
Guest Post with Author Tigris Eden and Giveaway

Today I am super stoked to have debut author Tigris Eden as a guest. Tigris is made of awesome and I <3 her lots. She is freaking awesome and I am so happy to have her here to celebrate the release of her debut Enlaved In Shadows. Tigris has stopped by today and she has brought along her sexy Shadow Unit Team Members for a little get together, but before I give the floor over lets get to know a bit about Tigris Eden.

A friend of mine once said I am multifaceted…So here is me and all my many quirks.

I’m a fish by design but don’t go too deep into the water. I love to write, read, listen to music, watch movies with LL, and strive to be the best mother I can be. I also paint, and do pottery work. (when I can). By day I am a Sr. Payroll Specialist, and by night I come home to write about a group of men and their women who are not so normal.

Most days you can find me on twitter and Facebook, but lately I’ve been deep deep in my writing cave, attempting to come up with all the stories that are stuck in my head.

My favorite movie right now is Bruno… Dolce & Gabbana HALO! I say weird ish because I can and at the end of the day I swear it all makes sense…. Well to me, maybe not you. ♥

Places to find Tigris Eden:

Thanks for having me on the blog today Dani! I really appreciate it. I was trying really hard to come by and just talk shop with you but some of the guys from the Unit have had other ideas. Okay, it was Royce’s idea. I can’t really be held responsible for their actions right? I mean they’re fictional but with a great deal of substance. Royce, Dietrich and Gabe have agreed to put themselves on blast so to speak. But before I hand them over, Royce has made me swear to first describe what they’re wearing today.

Royce is in Diesel ripped jeans, white vans with a white tee-shirt that says “Hound Dog Gonna Eat Dat Pussy” with a picture of a bulldog in a spiked choker collar. His hair is messy today and he has shades that are sitting on top of his bed head.

Gabe is actually dressed in civilian clothes today, he’s wearing black jeans and a grey hooded sweatshirt with DC skate sneakers.

Dietrich is dressed in Pelle Pelle cargo shorts with an Akoo Wolf Belt and a Pelle Pelle Black Tee-shirt and DGK sneakers and a Plan B beanie with dark shades on. *side note he never takes his shades off.*

So now you know what the men are wearing. And here goes nothing…

Royce: Can we talk now? Microphone check …. Testing..Testing….

Gabe: She did say “here goes nothing.” I think that was your answer right there.

Royce: *smirks at Gabe* whatever sunshine. I just needed the all clear. Well, Tigris has let us come out and play for the day and take over Dani’s blog. Be nice dudes and say hello.

Gabe: Good Day all. Dietrich are you going to say hi?

Dietrich: Why? Royce’s big ass mouth will no doubt do all the talking. I’m just here for effect.

Royce: Dude, seriously. You’re an Asshole. I told her not to let you come out and be a part of this shindig. You obviously have no home training.

Dietrich: You go right ahead and keep talking shit man. I’ll just sit here and watch.

Gabe: *looking between the two men* You two need to calm down. I’m sure these people all want to know more about our unit and what we do.

Royce: Um dude, we’re called the Shadow Unit. That right there says it all. SHA….DOW… We’re supposed to stay hidden. Not spill our secrets.

Gabe: Well then what should we talk about?

Dietrich: *grunts*

Royce: Why, me of course! All these people are really here to learn more about me. I’m the bright and shiny one. I have the talent, the brains, the body. *winks* I definitely have the body. Although why Tigris seems to think I resemble that douche Channing Tatum. I will never understand.

Gabe: I think you just offended about half the population of women out there man.

Royce: Why? Seriously, the dude is coming out with a movie. You know the one. Magic Mike. Let’s be serious do I look like a person that will dance around some women for money?

Dietrich: You’d do it whether someone paid you are not.

Royce: That’s beside the point. I mean my body was made to give pleasure to all the beautiful creatures but to make a movie about my life. That’s so unattractive. Besides my girl says he’s not Emmy worthy. And if my girl is saying he’s not worth an Emmy I don’t want to be in the same category as him.

Dietrich: You ain’t got no girl.

Royce: Yeah I do, she just doesn’t know it yet.

Gabe: *sighs* Has anyone ever told you how dramatic you are?

Royce: Anyone ever tell you how incredibly annoying you are? Seriously go make it stop raining or something sunshine. You bother me.

Dietrich: You’re not saying shit and I have to side with Gabe. You’re delivery sucks.

