
Feature and Giveaway: Dark Secrets by Desiree Holt

Hawk Blackwater thought Freewill, Wyoming was the place to get his life back together. Riley Scott thought it the best place to hide, half a country away from those hunting her. For Hawk his focus was on finding the killer of the previous sheriff and discovering the cause of the mysterious lights in the Laramie Mountain. For Riley her goal was to stay under the radar until she could get damning evidence to the right authorities. Neither realized they were on a collision course, or that the explosive chemistry between them would change both of their lives.

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Riley was still shivering in his arms as Hawk carried her into the house. When he sat her on the couch and tried to assess her state, he realized she was unaware of her surroundings. Her eyes still had that wild look, and she was paler than moonlight.

“Hold on one second,” he told her, knowing that she might not even hear him. “Let me get some things taken care of, and I’ll get you warm.”

Grabbing the blanket hanging on the back of the couch, he wrapped her in it then went to get a fire started in the fireplace. When he had a nice blaze going, he knelt beside her and attempted to remove her wet clothes. Her jacket, jeans, and shoes were soaked from the rain and the puddle. Riley just sat there, hands tightened into fists, while he removed them.

He paused before going any further, not knowing how she’d react. But what he did know was she’d catch pneumonia if he didn’t take care of her. Uttering a silent prayer that she wouldn’t run shrieking into the rain or sock him in the jaw, he slid her jeans down her legs with great care and slow movements and tossed them aside. She tensed when he unbuttoned her blouse and eased it from her body but didn’t protest.

He gritted his teeth and reached for every bit of self-control as his gaze swept her body. The lace and silk lingerie—fancier than he would have expected from a little mouse in Freewill—did little to disguise her nicely rounded body. Her nipples, darkened from the cold, showed through the insubstantial bra. He could almost feel her legs wrapped around him.


She needed comfort and security, not the randy thoughts of a horny sheriff.

Forcing himself to move, he swaddled her in the blanket once more and tucked her into a corner of the couch. The fire was throwing out plenty of heat now. His next move was to warm her up from the inside out and convince her she was safe with him. After throwing her clothes in the drier, he fetched a bottle of brandy and poured some into a snifter for her.

She was still sitting the way he’d left her, scrunched into a corner of the couch, fingers holding the edges of the blanket in a death grip. Hawk sat down beside her and eased her closer to him, wrapping one arm around her.

“Come on, Riley. You need to drink some of this. Get rid of that chill.”

He brushed the rim of the snifter against her lips slowly, the way he’d seen women try to get their kids to drink. At last she opened her mouth enough to take a swallow.

She choked, and her eyes watered.

“Hey. Easy there, sweetheart,” he told her. “You don’t want to kill yourself here.” He rubbed his hand in gentle circles on her back until she was able to breathe again. “Okay, good. That’s better.”

As he fed her sips of the brandy, he watched some color come back into her face. Her body relaxed by slow degrees against him, almost molding herself to him. Telling himself he was ten kinds of a fool, he lifted her onto his lap and cradled her in his arms. There was no doubt he was playing with fire here.

Desiree Holt has lived a life of excitement that brings the color to her writing. She was a summer fishing guide, a summer field hand where she was one of only three women working, a member of a beginning ski team that skied in competition (and no, no broken bones!). She spent several years in the music business representing every kind of artist from country singer to heavy metal rock bands. For several years she also ran her own public relations agency handling any client that interested her. She is twice a finalist for an EPIC E-Book Award, a nominee for a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, winner of the first 5 Heart Sweetheart of the Year Award at The Romance Studio, and is published by four different houses. Romance Junkies said of her work: “Desiree Holt is the most amazing erotica author of our time and each story is more fulfilling then the last.”
Places to find Desiree:

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting me today. I loved writing Dark Secrets and hope you all fall in love with my hero the way I did.

Alicia Dean said...

Oh wow, Desiree. Dark Secrets sounds fabulous! Great excerpt.I just realized, I haven't read one of your books in a while, and this sounds like a great one to get back in the game with. :-) No need to put me in the drawing. I'm heading over to B&N to buy it now.

Tamara Hoffa said...

You definitely got my attention. This sounds really good. I'll have to add it to my TBR pile

Joanne said...

Why was Riley in the rain? Was she running from someone? How long does it take Hawk to give in to his desires? This book sounds amazing. Can't wait to read it to find out the answers to those questions.

Barbara B. said...

Love the excerpt! Sounds like an amazing read! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your book. I love reading new authors and finding new favorites! I'd love to add this to my TBR pile.

fingershankins said...

Putting this in TBR love your books but have not yet read this one thanks for the giveaway

Chrisbails said...

Loved the excerpt. Looks like another good book by desiree. Thanks for the giveaway.

Betty Hamilton said...

Your book sounds fantastic and one that I would love to read. Thank you for the give away (paperback, I hope).

Sophia Rose said...

It sounds like this book has a lot of intriguing elements to it and I'd love to read it.

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for stopping by. I love to read these comments. Riley was n the ran because...oh, yeah! you'll have to read it to find out. They've all got Dark Secrets-Riley, Hawk, and unknown idlers and the source of the mysterious lights. Did I tease you enough? LOL!

Shadow said...

Hi! This sounds like a great book! Im a big fan of your work! Definitely cant wait to read this one! Thanks for the chance to read!

Cathy M said...

Definitely another hero to fall in love with, Desiree. Love to see that sweet and tender side of a man.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Fedora said...

Wow--great intro to this, Desiree! Thanks for giving us a peek at Hawk and Riley's story! Sounds like a thriller in several ways ;)

Natasha said...

Sounds really good! Thanks for the chance to win!

Julianne said...

Hi Desiree! I love the book cover, it's pretty HAWT!! Congrats on the release of another book. I can't wait to see you again at RomantiCon in October.
Take care.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

bn100 said...

Very nice excerpt. Sounds like an intriguing book.

Anonymous said...

Hope you all enjoy thee book as well as all of the Western Escapes. They are all intertwined so should carry your interest.

Filia Oktarina said...

This book sounds great amd the title make me curious. I like the excerpt to. Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, this sounds so good! I can't wait to read it!!

Yvette said...

I love the look of the lead man on the cover...that got my attention.

nurmawati djuhawan said...

well...the man in the cover looks like indonesian (especially javanese) :)
sounds a good story...thx u for the giveaway...

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