
Guest Post with Author Lisa Sanchez and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Lisa Sanchez. Lisa is currently on tour promoting the release of her newest book Faythe Reclaimed and has stopped by to chat about time travel romances. Before I give the floor over to Lisa why don't we get to know her a bit.

Lisa Sanchez is a California cheer mom taxiing her way through life, one car ride at a time. Along with chauffer, she sports several job titles, including, but not limited to: author, chef, seamstress, videographer, nurse, enforcer, and general slave to her three daughters.

The first two books in her Hanaford Park series (Eve Of Samhain, Pleasures Untold) are published with Omnific Publishing. The third book, Faythe Reclaimed, is published with Tulipe Noire Press. Her erotic suspense, Obsessed was published March 29th 2011 with Loose Id. And most recently, Lisa went Indie and published the first novella, Cursing Athena, in her new Order of Seven series.

Places to find Lisa:

Time Travel Romance

I’ve always had a love of books, even when I was a little girl. Some of my best memories involved reading The Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. My mother was, and still is, a voracious reader, and a big fan of the romance genre. It was my mom who introduced me to the wonderful world of romance reading, and I’ve been an addict ever since.

The first romance novel I ever read was A Knight In Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux. I fell in love with the story and the characters instantly, and was swept away by the fantasy of Douglass Montgomery’s true love crossing oceans of time to rescue her in her time of need. Yep, I’m a total sap. Regardless, it was this book that spawned an unholy love of time travel romance.

Over the years, I’ve sought out as many time travel romances I could find. Some of my favorites are Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (I’m a huge fan of Jamie Frasier. In fact, he was my very first book boyfriend.) I also fell in love with The Time Traveler’s Wife. Such a gripping story! I loved Eric Bana in the movie portrayal, but the book was so much better.

So, given my love of time travel romance, I suppose it should come as no big surprise that I wrote one. I love the grand, epic feeling that comes along with these particular types of books, and my hope is that I was able to capture that feeling when I wrote Gabriel and Taylor’s love story. I hope my readers will be swept away in the fantasy of the story and enjoy their journey as much as I did.

Running through a strange forest with a bloodthirsty demon hot on her heels wasn’t Taylor’s idea of a rockin’ evening. Then again, neither was soaring backward through time and space. Time travel chafed and left a rank, nasty aftertaste. So, when she finds herself floundering amidst a sea of Commandment-loving holy rollers who fling accusations of witchcraft and bedevilment like hotcakes in a diner, finding her way home jumps to the top of her to do list. Too bad she can’t remember who she is or where she came from. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Taylor has to fall for the mysterious Latin warlock living on the edge of Salem Village and who comes to her rescue, Gabriel Castillo.

Battling an identity crisis and lost in a time that’s not her own, Taylor is determined to find her way back to twenty-first century Hanaford Park. But first, she and Gabriel must work together to uncover the dark scourge lurking in Salem's shadows, and in doing so, save their own lives, and the lives of countless innocents from a lethal date with the hangman’s noose.

Places to Purchase:

Check out the other books in the Hanaford Park Series:
Click on cover for more info.

Want to win an copy of Faythe Reclaimed ? 1 lucky commenter will win a eBook copy.

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What are your thoughts on Time Travel Romances? Do you have a favorite? 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  


*yadkny* said...

I didn't think I would like time travel romances, but after I read my first one I really like them. I haven't read many, but I hear that Diana Gabaldon is a good author to check out.

Yvette said...

I've not read many time-travel where that is the center theme of the book, but I have read a few where it occurs.

erin said...

Thanks for a fun post and giveaway! Definitely going to have go check out your book!

I love time traveling romances. Can't get enough of them :)

Mina said...

Congratulations on your new release, Lisa! Like you I got hooked on romance with AKnigjt in Shining Armor and I throughly enjoy the time travel theme...great romance material!

Mina said...

Congratulations on your new release, Lisa! Like you I got hooked on romance with AKnigjt in Shining Armor and I throughly enjoy the time travel theme...great romance material!

Phoenix Carvelli said...

I like the idea of time travel romances. It is a very cool concept! I love the storylines when the warriors from the past come into the future to protect their ladies!
PhoenixCarvelli at gmail dot com

Natasha said...

I like time travel romances. Some of my favorite ones are by Lynn Kurland. Thanks for the giveaway!

Filia Oktarina said...

I like idea about time travel romance. I don't have favorite yet, because i still not read this storylines :)

wanda f said...

I enjoy time travel romances especially those that travel back to midevil scotland .I love me some highlanders

bn100 said...

I've never read any of these types of books yet, but they sound interesting.

Tiff Pull said...

I have not read a time travel romantic but i think that i will really enjoy them.

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