
Feature and Giveaway: Star Crossed by Kele Moon

Heavyweight UFC fighter, Romeo Wellings comes from the hard streets of New York where his family ties to the mafia cause him nothing but pain. His life takes a surprising detour when he crosses paths with the twin sister of his long time enemy. After a steamy one-night stand, he faces the fight of his life, but it’s not in the cage. The secret relationship that blooms between Romeo and his real life Juliet has him battling his family and a dark past rather than let her go.

The only lawyer in her hometown of Garnet, Jules Conner is also a volunteer Sheriff’s deputy and co-owner of a successful MMA training center. Strong and dependable, Jules is always there for those who need her. Until one forbidden night in Las Vegas with Romeo leaves her feeling so alive she can’t stop reaching out to the sexy, bad boy of MMA, even knowing the forbidden love affair could jeopardize everything.

As the tide rises against them and the people they love work at keeping them apart, Romeo and Jules hold onto a dream for a better life together and vow to go down fighting rather than accept a tragic ending.

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Romeo had suspected she’d be ticked about him paying for dinner, but he didn’t give a fuck. He wasn’t letting her pay for their date, and besides, she looked hot as hell with her cheeks flushed in anger and those icy blue eyes narrowed at him. He’d have paid twice to see it.

He ignored her rather than respond, because he was still fighting down an attraction that was overwhelming to the point it almost scared him. He honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted a woman as badly. Instead he pulled out the key card the front desk had given him and reached around Jules to open the door.

She huffed indignantly as he pushed the door open. “I’m talking to you.”

“I heard you.”

“You genuinely disappointed me.” She sounded stricken as she followed behind him. “I thought you were different from the fellas I’m used to, but it turns out you’re the same and—” Romeo pushed the door closed behind her, and Jules turned when it clicked shut. “What’re you doing?”

Romeo stepped into her personal space and then leaned forward to breathe her in. The perfume she wore was dark and seductive rather than sweet and floral like most women wore. Jesus, this woman even smelled perfect.

When Romeo moved to kiss her, she turned her head petulantly. Her breathing was shallow, her body tense, but she obviously wasn’t inclined to give in—yet.

He bent down and whispered against the smooth line of her throat, “I didn’t pay for dinner to be a chauvinist. I did it because I enjoyed your company, and I felt like you were worth it. Is that so bad?”

Jules appeared unmoved by his impassioned plea. “You think you’re charming.”

“Sometimes,” Romeo admitted, a smile tugging at his lips. “But it’s still the truth. I wanna kiss you, Juliet. Look at me.”

“No.” Jules’s voice was a low rasp, sounding like the denial hurt. “Maybe this is a mistake. I thought about it while I was walking up here. This is all wrong and—”

She was going to be stubborn, so Romeo took the initiative and cupped her face in both his large hands. He forced her to turn to him and studied her stunning features for one breathless moment. Her body tightened defensively, but she didn’t fight him as only the sound of their labored breathing filled the air. Jules’s eyes were wide, her cheeks more flushed than ever. Then she licked her full, lush bottom lip in a quick swipe of anticipation.

That was all the invitation he needed.

Romeo leaned down and kissed her before she got a chance to think about things any more than she already had. Jules moaned in response and arched into him. Her lips parted to his, soft and hungry for more. Romeo knew he was already too far gone as he deepened the kiss and greedily took what she was offering.

Check out the other book's in the Battered Hearts series:
Click on cover for more info.

A freckle-faced redhead born and raised in Hawaii, Kele Moon has always been a bit of a sore thumb and has come to enjoy the novelty of it. She thrives on pushing the envelope and finding ways to make the impossible work in her story telling. With a mad passion for romance, she adores the art of falling in love. The only rules she believes in is that, in love, there are no rules and true love knows no bounds.

So obsessed is she with the beauty of romance and the novelty of creating it, she’s lost in her own wonder world most of the time. Thankfully she married her own dark, handsome, brooding hero who has infinite patience for her airy ways and attempts to keep her grounded. When she leaves her keys in the refrigerator or her cell phone in the oven, he’s usually there to save her from herself. The two of them now reside in Florida with their three beautiful children, who make their lives both fun and challenging in equal parts—they wouldn’t have it any other way.

Places to find Kele:
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Want to win some goodies from Kele? Check out what's up for grabs.

Up for grabs:
  • 1 lucky commenter from the ENTIRE tour will win a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

To Enter:
  • Please leave a meaningful comment or question for Kele. 
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. No email address, no entry.
  • Giveaway ends August 10

Good Luck =)


Mary Preston said...

I really must read all of the books from the Battered Hearts Series. STAR CROSSED certainly looks fabulous.


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting Kele today.

Kerry said...

I will definitely be reading the series-I LOVE it - and I do have a thing for the bad boys of MMA :) GL and best wishes.

kerryjcj AT verizon DOT net

Carin said...

I am rushing to add the Battered Hearts series to my TBR list. Is Defying the Odds the first in the series? I am a little OCD about buying the first one first LOL> Thanks Carin

Unknown said...

I haven't yet read the Battered Hearts series, but I loved Kele Moon's Eden series. Will definitely have to pick up this series. Thanks!

jlhmass at yahoo dot com

JenM said...

