the door, eyes wide.

The creature lifted him further up. Air rushed past as his body slammed onto the cement. He landed on his back. His head bounced off the patio. He heard and felt the crack of his skull. Rain poured onto his face, but he couldn't move.

Want to win some goodies from Jessica? Check out what's up for grabs for some lucky commenters.

Up for grabs:
  • Signed cover flat and magnet
  • 1 lucky commenter from the ENTIRE tour will win a swag package along with a $10 Amazon gift card.

To Enter:
  • Please leave a meaningful comment for Jessica. 
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. 
  • Giveaway ends May 11th.

Good Luck =)


Mary Preston said...

Thank you for the great excerpts today. I'm eager to learn more about the circumstances that kept Lindsay & Quinn apart.


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting Jessica today.

Jessica E. Subject said...

Thank you again for having me on your blog today! :)

Jessica E. Subject said...

I'm glad you enjoyed them, Mary. Thanks! :)

MomJane said...

Oh my, I have to know how critical the head injury really was. I guess I will have to read the story.

April Alvey said...

Wow I Love the Excerpt It Was Great I cant wait To read This Book Its On My Gotta Have List. Jessica What Was Your Inspiration While Writing This Book And I Just Love The Cover It Drew Me Into Wanting The Book.
April Alvey

Catherine Lee said...

That excerpt is a great adreneline rush in a little package. I love the sensory description of the smell.
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Jessica E. Subject said...

Yes, this is a major turning point in the story. ;) Thanks!

Jessica E. Subject said...

Thanks so much, April! This series started as a superhero story for my daughter, but the superheroes became aliens, and the story became something more suited for adults. So many books, television shows, and movies inspired this story, such as Smallville, Men In Black, and many Nora Roberts books. Plus my own imagination. :)

Jessica E. Subject said...

Thanks so much, Catherine! :)

Deb PelletierC said...

Wonderful inerview and excerpt. This one is a keeper. Deb P

Anonymous said...

The characters and storyline sound great and the creature sounds absolutely wicked! Definitely a TBR!
PhoenixCarvelli at gmail dot com

Jessica E. Subject said...

Thank you, Deb! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

Jessica E. Subject said...

They are pretty wicked. Thank so much, Phoenix! :)

Kris said...

The story sounds interesting. I love sci-fi (since I could watch tv or read), and it is great to see that there is still room in the world for books to be written.

KDSyrjala at

bn100 said...

Very nice excerpt. The book sounds good.


Vidya Ravi said...

I am following the I said in others, I really love the cover! Would love to review this book!


Unknown said...

Hi Jessica -
Is this book a stand-alone or part of a series (or the beginning of one)? Interesting excerpt. Nice cover. Thanks for the contes/giveaway.

Lea-Ellen {night owl in IL}

Jessica E. Subject said...

Thank you, Lea-Ellen!

The Zurian Child is the beginning of the series. In the next book, which I am working on now, Katrina is an adult. :)

Jessica E. Subject said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica E. Subject said...

Thank you again, Danielle for hosting me during The Zurian Child blog tour! I am tallying all of the comments now, and will post the winners here:

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