
Interview with Author Robyn Thomas and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Robyn Thomas to RFTC. Robyn is celebrating the release of her book His Unexpected Family and has stopped by to answer a few questions. But before I get to the interview, lets get to know a bit about Robyn.

Robyn is a cheesecake connoisseur, caffeine addict, and mother of two boys. Happily married, she lives in Melbourne, Australia. Writing romance helps her balance the effects of living in an all-male household. Robyn loves movies, art glass and browsing in quirky gift shops.

Places to find Robyn:

I’d like to start by thanking Danielle for inviting me to stop by. I’m thrilled to be here.

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Sure. I’m a busy mum and I’ve learned to multi task so that I can write more often than I technically have time for. I live in Melbourne and tend to set my sweeter stories here and my hotter ones elsewhere. I love shiny, colourful things, especially glass, and I can’t get by without chocolate.

Did you always want to be a writer?
I never thought it was an option. I always loved to write, but maths and science came easily so I assumed I should do something that utilised those skills. Years went by but I held onto the dream that “one day” I’d find the time to write a book, and then that day arrived. Two characters burst into my mind and demanded I tell their story. They refused to be put off so I reached for a pen and paper and wrote their story longhand. It was the beginning of something unstoppable, and I love doing what I do.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I’m definitely a pantser. I’ve learned not to start writing without having a clear idea of how the story will end, but what happens between the opening scene and the closing one is entirely up to my characters. The surprises along the way make the writing process more enjoyable.

Where do your ideas come from?
Almost anything has the potential to spark a fresh idea or complement an existing one. I’m a collector of what I like to call useless bits of information, and yet when the time is right, I take those random bits of accumulated knowledge and assemble them together to form the basis of my story. I don’t pretend to know how it works; I just accept that if I’m fascinated by something there’ll eventually be a reason.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
An avalanche tragedy upends the lives of an adventurer and a new mum. Can Cole find forgiveness? Can Ren love another thrill seeker?

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I’m a sucker for anything that makes me cry. I like to see people find love when it’s really inconvenient and they have too many other things going on in their lives to even contemplate a romantic involvement. I tend to look for stories where the characters are drawn to each other despite their certainty that nothing can come of it.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
Absolutely! I adore Secrets Of The Night by Jo Beverley. It’s my favourite of the Malloren series and if I had more time I’d read it yet again.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Opening scenes generally take the longest because I need to get to know my characters and make sure they read authentically. But I’d have to say that endings are the hardest. It’s always a struggle for me to leave my characters and I find myself looking for ways to delay writing the final scene so that I can stay with them a little longer.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Oh, the pressure of having to choose! I’m going to say Jo Beverley because she never disappoints, and I’m fascinated by her writing process. Nora Roberts because –once again – I’m fascinated. And Maisey Yates because she’s my dear friend and she’ll have the presence of mind to keep the conversation going while I’m dealing with star-struck speechlessness.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I’m currently working on my next Indulgence. Wish Upon A Star (working title) is the story of an Aussie chef who finds herself famously engaged to one of the world’s most recognisable men. Jake Olsen is a rock star and yet he’s living in her house. With his entourage! Cinderella never had to put up with Prince Charming 24/7, but Beth and Jake are besieged by media and neither of them can leave. Will forced proximity bring them together or highlight all the reasons they should be apart?

Sometimes you have to take the leap…again.

Newly widowed with a new baby, Ren Jamieson is putting her life back together after her thrill-seeking husband’s death. But when she’s called to show a high-end property to a prospective client—a commission she desperately needs—she meets a man who makes her pulse pound like nothing she’s ever known…

Cole Matthews is more than he seems. Real estate is only part of the reason he’s in Australia – the other is to see Ren, and make amends somehow for the life lost. The last thing Cole expects is a woman whose humor, sweetness and sexiness give him a rush greater than any he’s ever experienced…

Torn between her growing feelings for Cole and the risks of loving yet another adventurer, Ren will have to choose between keeping her feet on the ground…and taking the most dangerous leap of her life.

Places to Purchase:

1 lucky commenter will win a eBook copy of His Unexpected Family

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment for Robyn. 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


*yadkny* said...

Hi Robyn!
I love shiny, colourful things too:) I really like the sound of your latest story as well as the one your working on... can't wait to read both!

Robyn Thomas said...

thanks Yadira! (the cover's kind of shiny)Good luck in the draw ;-)

Joanne said...

This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it. Did Cole have something to do with Ren's husband's death?


Robyn Thomas said...

Hi Joanne. Cole was scheduled to be on that mountainside with his brother and Ren's husband. A delay saved his life, but he's left wondering if the outcome would've been different if he'd been there.

Mary D said...

Hi Robyn, I too collect useless bits of information and my family get to tease me about it all the time. But they do seem to come to me all the time when they have a question about something or another. I will be checking out your book on B&N website. It sounds really good.

laurie said...

hi robin

my mom use to call me her magpie when i was a child b/c i was always attracted to shiny sparkly objects lol

you book sounds really intresting!

Lona said...

Book sounds great, fantastic cover. Thx for giveaway.

blinkysthebest at aol dot com

erin said...

Congrats on the new release! Thanks for a fun interview and giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Really nice to "meet" you Robin, thanks for the great interview!

Carin said...

Your next book sounds fabulous as well, keep up the good work! Carin
mawmom at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Sounds great and thanks for sharing.

Natasha said...

Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the chance to win!

Robyn Thomas said...

Hi Mary. Your collection of information sounds as if it's actually useful :-) Maybe we collect random bits of awesome information?

Robyn Thomas said...

Hi Laurie. There's nothing wrong with shiny, sparkly objects... or magpies. Aussie magpies don't collect like that (as far as I know)

Robyn Thomas said...

Hi Lana. I'm so lucky that the cover fairy really smiled on me. I think of the cover models as if they're really Ren and Cole.

Robyn Thomas said...

Hey Tessa, nice to meet you as well. Thanks re the interview.

Robyn Thomas said...

Hi Carin. Love the spelling of your name :-) Thanks with regards to the next book... I'm editing as we speak.

Robyn Thomas said...

Hi Regina, you're very welcome. Thanks for commenting.

Robyn Thomas said...

Hi Natasha, I'm glad you like the sound of it. Good luck to you, and all who entered, in the draw.

Shadow said...

This sounds so good! I bet he puts his adventures off, sweeps the woman off her feet and they have a happy ever after! :) I cant wait to read this one! Sounds awesome! Thanks for the chance to read!

Robyn Thomas said...

Hi Shadow. That bet might not be the safest one (although part of it is right :-)) Best of luck in the draw.

Robyn Thomas said...

Ooh, sorry Erin. I missed your comment. Wishing you luck in the giveaway!

Phoenix Carvelli said...

Your books sound so interesting! A rock star and entourage in her house? Rock star, yes. Entourage, no. :). I really look forward to reading them!

Robyn Thomas said...

Hi Phoenix. Unfortunately the entourage is unavoidable, but they also make life interesting. I wouldn't want them in my house!

bn100 said...

The characters sound intriguing.

Robyn Thomas said...

thanks! Wishing you luck in the giveaway draw.

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