
Guest Post with Author Shiloh Walker and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Shiloh Walker. Shiloh is celebrating her latest release Hot In Handcuffs and has stopped by to talk about her favorite qualities in a hero and heroine. Before I give the floor over to Shiloh, lets get to know a bit about her.

Shiloh Walker has been writing since she was a kid. She fell in love with vampires with the book Bunnicula and has worked her way up to the more…ah…serious works of fiction. She loves reading and writing just about every kind of romance. Once upon a time she worked as a nurse, but now she writes full time and lives with her family in the Midwest. She writes romantic suspense and paranormal romance, and urban fantasy under the name J.C. Daniels.

Places to find Shiloh:

Favorite qualities in a hero & heroine...Shiloh Walker

In a nutshell? Strength, honor & respect. For both of them.

The strength doesn't necessarily have to be physical, although yeah...the strong guy is appealing.

But I don't just want him to be strong. She needs to be his match. Maybe not physically, but I want her to hold her own.

Strength isn't always physical--it can be a strong heart, determination, an unwillingness to walk away from a hard situation. Or just the strength to kick back when life has kicked you one million times. Sometimes my characters find that strength during the story.

Honor, definitely. We write about everything from cops to hired killers in romance but my heroes & heroines need to be the kind who would step up if they saw an injustice happening.

Respect... For each other. That's an absolute deal breaker otherwise. If they don't respect each other, it's a no-go.

Beyond that, it's going to depend on the story and each character. They need to fit each the end of the story, I want them absolutely crazy for each other.

Three Novellas of Erotic Capture

Allow yourself to imagine the man behind the dark sunglasses. Hear the purr of his zipper as he lowers it, then reaches for the shiny metal hanging from his black leather belt. It’s futile to resist arrest. Give yourself up to the fantasy. Besides, he thinks you’re so hot in handcuffs…

Arresting Desire by Shayla Black
FBI Agent Jon Bocelli never stopped wanting beautiful professor Lucia DiStefano. She’s interested in taking her first lover, and he intends to be that man. When her past puts her life in danger, Jon risks everything to save her and prove this fling is forever.

On Fire by Sylvia Day
When Deputy Marshal Jared Cameron investigates a series of arson attacks in a seaside town, the biggest blast of heat comes from sexy fire inspector Darcy Michaels—until their scorching after-hours affair is compromised by a secret from Darcy’s past.

The Unwilling by Shiloh Walker
Mica Greer and her former lover, ex-FBI agent Colby Mathis once shared an intimate past and a powerful psychic gift. Now, they’ve been reunited by a bizarre series of murders—and an electrifying passion that could put them both in jeopardy.

Check out my review here.

Places to Purchase:

Check out the other books in the FBI Psychics series:
Click on cover for more info.

Want to win a copy of this book? 1 lucky commenter (US ONLY) will win themselves a copy. 

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What are your favorite qualities in a hero and heroine?
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Please answer the question below or leave a meaningful comment. 

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Kat ~ Forever Book Lover ♥ said...

My hero needs to be sexy, willing to put his life on the line for heroine, but be soft and goey on the inside.
The heroine, strong willed, have some spine, some life challenges but a survivor.
Thanks for giveaway.

Joanne said...

The heroine needs to have a backbone, not be spineless and be able to stand up for herself.
The hero needs to be strong, helpful, and, of course, sexy.

Poppy Fields said...

Hotness, toughness, humor, and bravado!

Jessie said...

Hero- Smart, tough, not-so-perfect and damn sexy

Heroine- Smart, tough, can handle business on her own if needed but knows when she needs help.

Thanks for the giveaway!

AsianCocoa said...

They need to be strong, sexy and smart. And being humorous doesn't hurt either.

Patricia said...

I like the hero and heroine to both be strong. Don't want a read about a wishy-washy woman who won't stand up to a man. I like a strong hero because, even if its a little outdated, sometimes a man just needs to take care if the problem and let her lean on him. Respect and loyalty are a must in my own life and I want the same in books that I read.

erin said...

Thanks for a fun post! I'm w/ you... respect, honor, commitment, integrity... for both hero and heroine!

Chrisbails said...

I like then to be a kick ass fighter, a protector, to have a since of humor, and a great lover. I also like them to be independant and strong. Great post. This book looks awesome. Love anthologies and love this cover(yummy). Thanks for the great giveaway.

*yadkny* said...

I like intelligence, witty, humorous, caring, and loyal as qualities for my hero's and heroine's.

Yvette said...

Strong, take no prisoners attitude but also a sensitive side..

Mina said...

