
Interview with Author Caroline Linden and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog the lovely Caroline Linden. Caroline is gearing up to for the release of her newest book The Way to a Duke's Heart and has stopped by to answer a few burning questions. =) Before I get to the interview, let's learn a bit about her.

Caroline Linden knew from an early age she was a reader, but not a writer. Despite an addiction to Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew, she studied physics and dreamed of being an astronaut. She earned a math degree from Harvard College and then wrote software for a financial services firm, all the while reading everything in sight, but especially romance. Only after she had children, and found herself with only picture books to read, did she begin to make up a story of her own. To her immense surprise, it turned out to be an entire novel--and it was much more fun than writing computer code. Seven years, eight books, two Red Sox championships, and on dog later, she has never been happier with her decision. She lives with her family in New England.

Place to find Caroline:
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First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I am very boring (says my teenage daughter). I love to bake (and eat) cookies. I like to plant things in my garden, but they often die. I love my dog, who keeps my feet warm when I write, but who also digs holes in my garden and kills my plants. I like adventure movies (BOURNE LEGACY! SKYFALL! Can't wait!) but not horror flicks. I like the beach, but I am not going in the water unless it is crystal blue 80 degree Caribbean water.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Oh no, not at all! I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid. Science and math were my interests, although reading was always my 'fun' activity. I was a nerdy girl. :-) Writing was something I actively avoided until after college.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
A strange mixture of both. It tends to vary, book by book, which way things go. Sometimes I write incredibly detailed outlines and just follow them, and sometimes I have only a hazy mishmash of things that will probably happen in some order.

Where do your ideas come from?
Well, I used to say I got my best ideas in the shower. But really they come from everywhere, sometimes just a random little bit of info that I file away for future use, sometimes the basis of a whole book. Ideas just appear in my head. I don't always know why, but I hope they don't stop!

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
Charlie could be the next duke--but he has to prove it. Tessa is all business--until Charlie sets his sights on her.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I love books with some suspense, some adventure, some romance. A mystery or puzzle to solve is always good. Humor makes books awesome, and if it makes me cry a little, well, that's generally good, too.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
My favorite romance novel is THEN CAME YOU by Lisa Kleypas. The heroine jumps off a boat. She paints a snake on herself. She ties the hero to her bed...and leaves him there for a while. Yum!

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
There's no one kind of scene that's always hard. If a scene is really hard to write, that usually means I should go write something else until it's ready. Every time I try to force my way through a scene, I end up deleting it the next day as the most dreadful piece of crap ever written. So, as you might guess, I write my books way out of order: sometimes the ending is the first thing I write.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Eve Silver, Tessa Dare, and Sarah MacLean. They are all very funny and very smart. I think we would shut the bar down.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
This summer I started a book about Joan, the cousin of Mariah, the heroine from A VIEW TO A KISS. I always liked Joan--snarky, slightly off-color sense of humor, and with a weakness for dessert. I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Charles de Lacey, Lord Gresham, is running out of time, running from his responsibilities, and running from love.

Destined to be a duke, Charles de Lacey has led a life of decadent pleasure, free of any care for propriety or responsibility. It comes as a terrible shock to learn that he might be stripped of everything, thanks to his father's scandalous past. He has no choice but to find the blackmailer who would ruin him—and his only link to the villain is a woman who may be part of the plot…

To save his fortune and title, he vows he'll stop at nothing—in fact, he's all too eager to unravel the beautiful, tart-tongued Tessa Neville. She intrigues him and tempts him like no other lady ever has. With only his heart to guide him, and keenly aware that his entire future is at stake, Charles must decide: is she the woman of his dreams, or an enemy in disguise?

Places to Purchase:

Check out the other books in The Truth About the Duke series:
Click on cover for more info. 

2 lucky commenters (International Shipping Available) will win a copy of I Love The Earl

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Caroline. 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Lisa Borbeck said...

I have not read any of your works yet but I look forward to adding your titles to my ever growing "to be read" pile!

*yadkny* said...

I love to bake (and eat) cookies too:) Should The Truth About the Duke series be read in order?

Caroline Linden said...

Thanks, Lisa! I hope you enjoy the book.

Another cookie fan! Awesome. The Truth About the Duke works best if read in order, but I did try to make each book work on its own, yadkny. The novella (I LOVE THE EARL) is a officially a prequel, but it's really loosely related and doesn't need to be read in order.

Juliana's World said...

Have heard about your books and haven't read those yet. I absolutely agree that Sara Maclean is funny and smart. I collect the Number series and absolutely love them so much.

JenM said...

Best wishes on the new release. Is there anything you learned while doing research for this series that you thought was a really interesting tidbit?

pamerd said...


Congrats on your new release. I am looking forward to starting this series as I love historical romances with fun.

Thanks for the chance

Chrisbails said...

Great post. Love finding about new to me authors. This book sounds great, love the cover. My questions for you are: how many books are going to be in this series? Besides this series any other books or series in the works? Thanks for the giveaway.

