
Forever's Darkness Falls Blog Tour Giveaway

Please note that this giveaway is open to US residents ONLY.

As a werewolf liaison to the Council of Preternaturals, Tori Joseph is used to straddling the world between humans and immortals. She plays by the rules and always delivers justice, no matter the cost. But after a string of increasingly brutal attacks results in humans turning into werewolves, Tori doesn't reveal her horrifying suspicion: Someone very close to her might be responsible.

Investigating the paranormal violence, no-nonsense detective Dante MacMillan believes Tori is hiding something. His search for the truth draws him into greater danger as he gets closer to the dark realm of the immortals-and to the sexy werewolf who stirs his primal lust. Now with evil closing in around them, Dante must convince Tori to trust him . . . before her deadly secret destroys them both.
Places to Purchase:

Check out the other books in the Warriors of the Rift series:
Click on cover for more info.

Cynthia Garner discovered her love for making up stories at the age of twelve when her teacher told her to write a story that started “It was a dark and stormy night…” But she didn’t think about making it a profession until 2005, when she began entering—and winning—writing contests.

Under her alternate ego Sherrill Quinn she has three Kensington Brava paranormal romance books and a novella as part of the Belong to the Night anthology, as well as several erotic romance novellas published electronically with Ellora’s Cave and Amber Heat. Her writing has been consistently rated with 4 and 5 stars and called “thrilling”, “imaginative” and “fresh.”

When she’s not working her day job, you’ll find her at her laptop writing. Or watching too much TV.

Places to find Cynthia:

As one of the Grigori, a noble vampire dynasty shrouded in mystery, Ariane has spent her life hidden away in the desert. Like all of her kind, she is a watcher, fated to observe, forbidden to act. Yet when her best friend Sammael vanishes, she defies all rules and flees her safe haven to bring him home.

A shape-shifting assassin for the House of Shadows, Damien Tremaine is hired to locate Sammael. His hunt for the wayward Grigori leads him to Ariane, the rogue vamp who stands between him and his bounty. Damien never lets emotion interfere with his work, but a single touch from the sexy, beguiling vampire shatters his self-control. Drawn together by their common goal, they begin an alliance of necessity that soon becomes one of desire. But when the secret at the dark heart of the Grigori comes to light, Damien and Ariane must make a choice that could bind them eternally . . . or tear them-and everything they care about-apart.

Places to Purchase:

Check out the other books in the Dark Dynasties series:
Click on cover for more info.

Kendra Leigh Castle was born and raised in the far and frozen reaches of Northern New York, where there was plenty of time to cultivate her love of reading thanks to the six-month-long winters. Sneaking off with selections from her mother’s vast collection of romance novels came naturally and fairly early, and a lifelong love of the Happily Ever After was born. After graduating from SUNY Oswego (where it also snowed a lot) with a teaching degree, Kendra ran off with a handsome young Navy fighter pilot and has somehow accumulated three children, three dogs, and one enormous cat during their many moves.

While stationed in a remote corner of the Nevada desert, Kendra penned her first romance, and a career often spent working in fuzzy slippers and pajamas was born. Her work has garnered both critical praise and award nominations, but the best part has been connecting with readers who share her love of dark romance (not to mention heroes with sharp, pointed teeth). Kendra currently lives in Maryland, and can usually be found curled up with her laptop and yet another cup of coffee working on her next book.

Places to find Kendra:

On behalf of Forever Romance, 2 lucky winners will win a copy of both Secret of the Wolf and Shadow Rising (US shipping only, no PO boxes). 

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: Why do you love paranormal romance? 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  


Unknown said...

Great Giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance to win. I love paranormal romance because usually the H/h get together pretty fast, the stories usually have sexy alpha males that are extremely protective, I love shifters and vampires, I love the whole one mate for life and just that it takes place in a world that is so magical. Thanks again and have a nice day.

*yadkny* said...

