
Guest Post with Tory Richards and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Tory Richards. Tory is here today talking about her Ellora's Cave Quickie Talk Dirty To Me. Before I give the floor over to Tory, lets get to know her.

Tory is a multi-published, bestselling author who lives in Florida with her daughter and her family, and four crazy cats. She likes to travel, preferably by cruise ship, and doesn’t like to fly but will if she has to. She collects antiques and art. Loves chocolate, who doesn’t? And good coffee.

Tory has wanted to be a writer since she was a kid, only life got in the way of her dreams. A few years ago, with the support and encouragement of her family, she decided to get serious, and she hasn’t looked back. Her erotic romances are hot! And can be found at Whiskey Creek Press Torrid, The Wild Rose Press, Ellora’s Cave, Liquid Silver Books, Amazon, Fictionwise, All Romance eBooks, and Barnes and Noble.

Places to find Tory:

Thank you for allowing me to be a guest on your blog today. I hope my post will encourage others to come forward and confess their sins. It’s good for the soul and makes you feel better.

Confessions of a writer…

I’m having an affair…sort of

The minute I saw Blake, and our eyes met, I was hooked. Handsome, rugged, he towered over my five foot three inch frame like a mountain. He had a military hair cut that suited the five o’clock shadow on his strong jaw. Intense, I gotta have you now eyes sent tingles over me from head to toe. I actually felt my breath quicken, and I readied myself to be grabbed and kissed…breathless I hoped.

He was wearing a black tee shirt. Something clingy that revealed his sculptured torso, and the muscles flexing in his biceps. The lower half of his body looked like it was poured into faded jeans that defined his powerful thighs, and a bulge behind his zipper that left my mouth watering, and my mind wandering. My blood pressure was rising and I thought to myself, thank goodness I’d taken my pill that morning. It wouldn’t hurt to take two, would it?

The closer he got to me, the more I was able to catch the subtle musk of his aftershave. It sucked me in and I began to tremble. I forgot all about having a husband. For a moment I was a young woman again, and I pretended the sexy half smile on his chiseled face was meant for me. He was looking at me like he was hungry, and not for food. His intense stare slowly lowered down my voluptuous form, making me wish I had on something sexier than baggy pedal pushers and an even baggier blouse. Well, at least I’d shaved my legs!

God he was sexy! And I was hot. Forget it was Florida, I knew it was him making me feel that way. I felt myself blushing as sweat rolled down my legs, and smiled when he finally reached me. Maybe he had a thing for older, chunky women. I could only hope.

“Hi,” I said, my heart fluttering.

“Excuse me,” he said politely, and continued around me.

My smile disappeared. My mouth dropped open. I turned and watched him walk to a small Toyota parked along the curve, where a pretty young woman sat behind the wheel.

And that’s how Talk Dirty to Me was born.

The affair, you must realize by now, is with my current hero Blake. Please don't tell anyone. They might think I’m loony. But I couldn't help myself! Haven’t you ever had a mental affair with some hunky hero of the current story you’re reading? Come on, be honest. Who hasn’t put themselves in the heroine’s place?

You can meet the sexy oil driller in Talk Dirty to Me. My first Ellora’s Cave Quickie. Leave a comment on this post and you’ll be entered into a drawing to receive a download of the book. Winner announced one week from today, here and on my blog.

Lilly has been in love with her brother’s best friend Blake for years. She lost her virginity to the oil driller on her eighteenth birthday, only to wake the next morning to find him gone. After he pulled that stunt twice more, she swore never to see or talk to him again. But now he’s back for her brother’s wedding, and he’s as sexy as she remembers.

Blake thinks Lilly’s even sexier than ever. Unable to resist one another, they don’t make it out of the airport parking lot before taking up where they left off. As the two rediscover their passion for each other, nothing and nowhere is off limits!

Places to Purchase:

Want to win a copy of this book? 1 lucky commenter will win an eBook copy. 

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: Haven’t you ever had a mental affair with some hunky hero of the current story you’re reading? Come on, be honest. Who hasn’t put themselves in the heroine’s place?
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  


Joanne said...

I do that all the time. It makes it more fun that way.

Yvette said...

That is definitely fun to do!

Shelley B said...

I almost always have a crush on the guys in my books! I have a great husband though, who always makes me thankful for the guy I've got!

books4me said...

Oh, gosh, yes...all the time! But I create my own story lines instead of inserting myself in the story.

erin said...

Thanks for a fun post! Yup... when I"m reading, "I" am the girl getting romanced :)

Tory Richards said...

Thank you all for stopping by and leaving a comment today. Good luck!


Natasha said...

Yes I do sometime. Thanks for the chance to win!

latishajean said...

I do that all the time when reading! Thank you for the great giveaway!

Lisa Borbeck said...

I have to admit that I do that from time to time. I love being able to imagine a book from the "inside"

lorimeehan said...

Oh yes I've had many, many,oh so many mental affairs with the alpha males I read about. And I so do not feel bad. I think my husband benefits from said mental affairs. Your book sounds great. I'm looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the blog interview.

Tory Richards said...

Hey all, thank you for coming by today and leaving comments. It's late and I'm heading to bed but I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your time. If you like short erotic romances I have two others with Ellora's Cave, and a new one coming out with Liquid Silver Books in August. Hot Spot!


bn100 said...

Not really. I usually prefer them with the heroine.

Kerry said...

Yes I have - and they are always very hot affairs :) LOL

Nancy Bristow said...

I automatically put myself in the heroine's place in whatever book I'm reading. Now, if she acts in a way that I wouldn't in a million years, it doesn't take long for me to no longer identify with her and will instead, observe. None of this prevents me from having a mental affair with the hero (assuming he is one that I would be attracted to).

andieleah said...

I do sometimes...I call them my book boyfriends!

Tory Richards said...

Thank you bn100, Kerry, Nancy, Andieleah and everyone else for coming by and leaving your comments. A lot of good responses from you all. I wish you all good luck!


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