
ARC Review: How to Romance a Rake by Manda Collins

I really enjoyed this book. The romance between Juliet and Alec was just so sweet. I won't lie, I may have a slight crush on Alec. He was just so great. From the beginning he looked out for Juliet and was concerned for her welfare. She was in need of a knight in shining armor and I liked that he was a savior for her.

When Juliet was fifteen, she was involved in an accident that resulted in a permanent injury to her foot. She now walks with the use of a cane and has a slight limp. Because of this, she has spent the last three years a perpetual wallflower. She does what she can to blend in and not draw attention to herself.

Lord Alec Deveril has spent most of his adult life trying to right the wrongs of his father. His father was a wastrel and a brute of a man. Alec has tried to become nothing like the man he has despised for most of his life. He knows that he must marry but he definitely doesn't want to marry anyone that he feels attracted to. He just wants someone from a good background that he won't have to worry about falling for. He also knows that Juliet Shelby is definitely not that woman. He knows that she is shy and not a "fashionable miss" but he can't help but feel a spark whenever she is around. She is witty and smart and he soon finds himself doing anything he can to be near her.

When a close friend of Juliet's suddenly disappears she turns to Alec for help and advice. Together they both try to solve the mystery of her friends disappearance while at the same time both continue to fight the growing attraction they have for one another.

I loved the relationship between Alec and Juliet. I liked that they were both able to truly be themselves with one another. I also loved that Alec is continuously battling for Juliet. He sticks up for her when no one else (with the exception of her cousins) does. I loved that. I honestly don't know how Alec was able to refrain from throttling Juliet's mother. Oh my goodness that woman is horrible. I wish Juliet would have stood up for herself more when it came to her own mother. I feel like their relationship was slightly unresolved and I would have liked the closure of Juliet finally standing up to her.

I also really enjoyed the scenes with all of the secondary characters. I loved seeing Juliet interacting with her cousins and Alec interacting with his friends. There were many scenes that had me giggling out loud.

All in all this was another winner from Manda Collins. Manda is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. Whether it be her historicals or her erotica shorts, they are all good! So good that I always find myself unable to put my Kindle down until I've finished the book. Then I'm ferociously checking her site for any info I can find on upcoming books. Seriously, Manda Collins is not an author to be missed.

**ARC copy provided by Author/NetGalley**

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Jessica (Peace Love Books) said...

ooooh this one sounds so good! I love a good historical romance :) Great review! I'm going to have to check this one out!

RFTC Blog said...

Oh Jessica you definitely should. I couldn't put it down it was so good!.

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