I love paranormal romance because it takes the best of two worlds and smashes them together and gives the reader something outta this world that wouldn't have otherwise experienced. It's what got me back into reading. Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Joanne said...

Congrats ladies on the new releases. I love paranormal romances because anything can and does happen and the new worlds really make me think about things. Both of these books sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read them.

JenM said...

I love PNR because it's just like regular romance on steroids. I love all of the different creatures and worlds and the stakes are usually higher.

June M. said...

PNR is my favorite genre! I love them because each book can be so unique, there are all the different creatures, authors can build exciting new worlds, and nothing is impossible. The author can create anything they can imagine and decide what rules/myths they want to use or ignore.

Cynthia Garner said...

Thanks for stopping by, y'all! Good luck. :)

gamistress66 said...

both books sound interesting. I enjoy paranormal romances for that combination of danger & passion, the "escape" to a different mysterious world that is still familiar. Thanks for the giveaway.

Raonaid Luckwell said...

Hard to express in words why I like paranormal romance. It sets off the "what ifs". What if vampires really did exist but kept their presence hidden. It's a break from the same ol same ol from reality

michele said...

Very excited about both books!!! Love paranormal romance, love the different worlds I go to when I read them. And you almost always guaranteed to have one smoking hot alpha as a hero :)

Thanks for the giveaway ladies :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the dual releases!! :) I love paranormal romance because of the sexy alphas and the kick ass vamps! It's being able to escape in another world!

Kendra Leigh Castle said...

Thanks for being here everyone! I love your reasons for enjoying paranormal romance. For me, I think some of the reason I write it is because I never stopped loving fairy tales. It's always so much more INTERESTING with some magic thrown in, dark or otherwise, you know? I don't seem to be able to write contemporaries. Someone is always trying to sprout fangs or fur or wings or you name it. And I'm cool with that!

Vicky said...

Great books (I can vouch for Cynthia's!) I like a little of anything smart with romance thrown in & really love the way the warriors of the rift world is developing. Fun, spicy characters don't hurt! I'm looking forward to giving Kendra's series a try.

Barb P said...

Wow! 2 of my fav authors in one giveaway! I am a huge fan of PNR. I cut my teeth on Dark Shadows when I was a kid and I've been reading/viewing anything paranormal ever since. Thank you so much for this fantastic giveaway (I've been itching to get my hands on Kendra's new book!).

JenniferK said...

Thanks for the fabulous giveaway. I'm excited to read Kendra's book because it has been on my radar for a while now. I love paranormal romances because they are exciting and the heroes are great.

Leannessf said...

I love the supernatural elements with the usually kick-ass heroines or heroes!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Natasha said...

I love paranormal romances because they are the perfect escape and I love reading about the supernatural and paranormal. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Mina said...

Evasion, pure desire to escape, to let the suspension of disbelief kick in, to travel into a different dimension, to see love overcome supernatural forces...

donnas said...

It provides a great sense of adventure with good stories and fascinating characters.

Vanessa N. said...

I love paranormal romance because I feel like I can let my imagination run free.

Unknown said...

I love paranormal, because it allows my imagination to soar and the heroes are hot. Thanks for the giveaway

Romancing the Book said...

I think my fascination with paranormal romance is the unlimited opportunities. Most anything can happen... and often do!

Nina said...

I love paranormal romance because it has the ability to whisk me away into a whole new different realm. I love reading about things that I know do not exist in reality & letting my imagination paint vivid pictures in my head. I love paranormal romance because it will always be more exciting than my life will ever be lol ;)

bn100 said...

I like reading about different creatures and the author's imagination.

Tina B said...

There are so many reasons why I love paranormal romance! The sexy alpha men, the different world building that each other has, the strong kick-a** heroines, the many types of characters/species that can be brought in. I could go on and on! ;)

AquarianDancer said...

I love Paranormal Romance because it is a true escape from real life. The people are relate-able, but the world is changed.

AquarianDancer at gmail dot com

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