
ARC Review: Playing To Win by Jaci Burton

I'll admit that for the first half of this book I was a little on the fence with this book. It was moving a little slow for me and I was having the toughest time connecting with the hero Cole. But once I hit the half way point things really started to pick up and I ended up devouring this book. Jaci Burton has done it yet again, with Playing To Win. Like I said before, once I got the middle this book was golden and it became everything I wanted and more.

I loved the chemistry between Cole and Savannah. Right out of the gate you can feel the sparks between these two. Their relationship might have taken a little while to get going, but once things heated up between them, there was no cooling down what so ever. And now that I've finished, I appreciate that they didn't jump into bed so quickly. I liked that there was a slow burn between the two and that we were able to see the attraction growing between them both.

Neither Cole nor Savannah wanted anything to do with a relationship. Cole is known as a ladies man. Every night there is a new woman on his arm. In fact, once he's sealed the deal he's usually gone. He doesn't have time for relationships and he doesn't want them. While Savannah just wants to focus on her career. Neither expected anything to come out of their working relationship.

Savannah is an image consultant who has been hired to clean up wide receiver Cole's image. Cole is known as the ladies man with a horrible temper with the press. If Savannah isn't able to change Cole's image, there is a possibility that his football career will be over. Once Savannah begins working with Cole, she's begins to see a side of Cole that isn't portrayed in the media. She see's a man that is caring and thoughtful. Yes, he does seem to have a temper when provoked but that's more because he doesn't take the time to think before he reacts. Savannah also didn't realize just how sexy Cole would be in person. Yes, she knew he was attractive, but the more closely they work together the harder she's finding it to keep her hands to herself.

Once Cole spotted Savannah he knew he wanted her. She's sexy and he feels an instant connection with her. What Cole doesn't like is the fact that she's been hired to make over his image. Cole thinks his image is fine and there is nothing wrong with him. The media prints nothing but lies about him and there is no stopping them. But once Cole starts working with Savannah and he starts to listen and take her suggestions, he's finding that maybe he was wrong. But one thing Cole isn't wrong about is the attraction that is brewing between him and Savannah.

Though neither wanted to start a relationship, both are finding it impossible to be away from the other. Both Cole and Savannah are opening up and sharing pieces of themselves that no one has seen before.

I loved these two together. They are both stubborn, independent and lonely. Though they mask it well with others, both Cole and Savannah are afraid to latch on to anyone. I loved that they were able to find love and acceptance in each other's arms. Also, these two are HOT together. Wow! Some of their scenes together definitely had me blushing beet red.

Like I said before, Playing To Win is another winner from Jaci Burton and I can't wait to get my hands on more from her.

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