I just finished Defying the Odds and I loved it. In real life, I don't like to watch boxing or any kind of fighting so I wasn't sure if I would like a book where the hero was a fighter but I did. I can't wait to read about Romeo and Jules.

erin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
erin said...

congrats on the newest release! Thanks for a fun spotlight!


Rita Wray said...

I will be checking out all the books in the Battered Hearts Series.

Kele Moon said...

First off. . .Thank you so much for inviting me over today!! I'm so thrilled to be here!

Marybelle-Thank you! I hope you enjoy them

Kerry--Yeah, the bad boys of MMA are pretty hard to resist ::grins::

Carin--Yes, Defying the Odds is the first in the series :D Star Crossed is the second book and starts right where Defying the Odds left off.

Jlhmass--Oh yay! I'm so glad you liked the Eden books! And I hope you enjoy the Battered Hearts books as well!

JenM--I'm thrilled you enjoyed Defying the Odds. I think you'll like Star Crossed too. . . Writing Jules and Romeo was a lot of fun!!

Erin--Thank you!!

Ingeborg--I hope you enjoy them!!

And good luck to everyone!!



Karen H said...

OK, I'm over at your website looking over the 'Meet the Characters' feature and I have to say, I love the cars you've placed with everyone. I love the quotes too! So, how old are Romeo & Jules?

kareninnc at gmail dot com

Kathleen Tudor said...

Oh my goodness, Kele, you're completely as beautiful as your words. And I am so envious of you growing up in Hawaii! Thanks for posting your excerpt. ~

Chelsea B. said...

This book sounds absolutely amazing!! I need to go back and start with book one!


Shelley B said...

I can't wait to read both these books! I haven't read too many books about fighters, so really looking forward too it. Thanks for the chance!

Natasha said...

Sounds like a really good book! Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'd love to learn more about UFC/MMA, and the plot looks intriguing!


April Alvey said...

I will definitely be reading the series I LOVE IT And I Do Have A Soft Spot For Bad Boys. butterfli262002(at)yahoo(dot)com

Catherine Lee said...

I love the "first kiss" excerpt. Very nice. They seem like a sweet couple.
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

ParanormalRomanceFan said...

I am a HUGE Kele Moon, I just LOVED "Beyond Eden", "Finding Eden" (I can’t wait until “Claiming Eden” is released) & "Packing Heat". If there is anyone that hasn't read one of Kele's Books yet, you can't go wrong picking up one of the 3 I just named up because you won't be able to stop with just one, you'll be hooked, just like I am.
The other Books in Kele's Battered Hearts Series also sound like Fantastic Reads as well! I have to pick these up too.
Wishing you much Success with your new release, "Star Crossed", the Blurb & Excerpt were GREAT!!!!!
I also have to say that I really Love the Cover Art for your Books Kele, they are so Eye-Catching & Sensual.
I would very much appreciate the opportunity to be considered in your very generous giveaway. Thank You.

Take Care & Stay Naughty,
PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)
paranormalromancefan at yahoo dot com

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i'm dying to read kele moon's books..just to see the cover makes me want to read those books :)
thx u for hosting this giveaway...

chikojubilee at gmail dot com

sienny said...

another new author :) i think i'm gonna try this one out

smile_1773 at yahoo dot com

Fedora said...

This one sounds terrific--thanks for the intro to Kele's latest!

f dot chen at comcast dot net

bn100 said...

Nice excerpt. The book sounds intriguing.


Rebecca Hipworth said...

I will definitely check this one out. :)


Unknown said...

It must be wonderful to live in Hawaii do you draw inspiration from your surroundings?

Unknown said...

Great Giveaway~thanks for the chance to win. Kele is so cute!! Love her style of writing and love this series so much. I am a HUGE fan. Every book that I have read from her keeps me coming back for more. Can't wait for Wyatt's book next!!! Thanks again and have a great day.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the excerpt! A question I have for Kele would be, what was your favourite scene to write in Star Crossed?


Shan said...

This book sounds really interesting. A fresh new take on the star-crossed lovers theme. I have always had a thing for MMA fighters so that is an added bonus. I will definitely have to start with the first book in the series, because I hate knowing starting books that should be read in a particular order. If it works well as a standalone that is great, please let me know, but if I am going to come across characters from the 1st book I would definitely like to read their stories 1st. I, sadly had never heard of the author until I read this blog, but that's the way I have found some of my new favs.

Shan said...

by the way my email addy is

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new release! I have to admit I havent had a chance to read any of your books but you are on my next to read list!! By the way I have red hair and freckles as well!! :) I wasnt a big fan of it growing up but now as an adult I love it!

Lady Milano said...

Curious about what new Romeo do in the modern time! ;)

lady_milano3 at yahoo dot com

Debbie Aycock Williams said...

Social networking is a fantastic way to find new authors in which I've never read. I know I am going to enjoy your books. . I've read all of the comments and can't wait to start the series.

kansassweet43 said...

Did you have a hard time coming up with a tale about the star crossed Romeo and Juliet. They have been done so often i wonder how authors come up with fresh ideas.

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