I have a soft spot for this character combination: alpha male, conflicted/tortured hero, with a core of kindness under a thick armor of bitter isolation, pride, colduheartedness; sweet, caring, innocent female, apparently vulnerable but with great hidden inner strength and paasion. He would move mountains for her, needs to protect her, melts and looses control of his rational side when she is around. He feels complete and sane only with her. She is a completely different when she is with him. She goes from plain and unassuming to paasionate beautiful goddess under his touch. Romance and sex between these two are usually very heartmelting and steamy.

Kerry said...

Heroine needs to have some balls - and not just the heroes...LOL - seriously I cant stand teh wishy washy cry at the drop of a hat girls, and o/c he has to be HOT alpha male!!! yay!!

Love your work...keep it up

Victoria said...

Loyalty and strength are my top two must qualities in heroes. Intelligence ranks up there along with a great sarcastic sense of humor.

Thank you.


Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews said...

My favorite qualities in a hero and a heroine are strength and belief in themselves, loyalty to those they care about, and being true to their character. Of course I also like my heroes to be alpha and my heroines to be kickbutt chicks and that always seems to makes for a rough relationship.

Stacy said...

Have my hero! Married to a United States Marine. Been with him for 13 Years! 'nough Said.....

cait045 said...

I think Stacy has the best hero. I think bravery, honesty and a clear sense of right and wrong.

Jane said...

I want a hero who is trustworthy, intelligent and has a sensitive side.

Melanie (@AudiobookMel) said...

I like my heroines to be bad ass, like Kate Daniels or Cat from the Night Huntress series. I'm also a big fan of supernatural powers, like Taige in The Missing. This book is one of my favorites. I also enjoyed The Departed, but not as much as The Missing.

Unknown said...

I like my hero/heroine to be imperfect and inherently flawed yet have something about them be it in their character or the the way they relate to the hero/heroine that outshines their imperfections I also like for the to be the type that is willing to act not just sit around crying throwing themselves a pity party be they male or female

bn100 said...

Loyalty and intelligence

June M. said...

I love heroes who are intelligent, protective, have some flaws, will do whatever is necessary to protect those he loves and those who can not defend themselves.

Mary D said...

For the heroine I like when they are considered ahead of their time (I read mostly historical's). I also love the alpha type hero's. I also like when the hero and heroine are wound emotionally.

Amy2read said...

My favorite qualities are brave, witty, and they have to have a sense of humor...and being gorgeous is a plus too :)

susan said...

Bravery, strength, honor and honesty. A good sense of humor is always sexy, too.

Anonymous said...

For my hero: smart, sexy, funny, capable, not afraid to show his vulnerable side to the right woman.

For my heroine: smart, sexy, witty, ability to love the flaws in her man.

Love all you guys; looking forward to reading this anthology.

Sue P.

Alex said...

rugged, sexy, intelligent, has an attitude, athletic

Muffy said...

My Hero should be , sexy , dark hair , blue eyes , not afraid of anything.

Unknown said...

I like a strong, dominant, sexy hero who knows what he wants.

Robin said...

Honesty, respect, humor and strength.

robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com

Vanessa N. said...

Strength, loyalty, and confidence.

Maureen said...

I like my heroes and heroines to be strong, smart, tough and to have made their mistakes and learned from them.

Anas Attic Sexy Tales and Toys said...

Honesty and communication are my favorite strengths for both.
I can't wait to read this!

Lexi said...

What a great bunch of authors in one book!

I like my heros to be alphas, and my heroines to match them. But I also like when an autor gives them personality flaws that make them real.

ParanormalRomanceFan said...

What are my favorite qualities in a hero?
I want my Hero to be an Erotically Dominant Alpha Male with a Darkly Sinful Persona who is also Playfully Naughty with the Woman he loves. He'll have an Impressive Physique; Ruggedly Handsome, Tall, Dark & GORGEOUS, Ripped & Well(Ummmm) Muscled. LOL But he'll also be flawed, not perfect, but he will do anything to protect his woman.

Take Care & Stay Naughty,
PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)
paranormalromancefan at yahoo dot com

Carin said...

respect, sarcasm and strength both physical and emotional.
Carin mawmom(@)

donnas said...

Strong, caring with a sense of humor and strong sense of family and friends.

C. Deer said...

I love a hero that is sexy, smart, strong, protective and loyal. He knows when to step up but also knows when to fall back and let the heroine step up and handle things. I love a heroine that isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. She has to be independant and can handle whatever is thrown at her while putting her issues aside to get the job done. Great communication and sarcasm between the two is great as well. Leads to great scenes and humor that makes you enjoy the characters even more.

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