Royce: Oh now Mr. I wear my sun glasses at night wants to chime in.

Dietrich: Fuck off dog boy.

Gabe: Obviously we’re getting nowhere.

Royce: Seriously I really want to have a solid conversation with my fans.

Dietrich: *yawns* If you actually have fans I will gladly off myself right the fuck now.

Royce: *takes out his gun* I don’t know if this can kill your ass watcher but here, *hands Dietrich the gun* You’re gonna need this.

Dietrich: *Flips him off*

Gabe: Well Dani, I’m sorry we didn’t do what we came here to do. Royce is kind of a show stopper and a dramatic drama queen when it comes to attention.

*Royce stands to walk over in Gabe’s direction but pauses and lights a red cigarette*

Royce: You know he may be right this time. Sorry Dani. Next time I’ll behave promise. Tigris said to remind you that you can give away a copy of Enslaved to a lucky commenter, I’d like to point out that I have a starring role in the book.

For every copy of Enslaved In Shadows sold during the first two weeks of release 50% of sales will go to National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

A man's Past leads to his Future......

Agent Stone of the Shadow Unit's job is simple, most days. Work in the Shadows, police his own Kind.

When an unwanted assignment turns out to be his darkest fantasy from the past, Draven can't help but be conflicted by the memories of the past and his responsibilities in the future. But his decision has been made.

The Heart of a woman is Tested........

Jes can't let the tall dark agent back into her life.
How can she trust any man after what she's endured. Years of abuse have broken her down and she doesn't have room for more. The man she turns to for help hasn't abused her physically but he's tormented her emotionally. A past betrayal left her scarred, but also brought her life.

Can she accept him into her heart and trust him again?

One will survive and adapt, the other will realize hearts can be mended even if it’s a bit too late.

The road to forgiveness sometimes only brings more pain. Unexpected events set their lives on two separate tracks leading to one outcome. Lives will be changed and an emotional battle to save their souls will leave them both trapped and enslaved in their need for one another.

Places to Purchase:

Want to win some goodies from Tigris? Check out what's up for grabs for 2 lucky commenters.(US/Canada Shipping ONLY)

Up for grabs:
  • lucky commenter will win a eBook copy of Enslaved In Shadows along with a signed 4x6 book cover
  • 1 lucky commenter will win a eBook copy of Enslaved In Shadows along with a metal bookmark

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering this question: What is your recipe for the perfect hero?
  • Make sure to fill out the Rafflecopter form.


Amethyst said...

Perfect hero: the looks and characteristics of Wentworth Miller ^_^

Great guest post! Enlaved In Shadows sounds great :)

*yadkny* said...

My recipe for the perfect hero? Well he needs to be someone confident, sexy, dominating, sensitive, loving... I could keep going but I that's a good start:)

Victoria said...

Intelligent,loyal, strong, a bit sarcastic, confident, a body to die for, handsome and tall :). I could go on but I won't ;).

Congratulations Tigris! I can't wait to read Enslaved.

Joanne said...

Thank for interview guys. The perfect hero? Well, he has to be strong, sexy, have a sense of humor, protective, slightly possessive, confident, and loving. There, that's a good start.
This book sounds amazing. Can't wait to read it.

May said...

Someone strong, smart, funny, sensitive, insightful and loving!

Mina said...

My tecipe fot a perfect hero...alpha male with a big heart, very protective of women and children, sexy with an inner hidden sweet core.

StacieD said...

My perfect hero is protective, loyal and honest. I don't mind if he is a bit cranky or closed off. If he has the first three qualities then I can forgive the rest.

geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

erin said...

Congrats on the new release! Thanks for a fun post and giveaway!

I'd have to say that any of Suzanne Brockman's Seal team 16 would be my perfect hero :)

bn100 said...

Congratulations on the book! Tall, caring, handsome, alpha

Julianne said...

Awesome book cover!! Congrats on the release.
My recipe is: 1 part loyalty
1 part honesty
1 part mysterious
1 part brooding
Stir together until well mixed.
Then add some tallness, about 6 ft, dazzling eyes, long hair and a kissable mouth. Mix for 1 minute and you'll have the perfect hero.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Yvette said...

Strong, confident, a gorgeous set of eyes and a great sense of humor!

Texas Book Lover said...

Perfect hero is confident, loyal, strong and loving and sexy!

Alex said...

I guess the perfect hero for me is someone that doesn't necessarily do this type of thing ordinarily. They rise to the occasion, though they would have never predicted something like this happening.

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