
Guest Post with Author Kiru Taye and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Kiru Taye. Kiru is currently on tour for her book An Engagement Challenge and has stopped by today to chat. Before I give the floor over to Kiru, lets get to know her a bit.

Kiru Taye is the award-winning author of His Treasure. She writes historical, contemporary and paranormal romances. Her stories are sensual and steamy, her characters passionate and sassy and her settings atmospheric and exotic. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, hanging out with family/friends or travelling. Born in Nigeria, she currently lives in the UK with husband and two children.

Places to find Kiru:

Hello, everyone. I’m glad to be hosted today by Rambling From This Chick as part of my virtual book tour for An Engagement Challenge (Challenge, #2).

You must have heard the phrase ‘opposites attract’. Well, when I started writing An Engagement Challenge I wanted to tell the story of two people who were opposites in nature. Not polar extremes, just different.

Paul Arinze the hero is a man with scars. Not physical scars, although those exist too. But emotional scars from his youth. First, his father was unfaithful to his mother and had several illegitimate children. Then when his mother died (he was only a child), his father married his mistress and brought her and her children to live in his home. Paul’s new step-mother made his life a misery. He was constantly being condemned and physically abused.

So he enters the story with a lot of baggage. He despises the way his father lived his life and it haunts him. He believes he can never love a woman the way she’s supposed to. In fact he believes he doesn’t know how to love. So he starts each relationship knowing it’s going to end. He makes no promises so he doesn’t have to break any.

On the other hand, Ijay Amadi has led a relatively sheltered life. She is from a very close family unit, the first child of two siblings. She was brought up in an environment filled with love and never lacked for anything. She is close to both her parents and her sister.

For example there’s a scene where her mum picks her up from the airport in Lagos. The older woman knows immediately that something’s wrong with Ijay. And when Ijay reveals she’s done something wrong, there’s no judgement or condemnation from her mother. Only sound advice.

So Ijay has love in abundance and gives it easily. She opens up herself readily and stays loyal. She nurtures and protects.

However when Paul and Ijay first meet, they swap roles briefly. Ijay is on the rebound after being dumped by her previous boyfriend. So she’s hurting and afraid to give her heart to another man who doesn’t want long term. Paul, on the other hand, is searching for something. He just doesn’t know what it is until he meets Ijay.

There begins their journey to love.

Do you know any other couples who are opposites in nature? Do you think it’s a good or bad thing? My husband and I are opposites. Sometimes it can be frustrating because we see things differently. But ultimately, it works quite well. What do you think?

Book 2 of the contemporary romance Challenge series, set in Nigeria. Three friends. Three challenges. Are they willing to risk everything for love?

When savvy PR consultant Ijay Amadi meets successful Industrialist Paul Arinze, the only things on her mind are to forget the pain of her failed relationship and enjoy the delights his branding touch and soul-searing kiss promise. It’s a one-time only event. Perfect.

However, Paul is annoyed to wake up and find her gone the next morning. He isn’t ready to forget the dark-haired beauty or their scorching night together just yet. So he plans to have Ijay right where he wants her—in Abuja, working on his latest business project by day and enjoying the pleasure of his bed by night.

Except when Ijay arrives, she’s wearing another man’s engagement ring. With the explosive desire between them threatening their priorities and loyalties, the stakes get higher by the minute. Who’ll be left standing at the altar when Ijay walks down the aisle?
Places to Purchase:
“Are you wet for me, sweet Ijay?”

Sweet Ijay! Two tiny words that disintegrated her resolve accompanied by five words that had her body steaming at their eroticism and directness. Lord help her, but she’d missed the way he said those words like she was rare and precious to him. Those words arrested her and kept her ensnared.

Fixated by his arousing touch, she held her breath as his hand travelled up her thigh, shifting her dress up. If she wasn’t wet before, she surely was now. She felt her core weep, soaking her thong.

He was so close. So close.

His hand rested at the junction of her hip and thigh. She swallowed the lump in her throat and closed her eyes. Touch me! Her body screamed taking over her normally rational mind. Surely she wasn’t being rational any longer. They were sitting in a restaurant where the waiter or anyone else could turn up at any moment.

“I can smell your sweet intoxicating fragrance. I want to taste you so much,” he whispered in a gruff voice, his fingers skimming the edge of her lace undies. “Say the word, sweet Ijay and I’ll stop. Do you remember the word?”

Automatically, she nodded while still holding her breath. Her mind screamed, Blue! But her body was drowning in sensation, so wound up. If he didn’t touch her soon, she’d commit murder. Just this once and it wouldn’t matter anymore.

Forgive me...I want him to touch me.

His fingers pushed the soaked thong aside and slid inside her. She gripped the edge of the table, her nails digging into the wood. While his fingers slid in and out of her in a painfully slow rhythm, his thumb played a thrilling tune with her swollen bud.

Feverish heat travelled through her body. Her body raced toward the edge, ecstasy only moments away. She couldn’t wait to fly off the edge. To have her first climax in over six months. To relieve the tension she’d felt. Not long now. Her body coiled tighter, her breathing coming in shallow gasps.

His hand stopped moving and slipped out of her body. A desperate whimper escaped her lips. She opened her eyes just as Paul lifted hand. His fingers glistened with her juices. He put them into his mouth one after the other and licked.

“You’re as tasty as ever, sweet Ijay,” he drawled.

Check out the Book 1 in the Challenge series:
Click on cover for more info.

Want to win a copy? 1 lucky commenter will win themselves an eBook copy. 

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question:  Do you know any other couples who are opposites in nature? Do you think it’s a good or bad thing?
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form


Kiru Taye said...

Hello Danielle, thank you for hosting me today. It's great to be on your blog. :)

Unknown said...

What a great way to start a story! I think we see opposites attracting all the time. My husband and I are definitely opposites. I am the quiet reserved one. He is the boisterous, loud, and sometimes obnoxious one. It works for us.

ParanormalRomanceFan said...

Hello Kiru,

Thank you Kiru for taking the time out of your busy day to spend time with Us along your Book Tour for your current release, "An Engagement Challenge". Your Book 2 in the Series sounds like an Excellent Read.

Do I know any other couples who are opposites in nature? & Do I think it’s a good or bad thing? Well as a matter of fact I do. :) My Husband & I are quite opposites, I'm even 20 years younger than he is, but it works for Us, we have been Married for over 10 years now & we Balance each other out, if it was different, it just wouldn't work, we're Perfectly Oppositely Matched for each Other. :):)

Take care Kiru & Much Success on Your Tour,
PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)
paranormalromancefan at yahoo dot com

bn100 said...

I don't know any couples that are opposites in real life. I think it can be a good thing.

Unknown said...

Adaku and Obinna in "His treasure"; Book 1 in the Men of valor series. They were a perfect foil for each other. Whereas Adaku is feisty and stubborn, Obinna was cool, calm and calculated. I think its a good thing. It supports the proposition in Chemistry that opposites do attract.

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