
Guest Post with Author Lacey Wolfe and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Lacey Wolfe. Lacey is celebrating the release of her novella Tempting The Manny and has stopped by to chat. But before I give the floor over to Lacey, let's get to know a bit about her.

Lacey Wolfe has always had a passion for words, whether it’s getting lost in a book or writing her own. From the time she was a child she would slip away to write short stories about people she knew and fantasies she wished would happen. It has always been her dream to be a published author and with her two children now of school age, she finally has the time to work on making her dream come true.

Lacey lives in Georgia with her husband, son and daughter, their six cats and one black lab who rules the house.

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Thank you so much for having me today. It wasn’t too long ago that I released an erotic romance novella titled, Tempting The Manny. Yum. And in my head, the manny is very similar looking to Mario Lopez. *Fans herself.*

So, what was my inspiration for this story? The story really began as something fun. As a writer, I always hit this spot in a story where I sit back and think. What’s next? Do I like what I just wrote? I would then take a step back and write something else. Tempting The Manny started as just something to help me keep my creative energy going. But then, all of a sudden, my heroine Olivia, demanded attention. Out of nowhere, she was weaving all these lies and really making a mess of things. And I had to stop all other stories and get this all taken care of. A tale that was meant to be a little fantasy about a single mom hiring a sexy manny, suddenly got a lot more plot. And when the story came to an end, I sat back and thought, I like this and I think others might too. Now the hard part, will others like it?

There are a lot of characters in this book. Besides Olivia, the heroine, and Jamie, the hot manny, we have Morgan and Emily who are the kids in the story. One is young school age and the other just a sweet baby. There is Kelly, the neighborhood gossip queen and her husband who is the guy in the neighborhood who jogs with shorts that are a bit too tiny and you just might get a little peak of a certain body part. And of course, Olivia’s ex has to cause some problems too.

If you’re looking for a story that might be a little different, I really hope you consider Tempting The Manny.

Olivia’s world is torn to pieces when her boyfriend leaves her for a younger woman. But she has no time to dwell on it, she must pick-up the pieces for her children. And the first thing on her list is hiring a sitter. In return though, she gets a very unexpected surprise.

Jamie loves children. He comes from a big family and can’t wait to start his own one day. From the moment he meets Olivia and her children, he feels like this is where he’s suppose to be. But he mustn’t act on how he feels and does his best to stay professional, even with Olivia making it very difficult for him.

As Olivia and Jamie try their best to fight the way they’re feeling and figure out of it can work, her ex-boyfriend shows back up to complicate things. After a string of her own lies, can Olivia figure out what it is she really wants?

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Jamie’s gaze followed Olivia’s ass as she walked toward the fridge. She bent slightly over reaching for the ketchup, and he was worried his erection was going to burst out of his pants. The way she looked at him as she headed back to her plate of food, he wasn’t sure if she was hungry for those fries or him. He had never met a woman with so much sexual desire, it was almost pouring from her veins. He wasn’t sure about the story with the ex, but that man had to be crazy for leaving.

Ketchup was on the corner of her mouth. Instinctively, he grabbed the towel, leaned forward, and wiped her mouth. Her eyes locked on his and, before he could even think twice, his hand wrapped around the back of her neck and pulled her to him. Her mouth met his just as fiercely and opened, letting his tongue slide in. The taste of ketchup met his taste buds and the need to taste more of her sprung through his body.

Olivia gripped his shoulders and pulled him closer. His free hand took hold of her waist. His erection shoved into her stomach. The kiss was like fire and even though he knew he should be resisting, he had to keep playing. Turning his head to the side, he deepened the kiss. She tasted so good and felt even better in his arms.

Pushing her back slightly against the counter, he nudged her legs apart with his knee, pressing his thigh tightly between. His dick was so hard now, it hurt.

Her mouth left his and for a moment he almost had time to stop and think about how wrong this was, but then her tongue swirled around his ear lobe and he was gone again.

His aching hands found her breasts, full and large. He cupped them, but imagined his face pressed between them instead. Licking his lips, he couldn’t wait to taste them.

“Mr. Jamie.” A little girl’s voice called from the living room.

Frozen, he took a step back from Olivia.

“Just a minute,” he called back.

Olivia’s eyes were full of passion. She bit her lip and he could tell she was nervous, but not for a second did she regret what happened. He knew this had been very wrong and he hated what he had to say. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have kissed you.”

A smile crossed her face when he had expected something different.

“I don’t think you are.”

Her hand reached down, touching his erection. He sucked in, now biting his lip to try a push away the urge to grind into it.

Letting her hand drop, she strutted past him to go to her daughter. His gaze once again followed her round little ass in her pencil skirt. She was right. If Morgan hadn’t interrupted them, he would have been finding out what it was like under that skirt.

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Mary D said...

I love the sound of this book! A manny is not something I have read in a book before, but I do hope he has something more going on then that. I can't wait to read it to see if does.

Krystal Shannan said...

Neat concept! I love that she just left him hanging there and went to check on her daughter. Fabulous excerpt. Adding to my TBR now!

Yvette said...

I love the idea of the book and it sounds completely captivating. Can't wait to read it.

laurie said...

i also love the sound of this book. i must add this to my to read list!

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