
Feature and Giveaway: Temptation's Edge by Eve Berlin

What happens when you let yourself fall…

Mischa Kennon isn’t one to take it lying down, at least not until she meets sexy Connor Galloway , a green-eyed Irishman with an air of authority she finds hard to resist. While performing duties as maid of honor to her best friend, Mischa indulges in a casual relationship with Connor. She’s surprised by the thrill of his dominance, and lusts for more feisty battles before surrender.

…over the edge

It’s all fun and games in the BDSM Pleasure Dome Club, until Mischa realizes Connor could master her heart.

…and into temptation?

If she gives in to desire, will it be too much to handle, or will it open her to a kind of love she never thought possible?

Places to Purchase:

Check out the other books in this series:
Click on cover for more info.

Award-winning author Eve Berlin writes lush, sensual erotic romance for Berkley Heat. Her work has been called ‘brilliant’ and her writing ‘evocative’. Her debut Heat novel, PLEASURE’S EDGE, won the 2010 Holt Medallion Award for Best Erotic Novel. As her alter-ego Eden Bradley, her books have been nominated for numerous awards, and one of her novels was profiled in Cosmopolitan magazine. She has written under her various pseudonyms for Berkley Heat, Bantam/Delta, Harlequin Spice, Samhain Publishing and shortly for HQN, and presents workshops on writing craft and writing sex. She has appeared regularly on Sirius Satellite’s Playboy Radio show, Night Calls, and at the West Coast In the Flesh readings in Hollywood.

Places to find Eve:
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1 lucky commenter (US ONLY) will win a copy. 

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What is your favorite book that features BDSM?  
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  


*yadkny* said...

My fav book is Second Chances by Lauren Dane.

Nina said...

My favorite book that features BDSM is Nobody's Angel by Kallypso Masters.

erin said...

Thanks for a fun post and giveaway!

My mind has gone completely blank... I know I've read some decent to great BDSM books but I can't think of them right now :(

June M. said...

I don't think I can pick just 1 favorite book that features BDSM. I read a lot in this genre. I do love both Cherise Sinclair and Kallypso Masters' series, along with Eden/Eve's books that I have read. And there are so many others!

Unknown said...

I have many favorites. One is definitely Mercy by Annabel Joseph. It was one of the first I read.

kesummer69 at gmail dot com

Joanne said...

I don't have a favorite but a few that I love are the Sweet series by Maya Banks and the Master At Arms series by Kally Masters.

Kaylyn D said...

I think my favorite is Mistress's Master by Jayne Rylon. I can read it over & over again.

Di said...

the only one I've read so far is Shayla Black & Lexi Blake's 'Their Virgin Captive'.

molly.frenzel said...

My favorite is If You Were Mine by Lisa Renee Jones.

Sue Sattler said...

Anything by Cherise Sinclair or Kallypso Masters. They are my favorites.

Natasha said...

Anything by Shayla Black. Thanks for the chance to win!!

redjuliet said...

This is a tough question but I'd have to say it's the first BDSM book I read which is Secret Submission by Diana Hunter. Thanks for the giveaway!

Gail Nichols said...

50 Shades Of Grey by E.L.James

ELF said...

My new favorite is "Subspace", an anthology by several great authors including Desiree Holt

bn100 said...

Any of Shayla Black's books

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