Izz said...

congratulations for your book!
I just want to ask if your major in college have an influence on your writing/books or not?
by the way I love the cover, I think it's beautiful :)

Mary D said...

I think I have read everyone of your books Caroline and loved all of them! I also loved "Then Came You" by Lisa Kleypas. Of course I need to win this book, but if not it is on my TBR list to buy.

May said...

Love your books!

Lory Lee said...

After reading A View To A Kiss and You Only Love Once, which I both consumed like chocolates, got hooked with Caroline's books. They're all great!

Lady Milano said...

I see tour covers have the same theme. Do you have contribution in it? :D
I love this new one ;)

Anonymous said...

i've read and loved your books. I so look forward to this one!

Readsalot81 said...

I'm a huge fan of your books, I think they're fabulous ;) Since you've been writing for awhile, I guess my question would be, what (if anything? ) still surprises you about the writing process?

Anonymous said...

Wondering how much research you do to make your books more authentic.

Sue P

Di said...

Since you love your dog, I'm wondering if you put animal characters in your stories.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Natasha said...

I can't wait to start this series! Thanks for the chance to win!

Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. Caroline is a new author for me. This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it. I have heard from several authors that they get their book ideas in the shower. I've also read that that is how one author cures her writers block. Hey, whatever works.


Jane said...

Congrats on the upcoming release, Caroline. I've been a fan since I picked up "A View to a Kiss."

Barbara E. said...

The Truth About the Duke series sounds fantastic and I'm looking forward to getting started on the series.

Caroline Linden said...

This is the last book! I don't generally do long series, usually no more than three books. This Truth About the Duke series has a prequel novella, but it's a *very* independent novella.

The book I'm working on now might be the start of a new series, but it won't be as tightly connected as this one. I need a break...

Caroline Linden said...

You know, I think my math degree does help some. I tend to like plots with some mystery or puzzle, and having a logical background makes that come more naturally, imo.

I love the cover, too; my favorite of all my covers!

Caroline Linden said...

Thank you, Lory Lee and May! :-)

Caroline Linden said...

You know, I don't really put animals in the books. Although in one of my earlier series, about the Reece family, there was little girl who was modeled closely on my own little girl, and I did give her a pony (which my daughter claimed was wildly unfair).

My dog is my foot warmer while writing. Otherwise she's not much help.

Unknown said...

This series sounds delicious....Can't wait to read it! How many books are in the series? And when will they all be available? I love reading series but I loathe waiting between release dates, so I wait until the whole series is available before reading it, less brainwracking that way. Thanks, and Congrats on your newest release.

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

the book sounds so good! i love historical romance! love the 'tweet' about your book!

Johanna R Jochum said...

The book sounds so amazing! I have added these books to my wish list! The covers are so gorgeous and sexy! Thanks for sharing with us today!


Izz said...

ehmm it's certainly makes me curious about this book, a historical romance written by a physicist :D

Linda said...

Hi Caroline! I love your books, my fav is What a gentleman wants. I love the honorable hero type. Looking forward to reading more of your books!

Aline Tobing said...

Hi Caroline,
Congrats on your new release! I have to admit I haven't read any of your books before *blushing* but I'm sure they all great. The Truth About the Duke series sounds great because I'm a sucker for those delectable dukes LOL

Wish you all the best, Caroline
God Bless! :)

Mary Preston said...

All of your books looks amazing. I'm looking forward to reading I LOVE THE EARL.

Christy McKee said...


Your comment about trying to force a scene only to delete it the next day is something I wrestle with fairly often. When I'm writing a scene that's just not working, I need to get up from my chair and do something else because if I don't, I will surely be back at square one tomorrow.

Mina said...

Caroline, one of my favorite! I would love to win a copy of I <3 the earl!
minadecaro at hotmail dot com

bn100 said...

All the books sound good. That'd be a fun dinner party.

Unknown said...

Oh dear, Caroline, I love Then Came You by Lisa Kleypas, too! Love it soooo much that I wish Alex come into reality and let me have it my way with him. :))
It's a bit surprising that with your background you finally end up as a romance writer. What do people around you say about that?
Have not read any of your books yet, but already bought The Way to a Duke's Heart from TBD but haven't received it yet.

Unknown said...

hi caroline..
nice to know you and congrats on your new release.
but i haven't read any your books.
i think this is a sound great a books,,wish i win..LOL

thanks for the chance

Hot Off the Shelves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hot Off the Shelves said...

It sounds like a very good read. What time period is it from?


Filia Oktarina said...

WOW!! I love this interview and enjoyed it.
I like the cover book to, and looking forward to read this book :)

Maureen said...

Don't all teenagers think their parents are boring? The story looks interesting and it's a beautiful cover.

Izz said...

yay I won, thanks to Caroline and rambling from this chik for hosting this giveaway. I just sent my email :D

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