
Guest Post with Author Amanda Arista and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Amanda Arista. Amanda is celebrating the upcoming release of her book Nine Lives of an Urban Panther and has stopped by to share an interview with Chaz Garret. Before we get to the interview, let's get to know a bit about Amanda.

Amanda was born in Illinois, raised in Corpus Christi, lives in Dallas but her heart lies in London. Good thing she loves to travel.

During the summer after second grade, she read every book in the young adult section of the library, much to the surprise of the local librarian. So she started making up her own stories and hasn’t stopped.

She has a husband who fights crime, one dog who thinks he’s a real boy, and another who might be a fruit bat in disguise.

When not writing, Amanda often dreams of co-opening an evil bakery and sell despicable desserts. Her particularly favorites are larvaceous lemon bars and sinful cinnamon streusel.

She spends her weekends writing at coffee shops, practicing for the day that caffeine intake becomes an Olympic sport, and plotting character demises with fellow writers Wolvarez, Killer Cupcake and Keith (names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent).

Places to find Amanda:

Interview with Chaz Garret, aka , Mr Violet Jordan.

The Guardian with the power to find people joins us today as we take a deeper look into the man behind the panther.

Thank you for meeting with us today.

Violet asked me to do this today, so I’m here.

If you didn’t want to help us out today, why are you here?

Have you ever tried to say no to Violet?

No, she’s been very accommodating in our pursuit of the story.

Violet does love a good story.

So let’s begin. What do you do for a living?

Violet told you to lead with that one, didn’t she?

Actually no. It’s just a question.

Fine. If you ask the US government, I’m a model. Mostly catalogue work.

Anything lately?

The pack keeps me pretty busy.

Speaking of the pack, are any other people living with you?

Not any more, thank God. But for a while, Violet’s place was littered with people, had ‘em crammed in every corner. Now, they are at my old place and Vi and I have the townhome to ourselves. Mostly.

We know that Guardians are like super humans, but what is your specific talent?

I can sort of lock on to a persons energy and follow the trail. Sort of like a psychic hound dog. It works for both Wanderers and humans because even humans have a little bit of magic to them.

Tell me about your parents. Did they know about your talents?

You want the whole sad story? Fine. Mom died of cancer when I was ten. Dad sent me to live with Iris, this old lady in the middle of nowhere, and when puberty hit and my power kicked in, I hunted him down and he taught me the family business and we worked the mission until he got himself eaten by Haverty, Senior. How’s that for a sappy story?

We didn’t mean it to be. Let’s get on to the next question, something a little more colorful. What’s in your refrigerator right now?

Meat. Lots of meat and coffee beans. If there is one thing that I’ve learned, it’s to keep the panther fed and keep Violet caffeinated.

And what’s your favorite food?

I’m a Texas boy, so I appreciate a good steak, but there is nothing better than a large hot piece of pecan pie. Iris actually managed to teach Violet the recipe before she…

Yes, Violet told us. I’m sorry. I’ll try to stay away from that topic. What is your most treasured possession?

My dad left me this old shot gun. Said it had been in the family since before we knew that we were Wanderers. Taken out a lot of evil with that shot gun. Oh, and my car. I really love my car. Bought it after I met Violet. She really taught me a lot in those first few months.

Like what?

Like our powers are not only who we are. They are just part of who we are. She helped me figure out how I could work the mission and still have fun every now and then.

So what does Chaz Garrett call fun?

Quiet Saturday. Taking my girl for a drive. Maybe getting in some target practice down at the range. And then maybe a bar-be-que with the guys.

By the guys, do you mean the Briggs brothers and Nash?

Yeah, our little inner circle. You couldn’t ask for a nicer bunch. And loyal. They’d do anything for the pack. Three years ago, I was fighting with them out on the streets, and now, I’m asking then how they take their burgers. That’s Violet for you. She’s like a magnifying glass. She sorts out the good parts, even if it’s underneath a bunch of darkness and garbage and then magnifies it. I’m not saying that it doesn’t sting a little, but she’s made all of us better, more us. But I could be biased.

Yes, the pending nuptials. How are the plans going?

I threw my hands up on that long ago. I know that I’m getting married, let the girls figure out the details.

Is there anything else that you might want to add?

Not really, but I’ll see you again.

How can you see so sure?

It’s Violet. Where Violet goes, trouble and really good stories always follow.

Thank you for joining us today, Chaz. Good luck with the wedding.

Thanks, I think we are going to need it.

If you’d like to find out more about the enigmatic Chaz Garrett, you can check out the entire Diaries of an Urban Panther series, all available now.

Leave a comment or ask a question for the man of the hour and you will be entered to win a Diaries of an Urban Panther gift set at the conclusion of the Nine Lives blog tour, running August 20th to September 3rd.

For more chances to enter:
Facebook: Amanda Arista Fan Page (one like equals one entry into the giveaway)
Twitter: @pantherista (a follow equals one entry into the giveaway) (comment on the tour info equals one entry as well).

Violet Jordan's Rule #3 of being a superhero: Family first, fur second.

Dear Diary,

With new supernatural creatures popping up at every turn (Ghouls? Really?), the city divided, and my long-lost cousin blazing into town, I've got a lot on my mind. Oh, not to mention I'm supposed to be planning a wedding. Chaz has got to be the best, most patient (and probably clinically insane) fiancÉ around.

But defeating my sworn enemy in a battle for the souls of Dallas is going to require more than just my full attention. It means learning to depend on everyone—especially Chaz—if any of us are going to make it out of this alive. Because if Plan A doesn't work, I'm going to need them for Plan B. And Plan C . . .

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out the books in the Diaries of an Urban Panther series:
Click on cover for more info. 

Want to win some goodies from Amanda? Check out whats up for grabs.

Up for grabs:
  • 1 lucky commenter from the ENTIRE tour will win Diaries of an Urban Panther gift set

To Enter:
  • Please leave a meaningful comment of quesiton for Amanda, along with your email address. 
Good Luck =)


laurie said...

great interveiw! i really enjoyed it

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i always love shifter love stories...but i never read about phanter before...
it's make me very curious...
i love i think i love panther too...:p

thx u 4 the chance of win nine lives of a urban phanter...


chikojubilee at gmail dot com

erin said...

Thanks for a fun interview and congrats to Amanda on the new release!

*yadkny* said...

Great interview with Mr Violet Jordan:) Thanks for the deeper look into the man behind the panther!

Natasha said...

Great interview!! Sounds like a great series! Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

JenM said...

I always enjoy it when authors do character interviews. It gives you a glimpse of the characters independent of the plot. This sounds like a good read.


June M. said...

This sounds like a really good series. Paranormals are my favorites right now and I have added these to my TBR list.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

bn100 said...

I enjoyed the interview. Nice covers.


wanda f said...

Great interview .I love your covers they are gorgeous .Have a great week

Phoenix Carvelli said...

It was great meeting Mr. Garrett in the interview! I can't wait to read more about him and Violet, of course!
PhoenixCarvelli at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed reading the interview. Still chuckling a little bit. I like the covers too. If you were stranded on a deserted island, who would you want to be stranded with?
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Carin said...

Wonderful interview! I love that part of a quiet time involves target practice LOL! Carin
mawmom at gmail dot com

donnas said...

Sounds great. Looking forward to reading it.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Unknown said...

Great post! It was fun interview. Would love to read the book. Thx for the giveaway.

Lindsay Avalon said...

I absolutely love the interview and the fact you love baking. What drew you to Panthers? I love them and wish I'd see more in books :)

lindsayavalon (at) gmail (dot) com

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